Management and Organizational Dynamics
Office: McLaren 218
Office Phone: / FAX
Web Site Address: see USFconnect to access course web site using “Blackboard”
Office Hours: T, TH 9:00-9:45 am; 1:45-3:00 pm and by appointment
Classroom: Section 1: Harney 510 Section 2: Harney 143
Class Meetings: T, TH 10:00-11:45am T, Th 3:15-5:00 pm
Final Exam: May 17 – 8:00am May 20-12:30 pm
Course Description and Learning Goals
This course provides an introduction to the management process and organizational behavior from a social science and behavioral perspective. Emphasis is on the analysis and understanding of individual and group behavior in organizations with special attention to managerial and policy implications. Students will study organizational processes both theoretically and in an experiential environment through exercises and the service-learning project. After completing the course students should be able achieve the following learning goals:
• Articulate a set of management and behavioral theories in each of the following areas: perception/attribution, motivation, group/team dynamics and leadership; understand these theories and related assumptions underlying workplace dynamics; and, learn how to apply these theories in the organizational context,
• Conduct a multiple frames analysis to understand the managerial and ethical implications of individual and group behavior in organizations.
• Enhance interpersonal and organizational skills in communication, leadership and teamwork including but not limited to: giving and receiving feedback, managing conflict, valuing diversity, managing individual differences and using JCT in managing work design.
• Demonstrate basic understanding of organizational power and influence
• Identify and understand the relationship between organizational strategy and corporate culture
• Reflect on how course concepts play out in a real-world organizational environment; determine how your personal and professional development was affected through the service-learning project.
Class Time and Student Role
Classes are conducted using a variety of pedagogical methods including case studies, lecturettes, discussions, web-based newsgroups, video, group work and experiential activities-including the service-learning placement. Students are expected to participate and contribute meaningfully in the classroom; log in on Blackboard to obtain course information on a regular basis; participate in the newsgroup; and, actively participate in the service-learning experience. Time has been set aside over the 15 weeks in class and through facilitated web-based discussions to reflect and process class content and the service-learning experience. Our class time and related activities serve two functions:
1. provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, and;
2. serve as a laboratory for experimentation and experience in the development and/or enhancement of management/leadership skills
Service-Learning Requirement
All students in BA 304 are required to participate in the Service-Learning Team project – a semester long experience exploring course concepts in a community-based organizational environment while providing a value-added contribution to that organization. An introduction to the definition and purpose of service learning is provided through the URL link on the 304 Course Website on Blackboard. We will also be discussing this requirement in class. This experience meets the service-learning graduation requirement of the university Core Curriculum.
Required Texts and Materials
• Schermerhorn, Organizational Behavior, 8th edition (Wiley, 2003)
• Li Smith, D. Motivating People, 2nd edition (Barron’s, 1997)
• Drake Beam Morin Decision Style Instrument; provided at cost in class (will collect materials fee of $4.20 to cover this fee in class)
• Class Readings – distributed in class
Recommended Reading
• Bell, A. & Smith, D. Learning Team Skills (Prentice Hall, ’02)
Electronic communication (e-mail and course website) and Enrolling in Blackboard
Course communication and updates will occur via e-mail and through Blackboard, not just for this course, but for many of your other courses as well. The website for this course and your sections will be up and running by Friday, January 31. When you enroll in the BA 304 Blackboard (Be sure you enroll in the right course; I have several courses posted on Blackboard), use your USF user id. E-mails will be sent to your USFconnect email account. Get into the habit of checking your e-mail regularly. If you have an email account that you prefer to use, i.e. hotmail, yahoo, etc., be sure to forward your mail to this account from your USFconnect account. Please follow these instructions to forward your USFconnect e-mail. It will be up to you to forward your mail and check it regularly.
• You must have your USFconnect username and password
• Go to the following website: and login
• Click on the “e-mail” icon
• Click on “options;” then click on “auto-forward” and type your complete preferred e-mail address
Use USFconnect to find the links for enrolling on Blackboard for your section of the course.
Students must enroll in Course Website on Blackboard NO LATER THAN February 5! Teams are assigned on February 10 based on those folks enrolled on Blackboard. Failure to enroll will also result in loss of grade points for the Discussion Forums which begin on February 10. If you are having any problem enrolling in Blackboard and getting to the correct site-please contact me immediately so we can get you properly enrolled. Thanks for helping us manage the electronic learning community part of this course.
Required Assignments, Due Dates and Value
Below is a summary of the required assignments, due dates and grade value. A brief description of each assignment follows. Specific requirements, expectations and standards for evaluation for each assignment will be posted separately on Blackboard. Be sure to check on Blackboard under Class Assignments for the detailed descriptions. Students are encouraged to consult the professor throughout the semester to discuss assignments, grades, class material and/or to get additional guidance.
1. Quizzes (25%)
Twelve 10-minute quizzes will be given throughout the semester to assess comprehension of class discussion and reading material. There will be no midterm or final exam. Dates for quizzes are marked by a “Q” on the class schedule in the syllabus. Students may drop their two lowest scores from their final composite score. If a student misses a quiz, that score (0) will count as a “dropped” score. NO MAKEUPS! Quizzes start at the beginning of class. They are collected ten minutes past the start of class. Please be on time. (Instructor reserves the right to change the date/timing of the quizzes and/or combine quizzes or do a take-home, based on the need for schedule adjustment). Due: see syllabus; composite score of 10 quizzes make up quiz grade.
2. BA 304 Forums: Web- Based Facilitated Discussions (5%)
About every two weeks or so, a discussion question will be posted on Blackboard relating to in-class lectures, experiential exercises, current business events or the service-learning projects. Check “Announcements” on Blackboard to find out if a question has been posted in the forum. Then go to “BA 304 Forums.” The purpose of the forum is to discuss, inform, reflect, consider alternative viewpoints and learn from each other as much as possible. Each student is required to post a response, comment and/or reflection point on the forum. Students may respond directly to the instructor or other students-making comments, asking questions, taking alternative points of view, etc. To receive credit for your posting, postings must be respectful, thoughtful and contribute to a valuable discussion. Postings can receive a maximum of 3 points (0 points for no posting or a comment that really doesn’t meet the purpose as described above; I point for meeting expectations, 2 points for exceeding expectations and 3 points for significantly exceeding expectations-really adding to the discussion!). Points will be totaled at the end of the semester and weighted accordingly. Be sure that you are posting your responses in the right forum (Labeled Section One and Section Two). Due: begins February 10; varies after that– see posting announcements on Blackboard.
3. Service-Learning Team Project: Components and Presentations (30%)
Students will be assigned to a diverse project management team at the beginning of the semester. Goals for the team are twofold: (1) engage in a meaningful service-learning project linking the missions of the university and Business School to concepts explored in the BA 304 course, and; (2) experience and learn from the many aspects of project management. This semester long project culminates in a multi-media, dynamic management presentation and the completion of a consulting report shared with the class and your client. (Examples of previous projects appear at the end of the syllabus.) This assignment meets the SL graduation requirement of the University Core Curriculum. Required deliverables are as follows:
a. Project Proposal Memo, Statement of Team Expectations and Risk Management Waivers (1-2 pages outlining project ideas, statement of team expectations & personal team learning objectives, potential organization benefits, and university SL paperwork) Due: on or before Feb 24 (ungraded)
b. Team Meeting w/ Professor (Project team meeting w/ Professor to be scheduled at mutually convenient times; teams will have met with the client organization a minimum of 2 times prior to this scheduled meeting. Student teams should have all client contact information with them (name of organization, contact person, telephone number and address). Our time together will be spent doing team reflections regarding service learning, problem shooting, identifying outside resources and other related issues) Due: on or before March 25. Sign ups for meetings will be posted on Prof. Smith’s door. Teams ready to meet earlier may do so at mutually convenient times. (ungraded)
c. Progress Report (1 -2 page memo confirming project parameters, contact source within the organization, service performed to date, use of external resources and brief summary of reflections and findings) Due: March 30 (5%)
d. Peer Review Instrument (team development of a peer review instrument that can be used in the individual assignment for peer reviews) Due: Rough drafting in class, April 6; Final Instrument due May 4 (for team member use in another assignment due May 20).
e. Consulting Report (7- 10 page “client- centered” paper providing clear descriptions of the problem(s) or challenges client faced; analysis of the problem, findings/conclusions based on the analysis and final team recommendations. Appropriate integration of theories/models/etc. expected. A copy of this paper will go to the actual client.) Due: May 13 – 15%
f. Management Presentation (20-30 minute team presentation summarizing project, findings and what team learned professionally and personally; presentations should also demonstrate how course concepts, theories, etc. provided insights on addressing client needs.) Due: May 11 or 13 – 10%
g. Client Feedback (Each client will be contacted by the instructor to confirm that all students on the team were actively engaged in the SL Project, spent a minimum number of hours working with the client and, as a member of a SL team, acted professionally in its interactions with the community partner(s). Students not meeting the expectations, spirit and intent of the assignment will receive “penalty points” in determining what grade they will receive on the report and presentation.)
The grade earned for the Service-Learning Team project components is the grade earned by all members of the project management team. If the team feels that one of its members has not pulled his or her own weight, then the team should decide how to manage the award of the grade, point penalties, etc. and let me know how the team wishes to proceed. As noted above, individuals may be penalized if the client feedback suggests that individuals and/or the team as a whole did not meet project goals. Teams may fire noncontributing members but should make every attempt to use their management skills to resolve performance problems. My assumption is that the team will try to work out the problems with the team members in question first. Should a team wish to fire a member of the team, the non-contributing member must (1) find a team that will “hire” him/her; or, (2) do a make-up project on his/her own and take a comprehensive final exam for the course.
Note: Service-Learning Placements
Parts of the requirements for this project involve students using their management, leadership and communication skills in identifying, making contact with and negotiating the project with a potential client organization. To assist you in your search for a potential client, the course website provides information about the Office of Service Learning, links to databases and lists organizations that regularly look for volunteers and assistance. This list is intended as a resource only; none of the organizations posted should be construed as a recommendation from me. Use your best judgment in determining an appropriate client. Feel free to use this list and others as a first step in networking with prospective clients to find an appropriate service-learning placement. I am available to work with your team in helping to finalize a placement. Often, I get requests for student teams to work on projects so do check Blackboard early in the semester for leads. In choosing and working with your client, be sure to adequately address issues of geographic convenience, flexibility, time frame and personal safety given the course constraints and potential personal risks. Traveling to and from the client’s organization is your responsibility. The university does not provide transportation. Students may also use the resources of the Community.
4. Project Management Analysis (PMA) Paper (20%)
This individually written paper (4-6 pages) should analyze the group dynamics, leadership, motivation and other organizational concepts and constructs experienced throughout the semester long group project. Papers should integrate theory and course concepts when analyzing and evaluating individual and group behaviors and team management processes. The approach in writing this paper should be that of “participant-observer.”
Students should keep a journal during their service-learning team project to make note of personal reflections and analyze critical incidents. These journals will enable you to write your paper more easily and provide a thoughtful analysis of key issues. In your journal, take note of what is happening regarding the stages of group development, general observations and critical incidents/situations, and your own personal and professional development throughout the project. Journal entries will make writing this PMA paper much easier. Additional details for this assignment are provided in the PMA assignment handout at the end of the syllabus. Due: Date of final exam (May 20). This individual portion of the grade is in lieu of a final examination.
5. Peer Reviews (5%)
The project team will develop a peer review instrument collectively (see 3d above). Then each team member will use the instrument to prepare peer reviews for each of his/her team members and turn the peer reviews into me in duplicate. These reviews will not be used to affect another member’s grade. Each member of the team will receive copies of the peer reviews without knowing who prepared the evaluation. The peer reviews from your team members should provide you with meaningful, developmental feedback. Remember: Turn in 2 sets of the peer reviews-an original set and a copy for distribution. Students turning in only one set will be penalized two letter grades! Although the group will create the instrument, filling out the instrument is an individual assignment; individual grades will be assigned. Rough drafting of this instrument will take place in class on April 6. Come prepared to work on the instrument on that day. Final Version due May 4 for use in the Final Projects due in duplicate on May 20.
6. Reaction Learning Papers (RLP)/Contributions/Participation* (15%)
Attending class, doing the reading, and actively participating in class discussions and activities are critical for creating a meaningful learning environment. This last portion of the grade is comprised of how you maximize your learning experience. To develop and /or enhance your management skills, it is imperative that you view the classroom, experiential activities such as the class exercises and the Service-Learning Project as your laboratory for learning. Reflecting on your participation in these activities is a significant part of the learning process. Thus, students are asked to write 3 reaction papers. Format for writing these papers appears on Blackboard under Class Assignments. Students will write one Critical Incident Analysis reaction paper and two Experiential Exercise reaction papers. Due Dates: on or before February 26, April 1, and April 22 (each paper is worth 5%).
a. Critical Incidents Analysis (write one)
From the time your team is assigned until the end of the project, you should be keeping a journal noting general observations, and describing critical incidents and/or situations that occur among members in the group or with the client organization. In this first reaction paper, choose an incident that you can analyze, using theory and course concepts to inform the analysis. Explain what management principles or strategies apply and how you will pursue these to manage the dynamics as the project continues. Paper should be 1-2 pages in length.
b. Experiential Exercise Analysis (write two)
In this paper, you will write a 1-2 page reaction paper analyzing an in-class experiential learning activity. Students may choose any approved exercise (announced in class) to respond to for these two papers.
*Adjustments to the formula grade on the final course grade may be made on the basis of participation and contributions, especially in borderline cases.
A Note Regarding the Scheduling of Assignment and Skill Development:
Looking over the syllabus, you may notice that a major portion of the final grade will be determined in the last part of the semester. Recognize that this type of course is designed to come together at the end and that your skill development and reflection of that process is a culminating effort. Please plan accordingly. Assignments and class exercises have been designed to give you ongoing valuable feedback. This feedback will help you in completing and assessing the final projects. Feel free to visit with me at any time to discuss how you are doing or get additional guidance on class readings, exercises and assignments.
Policy on Late Assignments
Assignments are to be handed in on the date due. A half letter grade will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. Should there be extenuating circumstances, talk with me as soon as possible-preferably in advance-to make special arrangements. There are no make-ups for quizzes!
Honor Code
You are encouraged to discuss course readings, cases, class material, etc. with one another. Group assignments are undertaken with the understanding that groups will work together fairly and equitably. However, individual assignments should be your own work. Plagiarism in an assignment will result in a failing grade for that assignment and may, if appropriate, result in more significant consequences. If any situation arises in which there is ambiguity or uncertainty about whether you or others are fulfilling the letter and/or spirit of this code, please bring it to my attention. You are on your honor with respect to this matter.
Grades and Expectations
I consider a [B-/C+] to be a very respectable grade in this class. As in many work environments, I tend to view work falling into the following categories: (1) Does not meet expectations; (2) Meets expectations generally; (3) meets expectations fully; (4) exceeds expectations; and, (5) significantly exceeds expectations. [A’s] are reserved for those students who significantly exceed expectations and do exceptional work. [B+’s/A-s] are reserved for those students who exceed expectations.
Although this is not a strict rule, the following applies to most grading situations:
Category (1) translates as a [D] or below
Category (2) translates as a [C] or [C+]
Category (3) translates as a [B-] or [B]
Category (4) translates as a [B+] or [A-]
Category (5) = [A]
For the discussion forums points are qualified as follows
0 points = does not meet forum expectations [F]
1 point = posted a comment [C]
2 points = posted one or more comments to a thread, making a contribution [B]
3 points = posted one or more comments to a thread, responded to other student contributions and made a significant contribution to forum learning [A]
Below is listed the schedule for the course. Headings identify the general topic area. In parentheses you will find the reading assignment for that class meeting. Reminders of due dates are also included for your convenience. An asterisk marks these dates.
T, Jan 27 – Course Overview and Orientation Activities
Th, Jan 30 – Management and Organization Behavior and New Perspectives
(SHO, Ch 1-2; preview Ch 11)
T, Feb 3 – Perception and Human Behavior: Models & Methods
(SHO, Ch 5)
Th, Feb 5* – Attribution Theory: Cases and Applications
Q 1 (SHO, Ch 5 cont’d)
* must be enrolled in Blackboard Course Site; be sure to have Rdg. #1
T, Feb 10 – Reframing: An OB and Leadership Tool
(Bolman & Deal, Rdg. #1)
*SL Project Teams Posted; Discussion Form # 1 begins
Th, Feb 12 – An International Perspective on Organizational Behavior: Constraints on Cross-Cultural Theory Applications
Q 2 (SHO, Ch 3)
T, Feb 17 – Team Meetings: No formal class meeting today.
Th, Feb 19 – Diversity: Cases and Applications
(Take home DBM instrument to complete for Tuesday)
T, Feb 24* – Managing Individual Differences: Management Styles
(SHO, Ch 4)
*Completed DBM instrument due
*Project Proposal Memo Due
Th, Feb 26* – Managing Individual Differences: Adaptation
Q 3 *First RLP due on or before this date
T, Mar 2 – Motivation: Theory and Practice
Q 4 (Smith, Motivating People, all; SHO, Ch 6)
Th, Mar 4* – Motivation Theory & Practice
(SHO, Ch 6 con’t)
Q 5 *SLP Teams should schedule their meetings with Professor Smith.
All SLP Teams should be scheduled to meet w/ Prof. Smith sometime during the next few weeks: March 9 – March 25.
T, Mar 9 – Strategies Linking Job Design & Performance
(SHO, Ch 7-8)
Th, Mar 11 – Managing Reward Systems
Q 6
SPRING BREAK- March 15 – March 19
T, Mar 23 – Understanding Group Behavior
Q 7 (SHO, Ch 9-10)
Th, Mar 25 – The Business Team: Cases and Applications
Q 8 (SHO, Ch 10 cont’d; recommended: Bell& Smith on Teams, all)
T, Mar 30 – Leadership Practicum: Theories and Applications
(SHO, Ch 14)
*Team Progress Report due
Th, Apr 1* – Leadership Practicum: Theories and Applications
(SHO, Ch 14, cont’d)
Q 9 *Second RLP due on or before this date
T, Apr 6* – Leadership: Managing the Performance Review
(Readings posted on Blackboard)
*Rough Drafting of Peer Review Instruments
(SHO, Ch 14 cont’d; Ch 17)
Th, Apr 8 – Service-Learning Team Meetings
T, Apr 13 – Service-Learning Team Meetings
Th, Apr 15 – Service-Learning Team Meetings
T, Apr 20 – Leadership: The Whole Leader Perspective
Th, Apr 22* – Managing Communication and Conflict
(SHO, Ch 16, 18)
Q 10
Third RLP due on or before this date
T, Apr 27 – Organizational Culture and Strategy
(SHO, Ch 13)
Th, Apr 29 – Organizational Culture and Strategy
Q 11 (SHO, Ch 19)
T, May 4 – Power and Influence Strategies
Q 12 (SHO, Ch 15)
Th, May 6 – Org’l Structure and Design
(SHO, Ch 12; review Ch 11)
T, May 11* * – SLP Management Presentations & SL Reflections
Th, May 13* * – SLP Management Presentations & SL Reflections (con’t)
*Client consulting reports due
Final Exams: May 15/20 – PMA Papers for both sections are due on or before May 20. Turn in to MC 218 by 1:00 pm.
Service- Learning Team Project
To help you develop and/or enhance your interpersonal, team, and management skills, the Service-Learning Team Project (SLTP) has been designed to provide you with a skill based management consulting opportunity which allows you to apply course concepts while engaged in the service-learning experience. This project also allows you to meet the University Core Curriculum requirement for service learning.
Integrating service learning into BA 304 provides us an opportunity to “live the mission” – both of the University and the McLaren School of Business. This SLTP assignment allows you to “give something back “to the community in some meaningful way, while simultaneously applying the theories and concepts of management and organizational dynamics and achieving the learning goals developed in the class. You will have the opportunity to reflect how course concepts play out in a real world organizational environment and determine how, through service, your personal and professional development is affected.
During the next 2 months or so, you will be involved in all the phases of project management. These activities include but are not limited to: planning, decision making, resource management, coordination of staff, design issues, scheduling, working with external clients, working as a team, sharing leadership, and communicating a set of final deliverable products to both the class and a client. Additionally, you will be engaged in ongoing personal reflection of your impact on the team and client as well as the impact of team dynamics and the client on you.
Specific Task Requirements
Students will be assigned to a diverse project management team at the beginning of the semester. The goals for your team am are twofold: (1) engage in a meaningful service-learning project linking the missions of the university and Business School to concepts explored in the BA 304 course; and, (2) experience and learn from the many aspects of project management and your reflection on that process. This semester long project culminates in multi-media, dynamic management presentation and the completion of a consulting report.
Step 1: Finding the Organization – DO THIS EARLY!
As a team, identify some possible community based organizations that you could work together with in meeting an organizational/management/leadership challenge. Potential clients can be found by visiting the Office of Service Learning in the University Center, talking with current contacts and/or the people involved with service projects you may currently be engaged in, checking with City/County Volunteer Placement Organizations, checking out the “At Your Service” organization list and/or checking out the Service-Learning Website (see Blackboard for helpful URLs) and using the tools on this site to identify possible client placements. Networking is a management skill you will be developing through the “finding client” part of this project. Part of the experience is working with your team to communicate with a client what services you might offer-even if that isn’t what the organization is advertising for in their quest for volunteers. When meeting with prospective clients, remember that you are representing not only your team but the university as well. Share with them the assignment particulars. Feel free to give them my number and contact information. Be sure to discuss the whole idea of service learning and how it is used to benefit both client/community and the student in their academic endeavors. I also will be glad to write “letters of introduction” on your behalf to lend legitimacy and assuage concerns on the part of the client. I am willing to work with you to finalize your service-learning placement. Occasionally, I have organizations that call me asking for student teams to assist them in projects. Check Blackboard for leads on potential clients.
Step 2: Identifying Challenges, Problem Areas and/or Opportunities
The organization you work with does not, necessarily, have to be experiencing problems. Rather, you can work with your client to present them with a project that creates opportunity for them to leverage current management practices. Conversely, should the organization have problems and/or specific challenges, the team is free to work with the client in addressing these as well. In anticipating the areas you could provide assistance with, review your text and course concepts so you have tools to apply in helping your client with their organization. Examples of projects that have been done with community-based organizations are listed on the course blackboard site. If you are not sure what might constitute an appropriate project, please contact me so we can go over possible ideas/concerns, etc. You have many resources at your disposal. Use them!
Step 3: Complete SLTP Team Deliverables
Each team is required to complete a set of deliverables to get full credit for the assignment: These deliverables include the following:
a. Project Proposal Memo – prepare a 1-2 page proposal outlining project ideas and potential benefits to the organization – e.g. goals for the project; a statement of your expectations for each other as team members; and, personal team learning objectives. If you are considering more than one organization at this point, identify project ideas and potential benefits for each. Should the team end up changing organizations at any point during the semester, teams are required to update me with another Project Proposal Memo and get final “go-ahead” approval. Otherwise teams are held accountable for the project initially proposed. Use a proposal format for preparing this document (Business Proposal, Executive Memo format w/ headings, single spacing, bullets, etc.)
Due: On or before February 24 – ungraded
b. Team Meeting w/ Professor – Set up a time to meet with me at a mutually convenient time to discuss your team’s progress. Sign-Up Sheets for available meeting times will be given out in class and posted on Blackboard October 2. Plan to meet for approximately 20-30 minutes. Teams may also schedule meetings during my office hours or another mutually convenient time prior to the due date to meet this requirement. All members of the team must be present. During this meeting, I will ask you questions about your client, how the project is going, what external resources you are using and help you in the reflection process. At this time, we may identify “experts” you can work with to help you develop appropriate recommendations. Teams should also feel free to set up meetings with me at any time during the semester.
Due: March 9-25 – ungraded
c. Progress Report – Prepare a 1-2 page memo confirming project parameters, providing contact source within the organization, identifying external/expert resources, indicating the service performed to date and briefly summarizing findings and reflections. Use business report format in an executive style memo (headings, single spacing, bullet points as appropriate, etc.)
Due: March 30 – 5% of final project grade
d. Consulting Report – Prepare a 7- 10 page “client-centered” paper providing clear descriptions of the problem(s) or challenges client faced; analysis of the problem, findings/conclusions based on the analysis and final team recommendations. Appropriate integration of theory/course constructs, etc. is expected. Resources/Bibliography must be included. Sample Consulting Reports are in my office. Feel free to make an appointment to look over what teams have done in the past. Reports are formal business documents. Use a Business Report format. Include an executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings, bullets, graphs or figures and visual breaks as needed. We will spend some time in class reviewing format issues. A copy of the final paper should go to your client as well. Teams are encouraged to submit this final paper to the USF Journal for Real World Writing. We will discuss this further in class.
Due: May 13 -15% of final project grade
e. Management Presentation – Prepare a 20-30 minute multi-media team business presentation summarizing project and findings. In the presentation be sure to demonstrate how you used course concepts and theories to get to your final recommendations. The presentation should provide insights on how you addressed client needs and summarize how the team’s learning goals were met during the SLTP. Clients may be invited to the presentation. Many teams in the past have also made their presentations formally to the client at their location. We will spend time in class talking about the specific organization of these presentations.
Due: May 11 or 13 – 10% of final project grade
f. Peer Review Instrument – Each team will collectively develop a peer review instrument that can be used for the individual peer review assignment (see PMA/Peer Review Handout). We will work on a rough draft of this instrument on April 6. The instrument should consider those items that each member of the team would like feedback on to further their personal and professional management development. Teams may be creative with the instrument but all instruments should include areas for specific and descriptive feedback. Numerical rating systems by themselves are not sufficient. Instruments must provide for descriptive, qualitative feedback to get full credit.
Due: Instruments should be available for use by individual team members no later than May 4. Completed peer review instruments (in duplicate) are due with PMA paper May 20.
Client Feedback
I will be contacting each client to confirm how the team was perceived. I will be confirming that all students on the team were actively engaged in the SL Project, spent a minimum number of hours working with the client and, as a member of a SL team, acted professionally in its interactions with the community partner(s). Additionally, clients may be asked to fill out a short “SLP Evaluation” to assess the experience. Should the feedback from the client indicate that students did not meet the expectations, spirit and intent of the assignment, “penalty points” will be assessed in determining the final grade on the Report/Presentation parts of the SLTP.
Evaluation and Grading for the Service-Learning Project
The grade earned for this team project is the grade earned by all members of the service-learning project management team. The grade will be determined on the ability for the team to meet the minimum expectations defined in the deliverables described above. Teams must complete all parts of the assignment, as noted above. Additionally, teams will be evaluated on the following: Overall Quality and Professionalism, Strength of the Consulting Report, Theoretical Soundness, Client Usefulness, Client Feedback, Innovation and Creativity. Use the Writing Center as a resource for this and other assignments. Smith’s Guide for Excellence in Written and Oral Presentations will be used in determining overall quality and ability for teams to significantly exceed expectations. The SLTP is worth 30% of your final grade broken down as described earlier.
Individual versus Team Contributions
Individuals who do not complete all of the requirements can have their individual grades affected. Teams may ask that a team member be “docked” points for not fulfilling team expectations. If the team feels that one of its members has not pulled his or her own weight, then, that team should decide how to manage the award of the grade, point penalties, etc. and let me know how the team wishes to proceed. Teams may fire non-contributing members but should make every attempt to use their management skills to resolve performance problems. My assumption is that the team will try to work out the problems with the team members in question first. Should a team wish to fire a member of the team, the non-contributing member must a) find a team that will “hire” him/her, or b) do a make-up project on his/her own and take a comprehensive final exam for the course. I will respect the wishes of the team if the team has taken the appropriate steps to modify a particular individual’s performance.
Project Notes:
Team Assignment: SLPT # _____________________
Scheduled Team Meeting Date w/ Prof. Smith: ______________________
Sample Service-Learning Student Projects (updated December 2003)
• Seniors Emergency Grocery Bag Program (Worked with organization founder to improve organization structure, volunteer recruitment and retention and creating a goal-setting program to meet organizational goals)
• 16th Ave Tiled Steps Project (Worked with grass-roots neighborhood beautification project, recommending communication strategies for program sustainment; leadership succession and coordination of action. Developed community website and raised money for the project)
• Central City Hospitality House (Analyzed management structure and processes, recommending strategies for maximizing use of limited resources to meet the needs of citizens in the Tenderloin District in staffing and funding; developed job design strategies to offset understaffing challenges; assisted in new avenues for fundraising)
• Upward Bound (Developed plan to improve communication and develop a business
plan to help outreach efforts to low income and minority high school students for the
local office on campus)
• Golden Gate School (Set up activities and created a structured volunteer system to aid an afterschool program recruit and motivate volunteers and meet its program goals)
• Alzheimer’s Day Center, Institute on Aging (Through volunteering and research, helped this center explore diversity in activities; made recommendations regarding training manuals for volunteers, outreach for recruitment and used motivation and job design strategies to help organization meet program goals)
• San Francisco Clean City Coalition (Assisted in improving organizational outreach to recruit volunteers; made recommendations on changes to improve effectiveness and created a set of networking strategies for the organization to use)
• Hamilton Family Emergency Center (Worked with this homeless shelter to improve and expand the after school tutoring program; assisted with tutoring, developing curriculum material and recommending strategic changes to sustain a tutoring program)
• Back on Track (Provided assistance to a tutoring program for disadvantaged youth in areas of management efficiency, expansion of program; reorganizing offices, tutor recruitment and retention)
• Lines Ballet School (Worked with founders of the school to create a business model for efficiency, improve human resource management, and create stronger relationships between the non-profit arm and the Dance Company)
• Food Runners Inc. & San Francisco Food Bank (Developed a “Canned Film Festival” by partnering with local theatres and the Food Bank to coordinate a canned food drive in exchange for discounted movie tickets)
• USF Shuttle Service for Students with Disabilities (Analyzed how campus shuttle system met needs of students; developed a new organizational structure and system to better meet the needs of students with disabilities and coordinate with Office of Disability Related Services)
• Ronald McDonald House and Mt. Sinai Hospital (Explored the challenges of blending two distinctly different cultures. Made recommendations for integrating RMH into a hospital environment to capture the RMH culture within a more bureaucratic culture)
• UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Research Center (Worked with directors of the center to analyze the organizational framework and structure of their center, providing an “OB toolkit” with recommendations around job enrichment, leadership practices, building relationships with local communities, strengthening shared vision and increasing center visibility in order to increase the amount of unrestricted funds)
• USF Learning and Writing Center (Looked at ways to make the Center more effective and efficient for students as well as how to develop stronger relationships with faculty and within the center itself).
• Salesian Boys and Girls Club (Analyzed the organizational aspects of the Club that affected operations. Discovered problems with the organizations ability to deal with safety for children coming to and going from the club. Developed a cohesive safety protocol, working with surrounding organizations and the Center in terms of supervision and relationships)
• CompuMentor (Worked with this not-for profit organization that provides technology assistance and low cost computer hardware/software to other non-profits. Analyzed the organizational structure, motivation, job satisfaction, work teams and decision-making processes to determine how the company could operate more efficiently and productively to serve client needs)
• Institute on Aging (Worked with this non profit that strives to help seniors live independently in the community; focused on the challenges present in the Rosenberg Adult Day Health Center due to language and cultural differences; provided organization with set of recommendations related to communication and cross cultural strategies to bridge the cultural conflicts that impeded center effectiveness)
• Dorrwin Jones Senior Center (Worked with the Center’s Administration to determine ways to improve lack of funding, promoting activities, managing cultural barriers and communication with multilingual clients, improving efficiency of org’l structure and improving motivation of volunteers)
• Junior Achievement (Analyzed the leadership style of the new president and developed plans for implementing strategic changes in the organization)
• Project Open Hand (Provided an analysis for how leadership of the organization could reach out to better meet the needs of the community particularly an underserved East Bay)
• Project R.E.A.D. (Developed new vision and mission for the San Francisco’s Public Library’s literacy program; helped the director identify new ways of attracting interest and financial support)
• The Children’s Garden of California (Explored leadership challenges in a non-profit organization; focused on leadership style and dynamics with the volunteer staff; developed recommendations for motivating the staff more effectively)
• American Red Cross (Focused on evaluating the leadership style of the director in the Bay Area chapter. Made recommendations related to motivating and communicating with staff more effectively; provided feedback on leadership effectiveness through needs analysis of staff and volunteers)
• Jewish Federation of San Francisco (Analyzed how restructuring had affected the newly reorganized organization; provided feedback and recommendations related to the problems experienced with the reorganization)
• Big Brothers/Big Sisters of San Francisco (Studied the challenges facing leadership; Developed a speakers bureau for leaders to help gain greater involvement and recognition in the community)
• Larkin Street Youth Center and Larkin Business Ventures (Studied how to plan for the future; developed a strategic plan for the development of business ventures in the community so that runaways and homeless youth can be employed and exit street life permanently)
• Irwin Memorial Blood Centers (Helped leadership identify how the organization could improve public perceptions and increase blood donorship; developed a program to implement “cobranding” in unique ways by involving local business in the community)
• Rafael House (Worked with director and staff to identify how to extend their leadership in the community; developed plans for increasing community awareness for special programs)
• Bay Area Discovery Museum (Analyzed and evaluated how the new executive director’s leadership style and plans would impact organization values, staff attitudes and museum culture; helped director identify organizational challenges related to staff, volunteers and outreach issues)
• Volunteer Center of Marin (Conducted a needs analysis for improving organizational effectiveness; focused primarily on effective human resource management and positively impacting organizational culture)
• Young, Loud and Proud (Worked with the YLP Development Committee to identify ways of building a stronger more cohesive team in order to bring positive benefits to the organization; made recommendations related to recruitment and retention, rewards systems, motivation, meeting management and teambuilding)
• Delaney Street Programs (Worked with the director to identify future strategic plans)
• Resourceful Women (Prepared a needs analysis and competitive market analysis for the Executive Director to identify more ways of reaching out to potential donors and increasing membership for an organization dedicated to helping women make significant philanthropic contributions to organizations and making a positive change in their communities)
• University of San Francisco (Studies and reports for a number of on-campus clubs, and organizations, reporting on organizational efficacy, culture, leadership and marketing aspects)
• Blood Centers of the Pacific (How to motivate increase in donors and donor retention)
• Family House (Help manage the culture and structure of organization as the organization grows and changes to meet the needs of the increasing number of families served)
• Aim High (Looked at teacher retention and motivation and organizational structure for an organization that inspires low-income students to achieve)
• AS Express (How to build a strong culture and motivate student works in order to be more productive and enhance profitability)
• Summerbridge National (worked with Summerbridge to increase student learning through changes in org structure, redesigning the teachers’ job descriptions, etc. in order to increase motivation of both students and teacher. Org. mission is to increase educational opportunities for underprivileged youth.)
• Tenderloin Children’s Playground and Recreation Center (developed a program to recruit and retain 13-18 year olds by analyzing other programs and identifying best practices of programs that meet the needs of at-risk youths)
• San Francisco Zoo (Analyzed the Zoo to determine ways to improve management and labor relations; evaluated Directors Leadership and effects and made recommendations for improvement)
• SF Child Abuse Prevention Center (made recommendations to improve the organization’s effectiveness through leadership, motivation, advertising and fundraising; used org structure and job design solutions to make the recommendations)
Other projects have been concluded with Boys and Girls Clubs, Marin Mammal Association, CHALK Tutoring Program, Goldman Institute of Aging, Walden House, UCSF Cancer Center and others.
Project Management Analysis (PMA) Paper w/ Peer Reviews
This assignment is designed to help you reflect on the SUP, analyzing the Project Management Process. Each member of the team writes this paper individually. Through reflection on the process and writing up the findings, the paper helps you gain insight into the application of the theories and concepts covered throughout the course and understand how you were affected by the team dynamics and interactions with the client organization. The Peer Reviews give you a chance to further enhance your managerial skills in giving feedback as well as providing you with an opportunity to receive developmental feedback on your own performance. In other words, the PMA paper, along with the reviews enables you to apply what you have learned during the semester.
Specific Task Requirements
1. PMA Paper
Papers should be no longer than 4-6 pages in length using Business Report Format. This paper is NOT a group assignment. Papers should be done individually based on your analysis of the team with respect to: group dynamics, leadership, motivation and other organizational concepts and constructs experienced throughout the semester long group project. Papers should integrate theory and course concepts when analyzing and evaluating individual and group behaviors and team management processes. Paper should also explore how you were affected by the project itself, both personally and professionally. The approach in writing this paper should be that of “participant-observer.” Papers should include analysis of a minimum of 3 course constructs along with a personal reflection summary. To receive an A or B for this paper, analysis should focus on a minimum of 5 course constructs.
Journal Entries
Students should keep a journal during their service-learning team project to make the writing of this paper and the analysis easier. In your journal, take note of what is happening regarding the stages of group development and critical incidents or situations that occur affecting you, the client and/or the team. As you interact with team members and the client organization, analyze the dynamics-explore how course concepts may help you derive meaning from the interactions. Suggested journal entries may cover the following:
• Meeting or Interaction (brief description)
• Critical Incident or Situation that piques interest, pleases you or irritates you
• Observed Behaviors
• Course Constructs (theories, concepts) which explain/predict behavior
• Impact or Implications (what the end result is/what can you learn and apply in the future)
* A journal entry should be used for writing the Reaction Learning Paper for a “critical incident analysis.”
2. Peer Reviews
The team will develop a peer review instrument collectively. We will be working with these instruments in rough draft form on April 6. In creating the review instrument, team members identify what aspects of management, leadership, and group dynamics they would like peer feedback on. Instruments should be behaviorally oriented and offer the opportunity for team members to provide numerical ratings and significant qualitative comments. Comments should be descriptive and specific. Final draft of this document must be available on May 4. Each team member will use the instrument to individually prepare peer reviews for each of his/her team members and turn in two sets of the peer reviews (i.e. the originals with your name as reviewer and copies of each review with no identification of the reviewer). Students not turning in two sets of the peer reviews will be penalized with significant reductions in the grade awarded for this assignment.
These reviews will not be used to affect another member’s grade. Each member of the team will receive copies of the peer reviews without knowing who prepared the evaluation. Team members only receive copies of their feedback. All other feedback is treated confidentially by the professor. The peer reviews from your team members should provide you with meaningful, developmental feedback. One of the major learning goals for the course is your personal and professional development. This part of the assignment-receiving peer reviews from members of your team-helps us meet that goal.
Evaluation and Grading
The PMA paper is worth 15%. Peer reviews are worth 5%. This individual portion of the grade is in lieu of a final examination. Review Smith’s Guidelines for excellence in written work. Use the Writing Center as a resource for this and other assignments. Additionally, consider the following criteria used for evaluating these assignments: depth of analysis and insight; integration of course theory/concepts; readability; completeness; and, overall quality. The team develops the peer review instrument, preparing a quality instrument designed to elicit developmental feedback. Your individual peer reviews of each other will be evaluated on your ability to give descriptive, specific, clear feedback. This feedback should be useful to the receiver and designed to help the receiver develop his/her managerial skills and abilities. Failure to provide significant qualitative feedback to your peers results in a lower grade on the peer review assignment. The peer review instrument should be completed by May 4. The completed forms (in duplicate) are with the PMA paper on the day of the final exam: May 20.
- Engaged Curriculum
- Business , Business/ Management
- Syllabi Archive
- University of San Francisco
- Economic & Community Development issue area
- On-going Collaboration, Placement, Direct service, Indirect service, Required activity, Small Group
- Upper Division course
Professor: Dr. Dayle M. Smith
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