Kaitlyn Mercier
Winona State UniversityIn less than two years at WSU, Kaitlyn has already established herself as a leader, and as a student concerned with “improving our world” (the WSU mission statement).She has been tireless in promoting and encouraging students to volunteer.
One of Kaitlyn’s most visible accomplishments has been as a member of the Pedestrian Safety Committee; a collaboration between the University, Winona City Council and City of Winona staff. Kaitlyn took on the planning and promotion of a week of communication to students, staff and faculty about staying safe and alert while crossing the busy streets that surround our campus. She also coordinated multiple days of street crossing counts which are needed to improvement intersection management, and which will hopefully allow the City of Winona to add additional stop signs at a newly busy intersection near the campus’ new Education Village complex.
Her leadership and advocacy are uncommon, and will continue to grow during the remainder of her time at WSU.
Personal Statement
When beginning my education, I found myself feeling the urge to advocate for the student body. Students have voices that need to be heard because the influence they hold can be monumental, but sometimes when addressing certain issues and ideas their voices can be drowned out by the masses. I joined the student senate organization on campus and that is when the journey began. I became eager to tackle multiple projects, but my main focus was on pedestrian safety around the campus and community. My efforts went into educating the student body in a campus-wide campaign named “Look Before You Cross.” While it may seem simple, the message was meant to be remembered as time went on. I worked with multiple clubs, the university administration, and the senate body to help spread the message. The work did not stale with the campaign. I continued the work with the city to advance technology and resources as busy intersections to ensure the safety of not only students but the entire city. This is only one small step to push the agenda towards hearing from and advocating for the student body.