Tools of engagement, web-based curriculum modules for undergraduate students and faculty
The Tools of Engagement web-based, curriculum modules are designed to: 1) Introduce undergraduate students to the concept of university-community engagement, 2) Develop their community-based research and engagement skills, and 3) Assist with training the next generation of engaged scholars.
The Tools of Engagement are intentionally non-discipline specific, allowing for adaptation and customized utilization across the curriculum. The five modules focus on the university’s commitment to engage with community, understanding the concepts of power and privilege in the context of engagement, effectively working in groups, building successful partnerships, developing negotiation techniques, etc. MSU welcomes colleagues from other institutions to utilize Tools of Engagement and collaborate in a joint research. If interested in pursuing collaborative use, contact Robert Brown, brownr23 {at} msu(.)edu, or Karen McKnight Casey, caseyk {at} msu(.)edu, for access to the secure pages of the site.
Brown, R.E., Casey, K.M., Springer, N.C., Doberneck, D.M., Thornton, D. W., & Georgis, G. (2008). Tools of engagement, web-based curriculum modules for undergraduate students and faculty. Michigan State University, Website.
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