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Connect2Complete Resource Guide

The success of the C2C program has prompted Campus Compact to create this Resource Guide to help colleges implement the C2C model on their own campuses. The guide is designed for a broad range of audiences, including community engagement professionals, faculty, student leaders, administrators, and presidents. While resources contained within this guide were developed on the basis of the experiences, needs, and cultures of community colleges, the model has garnered interest from four-year institutions offering developmental education, which can adapt the information here for their own use. The guide is divided into four sections, each focusing on a different aspect…
Connect2Complete: Linking Student Success with Civic Engagement
The higher education reform movement known as “the completion agenda” seeks to significantly increase the number of students graduating from college. This is certainly an important goal. Yet as many higher education professionals have pointed out, the completion agenda’s singular focus on “time to degree” may emphasize efficiency to the detriment of high-quality learning (Humphreys 2012). Aware of these critiques, community colleges are seeking innovative ways to increase graduation rates while also improving the quality of student learning. Campus Compact’s Connect2Complete (C2C) program aims to reach this goal by creating new, community-oriented models that support student success. Read more here….
When Working Works: Employment and Postsecondary Success
The nation-wide focus on increasing college completion rates has put a lot of emphasis on strategies to increase financial resources so that students can work less. Though certainly worth pursuing, such policies will be difficult to implement on a broad scale in the current economic environment. And even if they are viable, we should be careful not to lose sight of the potential benefits of student employment. For many students, a positive work experience can facilitate, rather than derail, educational and vocational progress. We need to understand and appreciate what it looks like when working works, so that we can…
Tips: Using Facebook for C2C
Describes how Big Bend Peer Advocates utilized Facebook to create connections between Peer Advocates and C2C students and among C2C students.
Presentation: Creating a Peer Advocate Network
Best Practices for Peer Advocate Facebook Groups This includes a Prezi Presentation and a PDF file with the same information. They were created for Campus Compact by Dr. Ana M. Martinez-Aleman, Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership & Higher Education, these presentations help colleges consider best practices for supporting peer advocates with using Facebook groups with C2C students. Martinez Peer Advocate Prezi Presentation – DIRECTIONS & LINK Best practices Facebook – as a pdf
Report: Social Network Theory to Increase Success
Social Networking and First Generation College Student Success: Using Social Network Theory to Enhance ‘Critical’ Engagement and Persistence Efforts This paper offers a conceptual framework for the use of social networking technology to promote critical engagement and success among first-generation college students. Drawing on critical theory to scrutinize principles of student engagement in college, this paper proposes a conceptual framework to map a “college staying culture” among first-generation college students. Specifically, the authors posit that online social networking is instrumental in the transmission of social capital for equitable postsecondary outcomes. The authors suggest that this conceptual framework offers valuable insight…
Mentoring in Portland State University
Sample assignments that accompany the resource, “Mentoring in Higher Education Syllabus – Portland State University”, for training peer leaders.
Section 4: C2C Program Evaluation
Section 4, Program Evaluation, provides resources for conducting a C2C evaluation, including information on measuring program impact and the C2C Evaluation Report from the C2C pilot program. While program evaluation is included near the end of the Resource Guide, it’s important to note that evaluation is not an event that occurs at the end of a project; rather, it’s an ongoing process that should start at the outset, with systems put in place to support evaluation in the early stages of program planning. /wp-content/uploads/2015/04/C2C_resourcebook-section4.3.19.15.pdf
Section 3: C2C Program Administration
Section 3, Program Administration, includes resources for planning and managing a C2C program. While this section addresses faculty and peer advocate roles, it focuses more closely on the administrator’s role. This section offers resources for planning and launching a C2C program on campus, including information on assessing readiness, staffing, structuring, and budgeting for such a program. It also provides resources for recruiting and supporting faculty as well as for recruiting, screening, training, and supporting peer advocates. /wp-content/uploads/2015/04/C2C_resourcebook-section3.3.19.15.pdf
Section 2: Implementing C2C in the Classroom
Section 2, Implementing C2C in the Classroom, presents a comprehensive view of what C2C looks like in the classroom. It begins with two documents that explore considerations for faculty implementing the C2C strategy in their developmental education and college success courses: how to implement service-learning with a particularly vulnerable population, and approaches for integrating the C2C strategy into redesigned developmental education courses. The section also offers sample materials for supporting faculty and peer advocates in integrating C2C into the classroom, including faculty-created descriptions of peer-assisted service-learning coursework and activities. /wp-content/uploads/2015/04/C2C_resourcebook-section2.3.19.15.pdf
Section 1: The C2C Model
Section 1, The C2C Model, provides readers with a high-level understanding of the C2C strategy. It begins with an overview that paints a picture of what the program looks like on the ground. A review of the theory and assumptions underlying C2C connects theory with outcomes for participants. Discussions of service-learning and peer advocacy summarize research on the positive impact of these approaches on student success, review the integrated C2C approach in depth, and lay the foundation for C2C implementation (explored in later sections).
Service-Learning at the American Community College
This volume brings together a breadth of new research on how service-learning – combining community-based experiential learning with classroom instruction – can best be employed at community colleges. It discusses outcomes and best practices for all involved, covers both theory and practice, and draws on both qualitative and quantitative methods.
C2C in Tallahassee Community College
Tallahassee Community College (TCC) is one of nine community colleges nationwide selected for Campus Compact’s Connect2Complete (C2C) pilot program. Through two distinct strategies—course-based peer-to peer advocacy and peer-assisted service-learning—C2C supports vulnerable students in achieving academic success and credential completion while they actively engage with their peers, their college, and their broader community. These strategies encourage academic development, social integration, personal development, and civic consciousness—all key factors for student persistence. At TCC, C2C has inspired a college-wide culture of change, and the program has proved to be the catalyst for including service-learning and civic engagement in the College’s strategic plan. C2C…
C2C in Owens Community College
Historically, Owens Community College has offered diverse programs that support first-year college students and ease their transitions to college life. In 2011, Campus Compact funded Owens and eight other community colleges in Florida, Ohio, and Washington (together with the Compact’s related state affiliates) to implement an ambitious pilot program called Connect2Complete (C2C). Through two distinct strategies—course-based peer-to-peer advocacy and peer-assisted service-learning—C2C supports vulnerable students in achieving academic success and credential completion while they actively engage with their peers, their college, and their broader community. These strategies encourage academic development, social integration, personal development, and civic consciousness—all key factors for student…
C2C in Miami Dade College
In 2011, Miami Dade College (MDC) was one of nine community colleges selected by Campus Compact to participate in Connect2Complete (C2C), a national pilot program intended to increase retention and persistence rates among low-income, underprepared students through course-based peer-to-peer advocacy and peer-assisted service-learning. This article describes the context and the great need for this type of program at MDC, the C2C program that we developed, its particular emphasis on social engagement, lessons learned, and recommended next steps. MDC built its C2C model on a new, credit-bearing Leadership Seminar for peer advocates (PAs). PAs were subsequently matched with C2C target-population students,…
Connect2Complete: A Journey within a Journey
At Lorain County Community College, a suite of individual success and completion initiatives is having significant impact and is effecting transformational change at every level of the institution. Within this context, Lorain’s pilot implementation of Campus Compact’s Connect2Complete (C2C) program proved to be a successful journey within a journey. C2C links peer advocacy with peer-assisted service-learning to increase graduation and completion rates for the most vulnerable of community college students. For Lorain, designing, implementing, evaluating, and supporting Connect2Complete required continuous adaptation in response to the changing educational landscape of the College./wp-content/uploads/2015/04/C2CLessons.LORAIN-SB.pdf
C2C in Green River Community College
“A Journey without a Road Map: Developing Our Connect2Complete Program at Green River Community College” describes, in a Homeric fashion, the journey involved in developing a Connect2Complete (C2C) program from the ground up. The article outlines the primary components of this C2C pilot program, and it provides detail about challenges, wrong turns, and dead ends encountered, as well as successful pathways and roads found and forged in establishing a workable and effective program. A Journey without a Road Map: Developing Our Connect2Complete Program at Green River Community College is a report of the lessons from C2C in Green River Community…
Foreword: Lessons from C2C Pilots
The Foreword, titled “Weaving Service-Learning and Peer Advocacy into Developmental Education Courses” demonstrates how Connect2Complete (C2C) is a program for community college students, which encourages academic development, social integration, personal development, and civic consciousness—all key factors for student success. Through two distinct strategies—course-based peer-to-peer advocacy and peer-assisted service-learning—C2C supports vulnerable students in achieving academic success and credential completion while they actively engage with their peers, their college, and their broader community. To implement ambitious C2C pilot projects, Campus Compact, through the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, funded nine community colleges in Florida, Ohio, and Washington, along with…
C2C in Edmonds Community College
This article explores the integration of service-learning and peer advocacy in two developmental writing classes at Edmonds Community College. The article is the work of two Edmonds instructors, both part-time faculty, who have designed curriculum and implemented strategies to increase student success and retention based on Connect2Complete (C2C), a Campus Compact model piloted at Edmonds and eight other community colleges between 2012 and 2014. C2C aims to serve vulnerable students through the combined use of course-based peer-to-peer advocacy and peer-assisted service-learning. As students support each other and engage their communities, they develop academically, personally, and as citizens—growth that in turn…
C2C in Broward College
Making a smooth transition to college can be an overwhelming experience. Campus Compact’s Connect2Complete (C2C) initiative can ease this transition through intentional and purposeful intervention strategies that increase rates of success and persistence among underprepared, low-income students in community colleges. The Connect2Complete pilot at Broward College promoted a caring and nurturing institutional environment in which faculty utilized peer-to-peer advocacy and peer-assisted service-learning to support student success. Broward’s C2C pilot engaged students as they defined goals, practiced making wise choices, improved classroom communication skills, and made connections with experienced students, staff, faculty and the community. Engaging Students, Engaging Faculty through Connect2Complete…