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CPV Pre and Post Surveys
There are two surveys related to the CPV training. One is the Pre-training survey and the other is the Feedback survey. This data is collected by National Campus Compact to better understand where CPV is being used and how it is implemented. The information is 100% confidential and those who participate remain anonymous. Anyone who is familiar with CPV can take these to contribute ideas and to make us aware of any concerns. You do not have to be directly mentoring K-12 youth to take either survey! The Pre-Training survey collects demographic information and reasons people are interested in the…
More 9-12 Activities
Many of the activities provided below are taken directly from or inspired by Mentor Michigan’s College Positive Mentoring Toolkit.
More 6-8 Activities
Many of the activities provided below are taken directly from or inspired by Mentor Michigan’s College Positive Mentoring Toolkit.
More K-5 Activities
Many of the activities provided below are taken directly from or inspired by Mentor Michigan’s College Positive Mentoring Toolkit.
CPV for Facilitators
For all information on how to facilitate a CPV training to teach mentors how to instill college positive attitudes and college readiness amongst K-12 youth, go to our Facilitator’s Page. All the training components are available on that page, including the Training PowerPoint, training assessments, training activities, and the CPV certification. There is also a facilitator’s guide available. If you have any further questions, please contact the Campus Compact national office. Extra resources that you might want to incorporate or make use of are below:
CPV College is Possible Stories
This video series shows the stories of six college students who are the first in their immediate family to attend college. Each student shares his/her experiences ranging from applying, enrolling, and being successful in college. Allen’s Story Allen is a student at Central Michigan University, and he believes that being involved in GEARUP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) was the main influence in his decision to enroll in college. Allen is very involved on campus and believes this has contributed to his success in college. Aurielle’s Story Aurielle is a student at Central Michigan University, and she…
CPV Before You Volunteer
Understanding All Students Before Volunteering Checklist Frequently Asked Questions We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know Know Talking Points about Your College
College Positive Volunteerism Toolkit
This 90-page resource provides important information on: Preparing to volunteer with K-12 youth, activities to utilize with various age groups, ACT/ SAT preparation, ways to pay for college, and much more.