Campus Compact Blog
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Western Michigan University hosts camp for foster care youth
High school-aged students living in Michigan foster care are on the Western Michigan University campus this week for a summer camp focused on helping them prepare for college and concluding with a chance for them to speak with public policy makers about the challenges they face as they pursue their college degree dreams.
WMU’s renowned Seita Scholars Program, which focuses on providing scholarship funding and a campus support structure for former foster care youth, is serving as the host for a summer camp for 22 high school juniors and seniors who are in foster care. The campers are being guided by WMU Seita Scholars who act as counselors for the two-and-one-half day camp that began Tuesday, July 27. The camp is designed to brief the younger students on how to prepare for college and is funded through a grant from the Speckhard-Knight Charitable Foundation of Ann Arbor, Mich…
…The program has tapped the cooperation of state officials in the Michigan Department of Human Services and has attracted national media attention and the financial support of private citizens and state, local and national organizations, including the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, Harold and Grace Upjohn Foundation, Guido A. and Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, AT&T Foundation and the Michigan Campus Compact.
>>Read the Full Article at: WMU News