Human Development
Fall 2002, ECE 107: Human Development
TTH 11:40 12:55pm Pueblo D 118 CRN#11956
Instructor: Bethann Monier Johnson
Office: Pueblo B 109
Phone: 206 5107
Office hours: MW 9 10 am, TTH 10 1130 a.m.
Course Description
ECE 107 is a study of the human lifespan from conception through old age, which includes current and historical theories in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development.
Course Goals
To examine life span development, critically assess research and real life situations, observe objectively, analyze your observations, speak and write with clarity, and use positive interpersonal skills.
Attendance, Homework & Participation Policy
Please attend class and arrive on time. Arriving on time is a courtesy for both your teacher and your classmates. Class sessions will include teacher lectures, small and whole group activities, and discussions. You will successfully complete the goals in this course by being present for lectures and class discussion. Do not exceed./bur absences. If you will need to miss class, please contact the instructor in advance. Complete your readings and other assignments PRIOR to class so that you can participate. Your active participation is an integral part of the course, and will account for 30% of your grade.
Course Requirements
The Developing Person Through The Human Life Span by Kathleen Stassen Berger, Fifth Edition.
1. Four Exams
Each exam has twelve short answer (essay format) questions. You will receive the exam questions at least one week in advance. Written responses to eight of the questions are due on the day of the exam. (The eight questions to be answered for homework will be determined the day all twelve are given.) The remaining four are answered on the exam date, closed book and closed notes.
Exam Dates | Chapters | Topics |
September 19 | 1-7 | Beginnings, The First Two Years |
October 17 | 8-13 | The Play Years, The School Years |
November 7 | 14-19 | Adolescence, Early Adulthood |
December 10 | 20-26 | Middle and Late Adulthood |
Test points: Each exam is worth a possible 60 points. The eight answers turned in on exam day are worth 4 points each. The four answered in class are worth 7 points each.
2. Institution visits
Please visit two institutions that are different in human services offered, and write a one page summary about the highlights of the visit. Please attach documentation. Sites may include a hospital, clinic, child development center, school, social agency, etc. Please refer to handout for details. 60 possible points. Due October 31.
2a. Option: Candidates Accountability Session at TCC at 2:00 p.m. on October 6, 2002. This is an interesting and interactive session with republican and democratic candidates for local and state elected offices. Topics with these candidates will include many important human development issues such as education, health insurance. crime, living wage, immigration, and prisons. Your instructor will give you more information about hours, time, and place. You will also receive suggestions for how to effectively report your experience at this event to the class. Also, include a one-page summary. 60 possible points.
3. Expert Report
The challenge is for you to become an authority on a topic of human or family development by reading a book or creating a brochure. 50 possible points. Presentations on November 12 and 14.
a. Book: Select a non-fiction book that addresses research about an area of human development. Get instructor approval for your book in advance. Bring in the book you have read and give a five minute highlights report to the class. Please also read aloud a short passage from your book. Turn in a one page summary of the book.
b. Brochure: Develop a brochure on a human/family development topic pertinent to our city or state. Suggested topics: Immigration, Education. Children and youth, Elder care, Health care, Crime, Prison reform. Get instructor approval for your topic in advance. Place bibliography on the brochure. Bring in your brochure to present to the class.
4. Course topic presentations
You are required to present one 10-15 minute topic that is interesting and appropriate to the course. Please do not read your information off of a page but use interactive methods that will involve the class! You may do this with one or two partners as long as all of you participate equally, with 45 minutes allowed for partner or trio presentations)
All topics must be approved in advance by your instructor. Although planning and preparation are required outside of class, time will be given in class to decide your topic, partner(s), and presentation date. 50 points possible (Sign up for dates).
5. Human Development Resource Notebook or Service-Learning Project*
a. Resource Notebook: Twenty brief synopses of human development articles. See handout for details. Optional service-learning project, please see handout and instructor for details. 100 points. Due Dec 5.
b. *The Service-Learning Project is worth a possible 150 points and may be completed as a substitute for both the Human Development Resource Notebook and the book report.
Grade Points Calculation
Four exams (60 each) = 240
Class presentation = 50
Oral book report (brochure or service project) = 50
Institution visits report (or accountability session) = 60
Resource notebook (or service project) = 100
Subtotal = 500
Attendance and participation = 240 (approximately 30 classes at 8 points each)
Your instructor will make every effort to follow the stated schedules and policies, but reserves the right to modify them in the event of extenuating circumstances.
Course Schedule
8/27 Syllabus, orientation, introductions
8/29 Research methods and theories
Read chapter 1 & 2 development
Read chapter 3
9/3 Heredity and environment
9/5 Prenatal development and birth
Read chapter 4 Read chapter 5
9/10 The first two years
9/12 Cognitive development first two years
Presentations about childbirth, infancy
Read chapter 7
Service-Learning update
Read chapter 6
9/17 Early emotional intelligence
9/19 In class exam #1
Presentations about toddler development
8 short essay questions due
Read chapter 8
9/24 Physical development during early years
9/26 Language and cognitive development
Read chapter 9 – How do you really learn to talk?
Read chapter 10
10/1 How does play develop? Does it relate to how adults play (and work)?
10/3 Presentations about early years
Service-Learning Project update
Read chapter 11
10/8 Physical development of the school
10/10 Cognitive development and school years concerns
Read chapter 13
Read chapter 12
10/15 Presentations about school years
10/17 In class exam #2
Service Learning update
8 short essay questions due
Social and emotional growth Read chapter 14
10/22 Issues of physical development in adolescents
10/24 Challenges with social/emotional issues
Read chapters 15-16 on teens
Read chapter 17
10/29 Presentations about teens early adults
10/31 Physical and cognitive changes in adulthood
Service Learning update
Read chapter 18
Institutions or Oct 6 session reports due!
11/5 Friendship, intimacy, and other social concerns
11/7 In class exam #3
Read chapter 19
8 short essay questions due
Read chapter 20
11/12 Expert reports
11/14 Expert reports
Physical changes in the middle years
Service Learning update
Read chapter 21 and 22 – Do we become wiser as we age?
11/19 Changes in the family during the middle years
11/21 Presentations about middle adulthood
Read chapter 23-24
11/26 Can aging be stopped? The young old?
11/28 Holiday: College closed
Read chapter 25 and epilogue
12/3 Presentations on elderly, Bereavement/Recovery
12/5 Course wrap up. Reflections in understanding of human development.
Resource Notebook or Service Learning Report due
12/10 In class exam #4
8 short essay questions due
Service Learning Project: Refugee Resettlement Family Mentor
Who is a refugee?
A refugee is a person who has fled his or her country of origin because of
a well founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality,
political opinion or membership in a particular social group. This
definition of a “refugee” excludes people who have left their homes only to
seek a more prosperous life.
What is a refugee resettlement program?
Refugee resettlement programs assist refugee families with learning English skills, getting employment, and locating housing. Families often struggle with the transition from their former environment to their new surroundings. These families may require assistance with parenting skills, home health and safety issues, and community support.
What role(s) can mentors have?
A mentor (or partner mentors) can have a meaningful and positive impact on the adjustment of parents and children who are adapting to a new way of life. Mentors may work with families to provide important information about maintaining a household, and demonstrate health and safety practices inside and outside the home. They may tutor parents or children in English, or be a source for families getting community support. Mentors can also listen and provide families with encouragement and support. An orientation and training is provided to mentors so that they can be effective in their efforts. Mentors will meet with their assigned families over eight successive weeks for about two hours each week. At the end of the project, mentors will submit a two page reflection paper, a brief service log, and agency evaluation. (See attached.)
How do Pima College Mentors get started?
Your instructor will meet with you (and your partner) to explain the details of the project. You will also sign a service agreement with the instructor and agency.
What will I get out of this service learning project vs. the non service course assignment? You will gain great insights about the physical, cognitive, and social development of children and adults that you could not possibly gain from reading a textbook or research article. Additionally, your efforts and interactions will allow you to learn much about yourself personally, intellectually, and as an active citizen. The word “democracy” will take on a heightened dimension for you as you spend time to understand another’s culture, and help teach others about freedom and values of the U.S.A. way of life.
- Engaged Curriculum
- Health and Wellness , Human Development
- Syllabi Archive
- Pima County Community College
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Poverty, Food Security, Housing issue area, Health issue area
- Placement, Direct service, Optional activity, Individual
- 2-year, Public
Professor: Bethann Monier Johnson
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