Institutional Assessment
Initial curators: Tabitha Underwood, Community in Schools of Clark County & H. Anne Weiss, Purdue University Introduction After signing the Action Statement, the next step is to develop a meaningful and strategic civic action plan (CAP). To do so, however, a campus must first understand its current state of engagement; to plan for future action, one must understand their starting point. This entails a self-assessment of engagement across a variety to indicators, putting tracking and monitoring into place, and utilizing national data and trends to inform the plan and future practice. An institutional self-assessment will include a comprehensive examination of…
Key Competencies in Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment and Evaluation Campus Compact defines key competencies in Assessment and Evaluation as the knowledge, skills, and critical commitments that must be mobilized by community engagement professionals to effectively track, monitor, assess, evaluate, and improve program outcomes, partnerships, and student learning and success. Download PDF of Assessment and Evaluation Competencies Key Competencies 1. Developing Robust and Rigorous Assessment Plans Able to identify and map department and campus goals and processes for assessment of student learning, student success, and institutional effectiveness Knowledge of and engagement with national initiatives and associations that support assessment and program improvement in higher education Able to…
Ethical Global Engagement: What do we avoid, what do we do, and how do we evaluate it?
Thursday I had the opportunity to co-present a brief session, “Models and Methods of Ethical Engagement,” at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting. Many thanks to Jennifer Magee, Senior Associate Director, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, Swarthmore College, for inviting me to co-present with her and her colleague, Katie Price, who is Assistant Director at the Lang Center. I ended up presenting primarily on one slice of our work at Haverford – how we prepare students for ethical engagement during summer internships. I share related resources – and some initial thinking about what we miss…
GSL 6: Scholarships for Community Organization Reps & Incentives for Community-Campus Team Participation
Community Partner Scholarships and Community-Campus Team Participation Incentives at the 6th GSL Summit, Clemson University, November 3 – 5, 2019 The Globalsl Network will again offer summit registration scholarships for community partner organizations. We are working with our host institution partners at Clemson University to determine the total number of available scholarships. Please Save the Date, and start assembling your team. In addition to this standing commitment to increase diversity of perspectives at the Summit, the network is also altering incentives for Sponsor Institutions to encourage partner participation. Historically, Globalsl Network Sponsors have received five free Summit registrations. For the…
Exercise and Civic Engagement: 2 Podcasts that Deepen Thinking on Our Commitments to One Another
Eric Hartman, Haverford College & globalsl Like many folks in professional roles, I often sit at a desk – yet I want to stay in shape. In November I upped my jogging and walking efforts in a monthly Fitbit competition that I have so far lost throughout the year. Several of the outcomes were wonderful: it forced me to identify meetings and calls that can be taken while walking (not all, but many); it got me outside more often with family members; and even though I moved in silence for several of those early morning hours, it led me through extended…
Developing Metrics to Assess Community Impact: The Anchor Dashboard (Institute 1 – Princeton)
This presentation on was given by Steve Dubb of the Democracy Collaborative at the first Civic Action Planning Institute in Princeton, New Jersey.
My Time as an AmeriCorps*VISTA with Campus Compact

Those of us serving as AmeriCorps*VISTAs do not really know what we are getting ourselves into when committing to a year of service. I was coming in to build capacity for Campus Compact, but what did that entail? What might the work of a VISTA be like? It surely varies, but here is my story: Throughout my term, I focused mainly on college access. I transformed a state curriculum, which trains mentors to instill a college positive mindset in K-12 youth, to a national curriculum. My fellow Massachusetts Campus Compact (MACC) VISTAs gave me the opportunity to facilitate both in-person…
Campus Compact Action Statement to be Celebrated in Boston
Campus Compact will be celebrating the more than 350 signatories on our Action Statement during a Summit of Presidents and Chancellors on March 20, 2016 at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate in Boston. Over 350 Campus Compact member presidents and chancellors have already signed the Campus Compact 30th Anniversary Action Statement, a document containing strong language about the public obligations of higher education that commits campuses to taking specific steps to deepen their engagement for the benefit of students, communities, and the broader public. The document concludes with a commitment by each signatory to create…
Creating a Great Campus Civic Action Plan

Campus Compact has made available guidance for campuses engaged in designing campus action plans. The plans emanate from commitments made in the Campus Compact 30th Anniversary Action Statement. In signing the 30th Anniversary Action Statement, presidents and chancellors make a public commitment both to its principles and to developing a plan to put those principles into action. The framework available on the Campus Compact website provides a shared foundation for Compact members to approach Civic Action Plan (CAP) development while encouraging creativity, flexibility, and boldness. Our guide for “Creating a Great Civic Action Plan” is a useful starting point and…
Community Engagement and Social Entrepreneurship: A Bigger Umbrella
If we imagine all the ways our campuses can engage with the larger community, we can think of a pretty large umbrella. It may include service-learning, community-based research, problem-based learning, civic work and others. Recently, social entrepreneurship has been an increasingly important presence on campuses. Ashoka U, the higher education arm of Ashoka, a four-decade old incubator for social entrepreneurs recently found social entrepreneurship courses and programs in over two hundred campuses. Articles about social entrepreneurs have appeared in major media outlets. Fixes, a series co-written by David Bornstein and Tina Rosenberg for the New York Times, features articles on…
Explore 30th Anniversary Conference Program
The full conference program is now available! Learn more about the many exciting opportunities for learning and networking at Campus Compact’s 30th Anniversary Conference this March in Boston. For three days, administrators, faculty, and other higher education leaders will convene for a critical dialogue about past and present efforts to achieve our shared goals and how we can move higher education to more fully embrace its public purposes. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to join your colleagues across the country – Explore conference details and register today!
Complete the 2015 Annual Membership Survey
Campus Compact invites you to complete the annual member survey for 2015. This survey marks 30 years of collecting data regarding campus-community engagement. Your institution’s participation in this national survey is very important. Together we will be able to develop a greater understanding of today’s trends and practices in higher education community engagement. Thank you for your participation! Guidelines: Please ensure that only one survey per campus is completed. All data reported in the survey should reflect the 2014-15 Academic Year. Multiple offices will need to provide data for the most accurate campus portrait. The survey is to be completed…
New Focus on the Community Engagement Professional
The number of administrative staff who support community engagement within higher education has grown exponentially over the past 10-12 years. Looking at the 2014 Campus Compact survey, 100% of respondents report having dedicated engagement staff. Looking at a survey of Carnegie Classified institutions, 91% of respondents reported having full-time administrative staffing for their engagement centers (Welch & Saltmarsh, 2013). Despite their growing numbers, there has been very little empirical literature focused on these administrative stakeholders, such as myself. As a group, we influence the ways faculty, students, community partners, and institutional leaders implement and evolve engagement within higher education. We…
The Dialogical Model: Developing academic knowledge for and from practice
In this paper, two management professors propose a new model for conducting engaged scholarship—the dialogical model. This model comprises five activities: specifying a research question, elaborating local knowledge, developing conceptual knowledge, communicating knowledge, and activating knowledge. The dialogical model provides guidance on how to maintain academic value and practical relevance in tension throughout the research process, and on how to justify validity in pragmatic constructivism. The authors explain how the dialogical model was developed in the pragmatic constructivist epistemological paradigm, and suggest how the model can be mobilized in other epistemological frameworks. Avenier, M.J., & Cajaiba, A. P. (2012). The…
Community-based participatory research: A strategy for building health communities and promoting health through policy change
This 60 page report to The California Endowment offers an overview of community based participatory research (CBPR) – its definition and principles – and discussion of this research practice as a policy change tool. Eight “promising CBPR practices” are highlighted along with six case studies of CBPR utilized to effect policy change in California. The monograph concludes with a chapter on evaluating CBPR processes and outcomes and comprehensive lists of helpful websites and other CBPR resources. Minkler, M., Garcia, A.P., Rubin, V. & Wallerstein, N. (2012). Community-based participatory research: A strategy for building healthy communities and promoting health through policy…
Campus Election Engagement Project – Engagement Needs Assessment
Campus Electoral Engagement Needs Assessment
2014 Annual Membership Survey
The 2014 Survey reflects the growth in breadth and diversity of institutions prioritizing engaged activities over the past three decades. Read the survey findings here.
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