Institutional Transformation Awards Selection Criteria & Application Requirements

Selection Criteria

  1. Evidence of planning to advance goals for student civic learning and public impact
  2. Evidence of broad participation in planning and implementation
  3. Clarity around the values that motivate the institutional change and evidence that the same values are reflected in the execution
  4. Evidence that the institutional change had a positive impact on the challenges that originally motivated the work (e.g., changes in systems, processes, campus climate, programs, learning outcomes, and community indicators)

Required Application Materials

  1. A 2-3 page narrative addressing the following questions:
        • What goals has the institution been pursuing?
          What were some of the issues beyond the campus that motivated the effort? What goals does the institution have for student learning and development? What is the larger vision for institutional transformation?
        • What efforts were made?
          How has the institution planned for change? Who participated in the efforts to create change on campus? What practical changes have been made to systems and processes, programs, and campus culture?
        • What has been the impact? What remains to be done?
  2. Artifacts that are evidence of planning, implementation, and impact (i.e. strategic planning documents, Civic Action Plans, etc.)
  3. A letter from the president or chancellor affirming the institution’s commitment to addressing issues of public concern and summarizing the efforts of the institution to address these issues
  4. A letter from a community partner that can speak to the ongoing work of institutional change and the impact these efforts have had for the larger community
  5. A commitment to producing a 2-3 minute video that will be played at Campus Compact’s Impact Awards Celebration