Seeing ‘With my Own Eyes’: Strengthening interactions between researchers and schools
This paper describes a participatory action research (PAR) project initiated by the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), as part of their Wellcome Trust Research Programme’s (KWTRP) community engagement strategy in Kilifi. The project, called the School Engagement Programme (SEP), partnered students and teachers from secondary schools, and scientists from KWTRP, to design and implement a set of interventions aimed at promoting school awareness of locally conducted research, and positive attitudes towards school science and health research. The article presents findings from an evaluation of the SEP, which was conducted through surveys and discussions with teachers, students, researchers, and other stakeholders.
Davies, A., Mbete, B., Fegan, G., Molyneux, S., & Kinyanjui, S. (2012). Seeing ‘With my Own Eyes’: Strengthening interactions between researchers and schools. Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, 43(5), 61-67. Full Text.
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