Mathematics Tutoring for Students Grades 1-8
Academic Partners:
College of Science and Health Professions and College of Education
Departments of Mathematics and Curriculum and Instruction
Community Partners:
Students, Families, Teachers and Administrators of Northeastern Oklahoma Elementary and Middle Schools – Public and Private Institutions
Successful completion (C or better) in MATH 3433. Successful completion (C or better) OR concurrent enrollment in MATH 3443.
Based on the philosophy that not all learning resides within the walls of the university and framed by the P-A-R-C Model for Service Learning, this course will be divided into four sections.
Preparation Phase of Service Learning Process: The first part of the course will consist of classroom instruction regarding best teaching practices for tutoring mathematics students in grades 1 – 8. Students remain engaged in all components of the servicing from planning to implementation to final dissemination of ideas and findings.
Action Phase of Service Learning Process [Engagment]: The second part of the course will consist of tutoring mathematics students in the Mathematics Clinic on the NSU-Broken Arrow campus.
Reflection Phase of Service Learning Process: The third part of the course will be routine and on-going reflection about the service experience with teacher education candidates and the instructor. Technology available through Blackboard services will serve as one vehicle by which the reflection process will occur. Reflection will also be a part of the student-led, parent-teacher conference that will take place on the last night of the tutoring semester.
Celebration Phase of Service Learning Process/ Public Dissemination: The final part of this service experience will be the celebration phase. An end of semester reception with invited guests [students, parents, principals, pre-service teachers, and university administrators] will provide the opportunity to celebrate both teaching and academic gains in mathematics. During the reception program, teacher candidates will individually recognize their students through the presentation of unique mathematics awards. Through reflection, conversation, district media, social media, and written dissemination of the reciprocal service arrangement, our community and our partners remain informed about what we do. Public dissemination is in part the rationale for such a lengthy wait list in our clinic each semester.
This course will be a hybrid course, a blend of on-site experiential based math tutoring opportunities with technology based experiences intended for diverse forms of reflection.
While both volunteerism and service learning are very worthy endeavors, they are not one in the same. Understanding the difference between service learning and volunteerism enables us to maximize the benefit each has to offer.
Service driven by academic objectives partnered with a sense of reciprocity between the teacher candidate and community partner is what differentiates service learning from volunteerism. This differentiation is the basis of the following major goals for the course:
1. Reciprocity: Both the NSU pre-service teacher and the community partner [students, families, teachers, and administrators from elementary and middle schools in northeastern Oklahoma] must benefit from the servicing experience.
- Community partners will benefit from the service through enhanced knowledge of mathematics, whether for remediation or enrichment, which will translate into academic gains in the elementary or middle school mathematics curriculum.
- NSU pre-service teachers will benefit from the service through authentic, experiential based opportunities to teach young children well in advance of the time in which they will enter the profession. Such experiences will grow and sustain pre-service teachers’ levels of mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs which will impact the likelihood that as teachers of mathematics they will stay in the profession thereby decreasing the alarming rate of novice attrition.
2. Academic Objectives: The academic objective(s) linked to the preparation of NSU teacher candidates that drive this service learning experience include, but are not limited to,
- Numeration and Operation
- Geometry and Measurement
- Problem Solving
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Algebraic Thinking
- Related to Mathematics Teaching and Learning
During the course, the Teacher Education Candidates will:
1. Knowledge and Understanding:
- Administer Pre Test(s) to community partner in order to identify areas which need improvement during the tutoring sessions.
- Use knowledge and understanding from assessment data to plan for meaningful leaning opportunities unique to the student so that conceptual understanding of mathematics will be fostered.
- Blend service with learning; enjoy shared benefits and a spirit of reciprocity between the student and community partner.
2. Intellectual Skills:
- Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate age and grade appropriate lesson topics
- Identify connections between mathematics skill sets and service with community partner
3. Discipline Specific Skills:
- Diagnosing strengths and weaknesses of the young student related to whole number operations as well as to operations with integers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
- Utilize knowledge of modeling to remediate weaknesses of the young student related to whole number operations as well as to operations with integers, fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, measurement, data analysis, probability, and problem solving.
The Northeastern State University Teacher Education Program is based on specific philosophical assumptions about teaching, learning, and schooling that underlie all basic programs which prepare professional educators to work in public school settings. These philosophical assumptions are stated in the theme of the program. It is assumed that it is the responsibility of the profession educators to:
- Develop thinking/learning skills in their students through the use of appropriate pedagogical strategies, emphasizing reflection.
- Serve all students under their charge, regardless of ability, with a sense of efficacy;
- Instill self-respect, dignity, and respect for others in their students.
- Be sensitive to and develop the ability to capitalize on the learning strengths of individuals who reflect a diversity of cultural backgrounds, abilities, and talents.
- Know, understand, and communicate the content of the specialty area(s) in which they are teaching.
These assumptions represent a philosophical approach to teaching and learning that is present throughout the course work and the field experiences.
Preparing Professional Educators as Teaching Scholars, Educational Leaders, and Developers of Human Potential
Teaching Scholars: Teaching scholars read widely and think deeply about subject matter, teaching, and research. They reflect critically on their own beliefs and their classroom practice in order to make pedagogical improvements. Teaching scholars use appropriate communication skills. They know how to facilitate authentic learning, and they encourage P-12 students to be critical, creative thinkers with the ability to be lifelong learners.
Educational Leaders: Educational leaders serve as advocates for children/adolescents and families; they understand the political nature of teaching; and they are able to inspire and motivate others by modeling effective communication skills, professional demeanor, and professional attitudes.
Developers of Human Potential: Educators who are developers of human potential are committed to the philosophical position that the development of human potential is their fundamental task.
Laughlin, C. L., & and Kepner, H. S., Jr. (2001). Guidelines for the tutor of mathematics (2nd ed.). Reston, Virginia: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Wade, R. C. (1997). Community service-learning: A guide to including service in the public school curriculum. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
Tutors will have access to mathematics modeling and teaching materials located in the NSU-BA Mathematics Clinic. Note: These math teaching materials were made possible by a grant awarded from the Northeastern State University Center for Teaching and Learning.
The expected course outcomes will be realized through a variety of instructional procedures. Those strategies include, but are not limited to, the following: lecture, expository-discussion, demonstration, and collaborative group activities. The instructor will implement appropriate multi-media technology.
An important part of this course is your demonstrated ability to grow as a professional educator. As such, you are expected to submit work that represents your own best effort. You are responsible for turning in all required assignments in a timely manner. Assignments must conform to university policies governing academic dishonesty. In addition, as a professional educator, you are constantly seen as a model for your students; therefore, it is imperative that you strive to communicate well both orally and in writing.
Because the class involves work with parents, children, and community members, professional dress is expected. This includes NOT wearing jeans, flip-flop shoes, etc… Please discuss any questions regarding professional dress with the instructor.
The performance activities described below are designed to contribute in different yet significant ways to your knowledge and experience relative to accomplishing the objectives of this course.
1. Assessment and Tutoring Profile: NSU Tutors will administer and analyze data from four pre-assessments. These include: Place Value Assessment, Fraction Concept Assessment, Math Attitude Assessment, and a brief, simple Tutor designed assessment, based on parent input of student needs that will be a part of your lesson plan for tutoring session #1. Using data driven decisions, the Tutor will write lesson plans that are designed to address the student’s strengths and weaknesses.
2. Lesson Plans and Reflections [Service Learning Implications]: NSU Tutors will write an abbreviated lesson plan in advance of each tutorial session. When the session is complete, a written reflection about each lesson will be required. Note: At least one lesson should incorporate a literature connection to the mathematics you will be teaching in your tutoring session. Lesson plans should be available to submit to the professor upon request but may not be collected every week.
3. Blackboard Discussions: Given that this EDUC 4812 is a hybrid, blended course, NSU Tutors will be required to participate in several Blackboard Discussions related to the tutorial service process. Focus questions for these discussions will be prompted by in-class experiences. Blackboard will also be used to distribute course announcements and for grade reporting. You will have one week to participate in the Blackboard Discussion. You may respond to other students but are not required to do so.
4. Parent Communication: NSU Tutors will be required to communicate routinely with parents and students about progress during the semester long tutorial process. These communications will include, but not necessarily be limited to,
a. Telephone Questionnaire Prior to Start of Tutorial Sessions
b. Notes of encouragement/ praise/ progress during the semester.
c. Tutoring Progress Report at Semester End [which will include information about assessment, activities, and progress]
5. Portfolio: NSU Tutors will submit a portfolio at the end of the semester. It should be submitted in a 3 ring binder and organized in the following manner:
a. Tutor Profile [One Page Document]
b. Parent Phone Questionnaire [One Page Document]
c. Assessment Report with Analysis [Approx. 3 – 4 Page Document]
d. Lesson Plans and Weekly Reflections
e. Tutoring Progress Report for Parents [Intended for Parents and/or Teachers]
f. Student led conference materials [Make copies for your portfolio. Provide the parent and student with originals. Include the parent response sheet from conference if it is returned to you.]
6. Mathematics File Folder Game: Please consider donating your file folder game to the NSU-BA Mathematics Clinic so that your work will touch other students in future semesters.
In this assignment, you will develop a mathematics file-folder game which will be used as a teaching strategy to be incorporated into a tutoring session. The game must be appropriate to the age, interest, grade level, and needs of the learner. The game’s topic must be guided by your assessments. You must use it with your student any time between tutoring session #3 and #7 and then submit it to me by the posted due date.
The final product should include:
- On the back of the file folder game state the following about your game:
a) Math Objective
b) Grade Level
c) Instructions for Play
d) Material List
- The file folder game (laminated) and the game pieces, die, etc…
- A one-page paper with two paragraphs. The first paragraph should include why the game was chosen and how the game teaches the skill. The second paragraph should describe how the game worked with your student. This paragraph should focus on how the student learned and his/her motivation and level of success.
Evaluation of student performance will be based upon homework, three unit exams, and a comprehensive final exam. Students will earn points throughout the semester, and final grades will be determined by total point accumulation. Total possible points may be accumulated in the following manner:
Mathematics File Folder Game/One Pg. Paper – 50 Points
Blackboard Discussions [4@25 Points] – 100 Points
Tutor Profile – 10 Points
Parent Phone Questionnaire – 10 Points
Assessment Report/Analysis – 50 Points
Lesson Plans and Reflections [8@40 Points] – 320 Points
Tutoring Progress Report – 30 Points
Student Led Conference Materials and Parent Reflection – 30 Points
Total – 600 Points
Jan 11/Syllabus; Introduction to Civic Engagement [Reading Assigned]
Jan 18/Service Learning: A Step beyond Volunteerism [Focus on Reciprocity/ Reflection/ Dissemination]
Jan 25/Assessing Student Strengths and Weaknesses [Blackboard Discussion #1 Assigned]
Feb 1/Lesson Planning/Reflection [Make Parent Contact by Feb 8]
Feb 8/ Preparing for Tutoring Sessions #1 – #2 [Tutor Profile 20 points/ Parent Phone Interview Due 20 points] ***Start Checking Blackboard weekly for announcements and assignment information.
Feb 15/Tutoring Session #1
Feb 22/Tutoring Session #2 [At the end of session #2, start analyzing your assessment data and develop 3 semester goals to help you plan for your session on March 1st.]
March 1/Tutoring Session #3 [I’ll stop by and look at your lesson plan #3 before/ during/ or after tutoring. Turn it in next week with your reflection on session #3.]
March 8/Tutoring Session #4; Assessment/Analysis Report Due; Lesson Plan/Reflection #3 Due by 4:30 p.m.
March 15/Spring Break – NSU Math Clinic Closed
March 22/Tutoring Session #5; Blackboard Discussion #2 Assigned; Lesson Plan/Reflection #4 Due by 4:30 p.m.
March 29/Tutoring Session #6; Lesson Plan/Reflection #5 Due by 4:30 p.m.
April 5/Tutoring Session #7; Lesson Plan/Reflection #6 Due by 4:30 p.m.
April 12/Tutoring Session #8; Tutoring Progress Report due on or before Thursday, April 14. You may submit electronically. This final report includes but is not limited to the analysis report you wrote at the beginning of the semester. This report extends your first report by discussing each of your 3 semester goals and describes what you did to support these goals. This report will be given to the parent on the last night of the semester. You may use my report which will be on BB under Course Documents as a guide and you have permission to cut/paste directly from my example as long as the information describes your student. Start preparing for student-parent conference today and consider options for public dissemination of knowledge gained from servicing. No lesson plan/ reflection submitted today. Submit lessons # 7-9 in final portfolio for grading.
April 19/Tutoring Session #9; Tutoring Progress Reports will be returned to you today in order that you may modify as necessary before next week’s student-parent conference. Continue preparing for student-parent conference today. No lesson plan/ reflection submitted today. Submit lessons # 7-10 in final portfolio for grading.
April 26/Tutoring Session #10; Submit copies of the student conference material instead. Schedule for Session #10: 4:30 – 4:45 Tutoring/ Review Session with Student; 4:45 – 5:00 Parent-Student-Teacher Conference; 5:00 – 5:30 Service Learning Celebration and Reception. Blackboard Discussion #3 Assigned and due by Monday, May 2nd. Portfolios due no later than Monday, May 2nd at 5:00 p.m.
May 3/Final Exam Week; Pick up Graded Portfolios Tuesday – Thursday, May 3 – 5.
Northeastern State University Mathematics Clinic
Service Learning – Math Tutoring Lesson Plan
Tutor’s Name:
Student’s Name:
Tutoring Session #:
Students Current Grade Level:
Name of Activity – Purpose
Description –
Assessment –
Assessment Notes – (make sure to leave room here for your notes)
Name of Activity – Purpose
Description –
Assessment –
Assessment Notes – (make sure to leave room here for your notes)
Name of Activity – Purpose
Description –
Assessment –
Assessment Notes – (make sure to leave room here for your notes)
Reflection: My Thoughts on Today’s Mathematics Lesson…
What did you learn about your student this week (in terms of mathematics teaching and learning)?
What did you learn about yourself (especially in terms of mathematics teaching and learning)?
What is one mathematics teaching and learning goal for your next lesson? How will you make this happen?
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Professor: Dr. Martha Parrott
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