Practical steps to community engaged research: From inputs to outcomes
This article, written by two professors in the UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine, is a practical guide to conducting community engaged research (CEnR). The authors describe the defining elements of CEnR and necessary considerations in CEnR—(1) place (as research moves beyond the university) (2) time (and the need for long-term relationships), (3) commitment to community-centered research, and (4) weighing risk, benefit and outcomes from various perspectives. They then discuss practical steps for engaging in CEnR. Finally, the article explains how the outcomes of CeNR make it an effective form of research for improving community health.
Isler, M. R., & Corbie-Smith, G. (2012). Practical steps to community engaged research: From inputs to outcomes. Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics, 40(4), 904-914. Full Text.
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