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National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho
Multicultural Educator Checklist
Mad available by, here is a list of twenty things a volunteer working with K-12 youth or any teacher can do to be more inclusive and genuine when working with different cultural backgrounds. Twenty Things I can Do to be a Better Multicultural Educator
CPV KnowHow2Go
This resource will help CPVs introduce the exciting KnowHow2Go college access and success campaign resources to K-12 youth they serve. KnowHow2Go This PowerPoint presentation has been developed to expand on specific college access topics and resources which are touched on in the general CPV Presentation. KnowHow2Go is a campaign with many resources that resemble CPV’s resources. As an additional resource, what is contained in this content that is not available in CPV would be the four steps to college. Depending on the youth you are working with, these four steps may be useful to utilize. Advanced CPV- KH2Go
CPV Certificate
Print certificates for your trainees for successfully becoming trained in College Positive Volunteerism. Certificate
CPV Training Review Sheet
At the end of each of the three sections of the CPV presentation, each trainee will answer 10 questions about the content of the section to ensure comprehension of the material. Print enough copies of this sheet for each trainee. Review sheet
CPV Training Activity Packet
This packet contains four activities that accompany the CPV presentation. Be sure to print enough of each activity sheet for your trainees. CPV Training Activities
CPV Training Powerpoint Presentation
Use the attached presentation to guide for CPV Training. CPV-Training-Presentation Training Answer Key