Healthy transitions: A community-based participatory research approach with Burundians with refugee status
This paper describes a CBPR project conducted by the University of Tennessee’s Healthy Transitions program, which partners the university with a local community of Burundian refugees. The project examined the Burundians’ experiences and perceptions during and post migration through focus groups. The authors discuss the impact of the CPBR approach, and conclude that the approach was essential to the productive process of data collection, to the subsequent implementation of culturally-relevant interventions, and to enabling the Burundian community to co-direct ongoing research and programming.
Bates, D., Burman, E., Ejike-King, L., & Rufyiri, C. (2012). Healthy transitions: A community-based participatory research approach with Burundians with refugee status. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(3), 153-173. Full Text.
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