Office: McLaren 218 Office Phone: / FAX E-mail: Web Site Address: see USFconnect to access course web site using "Blackboard" Office Hours: T,...
Fall 2003 Tu/Th 10-11:30a.m. 447 Gutman Library office hours: TBA Staff Asst.: Melita Garrett 454 Gutman Library Course Description This course will...
Office: 208 Rockwell Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs. 1-4 PM or by appt. Text: Accounting Information Systems: Essential Concepts and Applications by Wilkinson and...
Monday/Wednesday 8:00 - 10:00 Building 46, Room 103 E-mail: Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 (I welcome the opportunity to meet...
4 credits Tuesdays/Thursdays 11:15-12:30: Dickinson 214 Teaching Team: Name: John Reiff Email: Office address: 609c Goodell Building Office phone: Office hours: Mon. 3:00-4:30...
Email: T, Th 10-11:30 Ostafin Room, West Quad Arts of Citizenship: 232C West Hall This course is an experiment in community-based teaching and...
Tuesdays 7-10 PM Class: 2227 AA Email: Office: 3126 AA OVERVIEW: How is history represented or effaced in the built and natural environment?...
Phone: Email: Office: Room B-140 Office Hours: TBA DESCRIPTION Introduction to Psychology is a course on the study of human behavior. It provides...
Phone: Email: Office: Room B-140 Office Hours: TBA DESCRIPTION Human Growth and Development is planned to acquaint you with developmental concepts in psychology...
Ext. 6459 Alamance 213 D Office Hours: MWF 11:00-1:00, TT 1:00-2:30 In addition to the above hours I am generally in my office...
Course Description: This is a basic federal individual income tax course which will introduce terminology, concepts and applications of the law. The theory must...
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to explore the major factors that comprise and affect the emotionaland social dimensions of health. It...