Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society through Service Learning
S100 Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society:
Understanding Diversity through Service Learning
Marie Watkins, Ph.D., ACSW
Telephone: 274-2713
Grading Plan:
The intention of the point system is to provide students with a plan to monitor their ability to successfiffly complete different components of the class. Students are to keep track of their own points achieved, as well as maintain all information received from the instructor in their workbooks.
Class Attendance:
As stated during class, the course activities are designed to encourage cooperative teaming about theories, feelings and beliefs about issues of diversity. Therefore, discussions, peer group dialogue, and class lectures are designed to be experiential and interactive which require consistent attendance. Students are provided the allowance of missing one class per semester. After one class is missed, 3 points for each class missed will be subtracted from overall accumulated points. A doctor’s excuse is required for more than two classes missed consecutively.
Students who have missed class are required to attend mentoring sessions with our peer mentor, Shirley Grigsby. Student who have missed more than three classes with meet with Marie and Les Cook, academic counselor.
Service Learning Attendance: possible 40 points
As you begin your service learning experience, you will understand the importance of the word “commitment”. The agency will depend on your timeliness and your attendance as an important component of their programming for youth. It is critical that the agency staff and the children at the agency who will look forward to your participation are not disappointed. Therefore, it is crucial that you “commit” to a day and time that you are able to consistently attend. If you are experiencing any difficulties, it is very important that you talk with Marie about your ability to maintain your commitment EARLY in the semester’s service learning experience. If you are absent more than two times without a legitimate reason, Marie win terminate your service learning, activity because of the hardship it will create for the agency staff. It is your responsibility to turn in your service learning attendance sheet that is signed by agency staff each week to Marie. Service Learning Journals at the beginning, middle and end of your experience will be required.
If you are unable to able to participate in off campus service learning activities, I will assist you to find an on campus service learning project that relates to achieving the objectives of the course
Service Learning Projects: possible total 30 points for 3 hours per week attendance for 10 weeks. 10 points for service learning journals. Journals must be completed.
Attendance at community/ IUPUI campus activities: possible 15 points
Within your “world” you may find the time and opportunity to participate/attend an event that addresses the stated objectives of the S 100 course. For example, February is Black History month and IUPUI will sponsor various educational events about the culture of African American people; or each Friday from 4:30 the International Students offer a coffeehouse (Thanks for the information, Jonathan!). In order to receive points for your participation, it is required that you turn in a one two page reaction paper that answers the following questions:
- describe the activity
- describe the types of diversity that was evident to you
- review the objectives of SlOO and choose the objectives that relate to the activity you attended.
- explain how this activity helped to achieve this objective for you.
- describe the five most important lessons you learned about yourself because you attended this activity.
Five points for each activity/journal completed (no more than 15 points allowed)
Diversity Patch: possible 10 points
The diversity patch is your creative interpretation of who you are as a member of our diverse country. The diversity banner will be constructed at the last class as a part of our final reflection of our class experience.
Attending Mentoring Sessions: possible 10 points
When you voluntarily seek help from our Peer Mentor, Shirley Grigsby at the Mentoring Center your educational experience will be enhanced. You can upgrade your academic performance and your S100 grade by participating in mentoring. Each mentoring session attended, with a “quick” email to Marie that documents: the reason you went to mentoring, the type of assistance you received and whether or not it was valuable to your understanding S 100 or IUPUI in general, is worth one point. Two points will be awarded for each voluntary visit to the mentoring session with a quick email to Marie.
Reflection Journal: possible 40 points
- to provide you an opportunity to share your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about the class content and the manner in which it impacts your own personal development and self awareness
- to demonstrate your ability to critically think about class content and activities
- to demonstrate your ability to write in a grammatically correct manner
- to demonstrate your ability to respond to time frames (48 hour response time)
- to demonstrate your ability to follow the directions and respond to each of the journal questions
Reflection Journals will be reviewed based upon your demonstration of these 5 criteria. and not your feelings and beliefs. It is important that you demonstrate some EFFORT in responding to the questions. Therefore, at least a complete, well written, self reflective paragraph/ response per question is expected. Also, beginning February 9, 1 will not review or accept journals not received by Wednesday night.
Reflection Journals: 2-4 points for each well completed journal turned in on time
Cultural Genogram: possible 20 points
The cultural genogram assigm nent is designed to assist your personal development related to understanding your own lens. As a future teacher, nurse, social worker, human service provider, business manager, it is critical to understand our own ways of thinking and knowing to fully appreciate the daily lives of others. This assignment is a critical part of the S100 course and it is required for everyone. Due date: March 23, 1998
Asking for Help Email questions to Shirley, Mary or Les: possible 10 points
Five times during the semester, you have the option to “ask for help” via e mail to our Learning Community tearn members. This can be ANY question, to ANY person, ANY time you need assistance other than when Marie indicates to you that you are required to seek assistance to help you in class. It is important that you ask the question with your email address and your name on the email so that you can receive a response and also receive credit for your efforts.
Self Assessment: possible 10 points
You will have the opportunity to assess your own class performance and suggest your own grade by completing the Self Assessment Paper. The guidelines for this paper is in your workbook. Due date: Monday April 27, 1998.
160 points: A 110 points: C+
150 points: A 100 points: C
140 points: B+ 90 points: C
130 points: B 80 points: D
120 points: B Below 80 points: Failing grade in the course
- Engaged Curriculum
- Ethnic Studies , Social Sciences and Humanities
- Syllabi Archive
- Nazareth College
- Arts & Culture issue area
- Direct service, Required activity, Individual
- Lower Division course
- 4-year, Private, Faith-Based, Carnegie Classified
Professor: Marie Watkins
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