#ISL4 Updates: Key Readings from Monday Keynotes and….

October 4, 2016
Interest in the International Service-Learning Summit series remains strong. From October 23 – 25, we will connect and dialogue with roughly 160++ scholars and practitioners who are deeply dedicated to best practices at the intersection of global learning and cooperative development.
This week and each week moving forward until the Summit, organizers will share updates and suggest some readings that will support participants’ experience of the gathering.
Please note:
  1. Summits open space for dialogue. We have been cooperating with keynote speakers, facilitators, and presenters to suggest methods for engaging dialogue throughout the gathering. Please come prepared to participate and – if possible – read or visit links (below) provided by presenters and facilitators beforehand.
  2. We understand you may not be able to read all of the content in advance. We appreciate that. Many colleagues have expressed that they would like more content in advance of gatherings, to support dialogue throughout, so we are engaging this experiment. If you have time, examine the film and readings linked. If you do not, we appreciate that we’re all human.
  3. To get the discount rate at the hotel, please book accommodation by October 8th.  
  4. As a reminder, the full conference program is available here.
  5. We are also interested in learning about any additional topics you are interested in discussing. If you would like to propose a reception or meal time table conversation on any given topic related to global learning and cooperative development, please propose that theme here. Simply enter your idea on the Google Doc at the link and we will organize table tents to allow people to gather on the theme during receptions and/or meal times.
  6. Keynote speakers on Monday the 24th will address vulnerable populations, international service, and the quest for standards. When asked if there were particular videos or documents they would like participants to review beforehand, they suggested:
    1. The Voluntourist” – a 27-minute film documentary
    2. The Better Volunteering, Better Care position paper on orphanage volunteering
    3. What it’s really like to “Grow up in an ‘orphanage'” in Kenya
    4. Berry, N. S. (2014). Did we do good? NGOs, conflicts of interest and the evaluation of short-term medical missions in Sololá, Guatemala. Social Science & Medicine, 120: 344 – 351.
Again, the deadline for the discount rate at the hotel is this Saturday, October 8th. Make your reservation now.
In the coming weeks, we will share additional logistical details, case studies that will be discussed at the Summit, and other resources that will support your Summit experience, including materials provided by the kick-off keynote speakers, Dr. Ramaswami Balasubramaniam and Dr. Janice McMillan.
For those on social media, the tag is #ISL4. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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