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National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho
National Service-Learning in Teacher Education Partnership
The 7 regional coordinators of the National Service-Learning in Teacher Education Partnership (NSLTEP) supported teacher education faculty at 21 institutions in developing service-learning components of their programs during the 1998-99 year. Service-learning has been integrated in many teacher education courses and numerous new collaborations with schools and community members are providing teacher education students with practical experiences in providing service to children and/or coordinating K-12 students involvement in service-learning activities. One site that is notable to mention as a success story is Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma. EVERY elementary school in their 3-T Tutoring program (coordinated by Dr. Fred Smiley,…
Student Resource Center and the Leadership Institute
The SDSU Student Resource Center oversees the Leadership Institute that has a number of programs, a conference, and a leadership course that are founded in the belief of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles). The Student Resource Center staff truly believes that the development of leadership skills can and should be linked to the community. All of their initiatives include a service-learning component. SDSU Service Learning home E-mail:
Senior Integrative Seminar in Women’s Studies
The Senior Integrative Seminar in Women’s Studies is an interdisciplinary course which draws from scholarship in history, English, philosophy, political science, psychology, and religion. The course is designed to serve as a “”capstone”” experience for women’s studies majors and graduating seniors interested in women’s issues. Through service-learning, students are encouraged to draw connections between the personal and the political and to recognize that ultimately, the status of women depends on the collaboration and creativity of women working together across the boundaries of race, class, and sexual orientation. The service-learning component of the course concentrates on promoting education and providing assistance…
Civic Engagement in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices
Numerous studies have chronicled students lack of trust in large social institutions, declining interest in politics, and decreasing civic skills. This book is a comprehensive guide to developing high-quality civic engagement experiences for college students. The book defines civic engagement and explains why it is central to a college education. It describes the state of the art of education for civic engagement and provides guidelines for designing programs that encourage desired learning outcomes. In addition, the book guides leaders in organizing their institutions to create a campus-wide culture of civic engagement.