Three Purchase College Students Receive Chancellor Awards
SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher presented Chancellor Awards to three Purchase College students at a ceremony that honored more than 300 college students from SUNY campuses throughout the state.
Candice DioGuardi, Biology; Francisco Donoso, Painting and Drawing; and Jennifer Urbanowski, New Media were the winners. They were accompanied by John Delate, Purchase College Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
“The students we honor today have excelled academically and taken advantage of what SUNY has to offer in and outside the classroom,” said Chancellor Zimpher. These students are proven leaders, athletes, artists, community servants, and much more. They represent the future of our state and are perfect examples of The Power of SUNY. I congratulate all of the students receiving recognition today and thank them for the positive impact each of them has had on SUNY and the communities we serve.”
Candice DioGuardi, Honeoye Falls, NY, was recognized for her leadership roles with pre-med and tutoring organizations. She has volunteered at Strong Memorial Hospital and organized blood drives on campus. As a member of the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, Candice received a Gold Key Award in photography. She was also a recipient of grants to assist the development of a computer mentoring program. Candice is a Memorial and a Presidential Scholar for women in the sciences.
Francisco Donoso, Jacksonville Beach, FL, is a Presidential and Merit Scholarship recipient who embodies the Renaissance spirit of the scholar/artist. His published artistic creations and written vignettes highlight his multiple talents. His community service efforts include founding of the Project Haiti organization, which raised awareness and over $4,000 for the victims of the Haitian earthquake. As a student leader he was a Resident Assistant, Orientation Leader, and Peer Advisor.
Jennifer Urbanowski, New Milford, CT was a recipient of a Longman Publisher’s Writing Award as well as a Laster Scholarship. After two years as a Resident assistant (RA), she had the distinction of serving the third year as a senior RA for Wellness Living. Over this year’s winter break Jennifer travelled to Austin, Texas and volunteered to serve as counselor in the OutYouth program. She has also donated her time and energy to the non-profit organization, Rehabilitation Through the Arts, a program that provides incarcerated men and women an opportunity for personal development through theatre and the arts.
The Chancellor’s award for Student Excellence was created 14 years ago to recognize students who have best demonstrated, and been recognized for, the integration of academic excellence with accomplishments in the areas of leadership, athletics, community service, creative and performing arts, or career achievement. The average grade point average (GPA) for all recipients this year is 3.8.
Each year campus presidents establish a selection committee which reviews exemplary students. Nominees are then forwarded to the Chancellor’s Office and are subject to a second round of review. Finalists are then recommended to the Chancellor to become recipients of the award. Each recipient receives a framed certificate and a medallion, which is traditionally worn at Commencement.
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