Taylynn Williamson
Connors State CollegeTaylynn Williamson, a second year student at Connors State College, is a student leader active in addressing food related causes. This past year she has worked with the student leadership team to start a campus food pantry, host a holiday meal for the less fortunate as well organizing a very successful food drive and delivering food packages to those in need in the area. She was also very involved with the Agriculture Department's "Fall on the Farm" event where over 700 elementary children came to campus to learn more about where their food came from.
Personal Statement
Community work has always held a special place in my heart. My passion to give back started at an early age with my involvement in 4-H. There was no task that I was not interested in doing. An issue that I started noticing when I was high school was a lack of knowledge about agriculture in our communities. For those of us involved in agriculture it all comes second nature to us. Many of us do not realize that there is a large portion of our nation that does not realize where their food comes from. For my Agriculture Ambassador team this sparked our interest in creating an event to take the opportunity to teach youth about agriculture. I was asked to take charge of this event. We named it Fall on the Farm. Our first Fall on the Farm was held on October 14th, 2019 where we hosted over 700 elementary students, teachers and parents to experience a day on the farm. Our agriculture division worked with the community to have over 27 different stations that represented all industries of agriculture, which included fun activities. We have already set the date for this year’s event on October 13th, 2020.