Life Cycle Nutrition
Life Cycle Nutrition involves the study of special nutritional needs, physiology, and health concerns of pregnant and lactating women, infants, children, adolescents, and older adults. Course components include readings, activities, and site placements that highlight the relationship of nutrition to physical and psychological growth, development and aging.
This course is built on the foundation of learning from HE 215 Nutrient Supply and Demand. It addresses nutrient requirements and deficiencies, assessment of food intake and nutritional status, and nutrition service specific to: fetal development, needs of pregnancy and lactation as well as high risk situations, food habits of children, and those associated with aging.
The course also includes a Community Service Learning module intended to introduce and integrate course content as well as educational, professional, and career expectations and opportunities to students pursuing the Dietetics & Nutrition and Health Fitness programs at Keene State College using field experience and service learning. This experiential learning opportunity is consistent with the program direction toward expanding field-based application.
TEXT: Worthington-Roberts, B.S. and Williams, S.R. Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle, 1996, Mosby Publishing Co., MO.
The Keene State College Nutrition ~ Health Fitness Programs
Upon completion of the program, the student will be able to demonstrate awareness and ability in terms of the skills and competencies needed to be a successful Keene State College Dietetics and Nutrition ~ Health Fitness major by:
effectively using available Keene State College learning resources including: Aspire, Mason Library, the Learning Resource Center, Media Center, Writing Center, Computer Labs, and Internet.
taking responsibility for their own learning, including the development of study skills, computer literacy, and the maintenance of academic honesty.
participating in Keene State College Student Dietetic Association and appropriate student Health Fitness organization meetings and activities.
seeking guidance, support, and mentoring from an advisor, upper level student and/or community resource person.
recording, reflecting, analyzing, and assessing personal reactions to readings, discussions, presentations, and guest speakers.
identifying competencies required for professional success and how appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes can be achieved through academic programs, work, and volunteer experience and supervised practice.
reflecting and writing a formal self-assessment and critical analysis of their present capabilities, goals, and objectives and their orientation for the future.
identifying and analyzing social and societal factors pertinent to professionalism including ethics, communication, political and economic conditions, and change.
using, assessing, and improving written and oral communication skills.
Life Cycle Nutrition Objectives:
By actively participating in this course, the student will be able to:
A. Discuss, contrast, and evaluate the roles of nutrition and wellness within the complex processes of pregnancy, lactation, child development, and aging.
B. Recognize, discuss, and discriminate between the relationship of nutrition and wellness and the course of child development and lifestyle related degenerative diseases.
C. distinguish, adapt for, and design nutrition and wellness interventions which integrate the social-psychological influences on maternal and child development and aging to food intake, nutritional status, and overall wellness.
Community Service Learning Objectives: Provided with a supervised practice environment, appropriate orientation and training, and an opportunity for critical communication and reflection, the student will be able to:
A. Observe, respond, apply, and evaluate the role of pre-professional and professional nutrition and wellness focused practice in the community.
B. Cooperate and collaborate with individuals and team members, seek and examine opportunities, manage their time, integrate their classroom and field experiences, and adapt as professionally appropriate to the environment.
METHODOLOGY: The course will be conducted utilizing lecture, class discussion, and group activities, guest speakers, media and computer presentations, case studies and a community service learning experience.
ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments must be typed and double-spaced. They are to be completed by the dates given unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.
1. Journals – You will be participating in 20 hours of Community Service/Field Experience at facilities for young children and older adults in Keene. You will be asked to keep an ongoing reflective journal (more detailed guidelines will be provided) throughout the term. You are asked to record observations and discuss personal ~ professional reactions to various experiences. You are required to submit your initial self-assessment journal and then to submit one journal after every 4 hours of service for a total of 5 journal submissions. The journal is to be between four and six typed pages.
Please include the following in your initial SELF-ASSESSMENT journal:
A. What experience, course work or situations in your past or recent history involved you in community service or field experiences related to nutrition and wellness?
B. describe and discuss your skills and personal qualities which will enhance your effectiveness as a nutrition volunteer.
C. describe the additional experiences/skills/knowledge base YOU feel you still need to acquire during your undergraduate studies to ensure competency as an Dietetic Internship candidate and/or an entry level Health Fitness professional.
2. Article reviews: This assignment can be linked to the "Educational Program" assignment.
*Students will be provided a bibliography of articles pertinent to their areas of study. They should obtain a copy of the article to include with their review. *They will also be provided a specific format for the written article review. *The student will then review and critique 3 current nutrition and wellness practice and research articles as indicated by the instructor. These reviews should focus on the applicability of the research to practice and discuss ways in which the research could be implemented by a nutrition or health fitness professional team member in the community.
4. Educational Project: Working in teams, students will choose an age appropriate lifespan nutrition topic on which to develop a 15 minute presentation and coordinate audio, visual, and written materials. They will be assessed on content, clarity, and creativity in written, oral, and visual presentations and the "fit" with their intended audience. Students will be provided additional resources, guidelines, format and criteria throughout the semester. They may also link this with the article review assignment. Presentation will be to the class and several outside observers.
Attendance at service learning sites is required and supervisors at those sites will be evaluating students on their attendance, attitude, professional approach, willingness to participate, and initiative. Students will be provided a copy of this written evaluation form prior to participation in the experience.
In class, students are expected to listen attentively, read assignments prior to class, have questions ready for others, and take an active role in all class discussions and activities.
Each student will complete a service learning placement interview form to be provided to the site supervisor as well as an exit interview form to be completed at the end of the experience.
The student will also be required to do oral presentations in class based on their educational projects and their service learning experiences. They will be evaluated on their professionalism, their preparation of written and visual aids and their clarity.
Reflective Journals: The purpose of the reflections is for you to practice personal writing, to work out ideas and concepts discussed in class or in assigned readings, and to record your experiences during class. These reflections will be graded on the basis of completeness of response, following of directions, and clarity of writing.
* you will be provided a list of reflective questions to guide your weekly journal entries.
Formal Written Assignments These assignments will form the beginning of your professional portfolio. They will be graded on completeness of response, following of directions, as well as clarity and organization of writing.
Final Grades
Reflective journals (5) 150
Research articles (3) 150
Educational Program
Presentation 150
Written report 150
Exams (3) 300
Participation ** 100
** Participation can be in class, before or after class, if shy, during office hours or in writing. It will also include feedback received from the Community Site Placement Supervisor.
A – 920- 1000
AB = 880- 919
B = 820- 879
BC = 780- 819
C = 720- 779
CD = 680- 719
D = 600- 679
F = 599 or below
Field Experience – Students will be participating in a field experience/community service learning project to gain experience in terms of "Nutrition in action" while at the same time providing services of great benefit to the collaborating organization/facility. The situations will be described in class at a later date.
Participation and learning in the field experience will be assessed using reflective journals and group discussions.
Life Cycle Nutrition HE 318 – Community Service Learning – Fall 1999
Field Experience – Students will be participating a field experience at Harper Acres, a senior Independent Living facility and Congregate meal site run by the Keene Housing Authority. The role that students are encouraged to play at the meal site is that on visitor and friend. You are to make contact with the seniors over mealtime, activities such as field trips, bingo and other social events throughout the semester. Some students will also participate in creating a "bulletin board" for each month related to nutrition and seasonal ideas.
Keene Housing Authority September 27-December 10, 1999 Time commitment: 20 hours Name:
Life Cycle Nutrition Fall 1999
As you reflect on your experience and write your journal entries, remember to make specific references to how what you are doing and how you are interacting relates to nutrition and wellness throughout the life cycle.
What experience, course work or situations in your past or recent history involved you in community service or community service learning nutrition? Describe and discuss your skills and personal qualities which will enhance your effectiveness as a nutrition volunteer. Describe the additional experiences/skills/knowledge base you feel you still need to acquire during your undergraduate studies to ensure competency as an Dietetic Internship candidate and/or an entry level Health Fitness professional.
Journal # 1: (15 points):
After your first visit: As a service provider, you play a different role than you do as a KSC student. Describe this new role. What specific tasks and behaviors are expected of you? What obligations and rights do you have as a result of being in this role? Compare this new role with your role as a student. Are you experiencing "role strain or conflict"?
At this point, just starting out, What do you think/feel that the elderly need to maintain their independence pad high state of wellness? 2) What do you need to be successful working with them as a nutrition and wellness provider?
Journal # 2 (20 points): (after first five hours)
The Setting: What are your most vivid first impressions of the site? Describe the interior and exterior locale, people, actions, and both positive and negative feelings you have had.
The Players: Describe who you work with, their lives, their views, their goals in life. Include your personal reaction to the individual or individuals with whom you are working.
The Story: What activities have you been doing with/for the person(s) with whom you have been working? Describe your relationship to the staff and the students or residents.
Journal # 3 (25 points): (after 10 hours)
The Story Continues: How do the people you work with react to you? Cite specific examples. How does their reaction make you feel? Up to this point, what have you learned? What has surprised you?
The Action: How does your presence in the community impact the person(s) with whom you work? What impact has this assignment had on you? Illustrate your points with experiences you have had.
Journal # 4 (25 points): (after 15 hours)
The Impact: Describe in some detail a meaningful session at your site placement, including bits of conversation or, a sample of the work you have done with the students or residents. Be creative. What is the significance of the situation you described?
Journal # 5 (30 points): (after 18 hours)
Analysis: After being in the community, how have your initial impressions been altered? If they have not changed, describe observations that confirmed your initial impressions.
Journal # 6 (35 points): (after 20 hours)
Critique: Write a summary of your community service learning experience. What was learned by both you and the people with whom you worked? Include skills, knowledge of self and/or information. Include any special experiences or highlights you might have had.
At this point, finishing the experience, What do you think/feel that the elderly need to maintain their independence and high state of wellness? 2) What do you need to be successful working with them as a nutrition and wellness provider?
- Engaged Curriculum
- Health , Health and Wellness
- Syllabi Archive
- Keene State College
- Health issue area
- Placement, Direct service, Nondirect service, Required activity
- Upper Division course
Professor: Pamela J. Smith, Ed.D
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