Health and Physical Education for Classroom Teachers
PED 316: Health & Physical Education for Classroom Teachers
Fall Semester 2002
Dr. Judith Ausherman, CHES (Tuesday) –
Ms. Rosemary Lassiter (Wednesday) –
PE Building 222,(216) 687 4884 (HPERD main office X4870) (Ausherman)
PE Building 213, (216) 687 4839 (HPERD main office X4870) (Lassiter)
OFFICE HOURS: Monday & Tuesday 2:00 3:30 pm or by appointment
Pettifor, B. (2001). Physical Education Methods for Classroom Teachers. Human Kinetics.
Telljohann, S.; Symons, C; & Miller, D. (2001). Health Education in Elementary & Middle School. McGraw Hill.
Ausherman, J. (2003). CSU Partners with Reach Out and Read Manual.
Designed to introduce the student to productive, creative, and innovative methods needed to implement school health education and physical education at the elementary grade levels in which they are certified. Students will become familiar with organizing and presenting health and physical education content, materials, curricula, community resources, using technology, and communicating about healthy lifestyles. There is a service learning component to this class.
PREREQUISITE: HED 210 or an equivalent Personal Health course.
1. Identify statistics which verify that our “Nation is at Risk” providing a discussion of contributing risk factors and protective factors. (inquiry, professionalism, partnership, contextualism)
2. Identify the objectives from the Ohio Health & Physical Education Model & Healthy People 2010 that can be achieved through health promotion efforts. (Partnership, Inquiry, Contextualism, Professionalism)
3. Relate health education and physical education with a comprehensive (coordinated) school health program. (Partnership, Professionalism)
4. Describe health and physical education resources available for health promotion. (Partnership, Professionalism, Contextualism)
1. Select developmentally appropriate curriculum resources and material (print, audiovisual, and technological) for teaching health and physical education to children in grades preK 4. (Partnership, Contextualism, Professionalism)
2. Assess personal health status from multiple perspectives, e.g. wellness (physical, mental, emotional, social, & spiritual), historical, familial, medical, sociocultural, gender, economical, & ecological. (Professionalism, Partnership, Contextualism)
3. Critically analyze and implement behavior modification skills and strategies for enhancing and changing personal health and physical education across the lifespan, including the role personal health plays in influencing the health of others. (Inquiry, Professionalism, Partnership, Contextualism)
4. Assist learners in developing personal & social skills. (Contextualism, Partnership, Inquiry, Professionalism)
5. Develop and utilize games and contests that promote healthy life time. (Professionalism)
6. Plan, implement, and evaluate elementary school health and physical education lessons which reflect the abilities, needs, interests, developmental levels, and cultural backgrounds of students. (Professionalism, Partnership)
7. Identify and perform service learning in the community (Professional, Partnership, Inquiry)
1. Develop and utilize a positive philosophy of health and physical education instruction. (Professionalism, Inquiry)
2. Develop more self confidence and poise in health and physical education instruction. (Professionalism, Inquiry)
3. Understand that teachers are one of many contributors to children’s health and well being and that a collaborative teaming approach using the Coordinated School Health Program model is needed. (Partnership, Inquiry, Contextualism, Professionalism)
The following assignments are required for the successful completion of the course:
You are required to observe 1 elementary physical education class in a public school. You must contact the school at least ONE week prior to your visit. Before, during, and after your site visit, you will be asked to record your thoughts and observations about teaching AND learning. Write a typed one two page reflection using the questions provided on the Guidelines for Observation in the syllabus and your textbook. Give examples of how you would improve the lesson based on what your textbook suggests. Turn your observation reflection in to the instructor as you complete an observation. (observation = 25 points).
You are required to teach 2 two mini lessons (see Guidelines for Presentations in syllabus pg. 5) during the semester using the assigned texts as a guide. All developmentally appropriate lessons must have correct health education/physical education information and incorporate multimedia. Each use of incorrect or out dated health/physical education information will automatically receive one letter grade deduction for each use. ALL LESSON PLANS MUST BE TYPED and use the format provided!!! After teaching your lessons in class, you are to critique EACH of your presentations utilizing the Praxis format. Turn in the critique one week following your teaching. Provide copies of your lesson for each member of the class. (110 pts. = 55 points for each lesson).
You will be required to use technology. Research either a health or physical education website that relates to your lesson plans. Using the webpage evaluation guide prepare an evaluation of a health or physical education website. Make a copy of the webpage. Attach to one of your lesson plans: A) copy of the evaluation and B) the copy of the webpage homepage. (10 points)
As a future teacher, it is important to gain knowledge about “free” health or physical education resources that are available in your community that you can utilize in your elementary classroom. Locate (call, write, or use the internet) a community agency that supplies free resources. You must have an agency you plan to inquire about by Week #3. When you bring your free resources to class, prepare a typed one page description of:
1) the agency information (address, phone, webpage, etc.);
2) explain how you will use this resource in your future elementary class;
3) how will children use this product? When you obtain the appropriate information bring enough to share with your colleagues. (10pts).
Comprehensive health and physical education (notes, texts, all class presentations, etc.) exam will be multiple choice, essay, and/or short answer (100 points).
Throughout the semester there will be quizzes on the assigned readings, class lectures, guest speakers, and field trips. If you are absent the day of a quiz you will not be able to make up these points. (50 points Health + 50 points Physical education = 100 points)
This service learning project is based on the national Reach Out and Read Program (ROR) < > , which began in Boston City Hospital in 1989 as a collaboration of pediatricians, early elementary childhood educators, and national Kiwanis organizations. You will be trained on how to read to infants and children, including how to talk to parents about the ROR project, and commit to read 8 hours (4 two hour sessions) during the semester at a selected children’s hospitals. You will be assigned three times and your fourth visit is your responsibility. Refer to assignment outline for when your reflections are due. Details will be presented during training. Format for Reflections are attached and will be provided in your ROR manual.
You will be evaluated at the end of the semester according to a Performance Scale of Class Discussion and Activity (25 pts.).
1. Public School PE Observation & 1 Observation Evaluation Paper
2. In-Class Teaching Demonstrations, Lesson Plans with Praxis Critique and Class copies (2 g 55 pts.)
3. One Website Evaluation (included with one lesson plan)
4. Free Resource
5. Reach Out and Read Service Learning Reflections (4 x 2hrs) (2 g 20 pts) (Midterm reflection and final reflection see Course Outline for due dates)
6. Mid term Exam 50
7. Final Exam 50
8. Quizzes 100
9. Attendance & Participation 25
10. PED 316 Notebook 60
Children who live in print rich environments and are read to in their preschool years are much more likely to learn to read on schedule
Parents of children living in poverty may lack the money to buy books, may not have easy access to good children’s books, and may not themselves have been read to as children
Reading problems may mean school failure, which increases the risk of absenteeism, dropping out, juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, and teenage pregnancy all of which perpetuate the cycles of poverty and dependency.
Reach Out and Read is a program that makes early literacy part of pediatric primary care
Pediatricians encourage parents to read aloud to their young children and give their patients books to take home at all pediatric check ups from six months to five years of age
Through Reach Out and Read, every child starts school with a home library of at least ten beautiful children’s books, and parents understand that reading aloud is the most important thing they can do to help their children learn to love books and to start school ready to learn
Volunteer readers in the clinic waiting room read aloud to children as they wait for their appointments, showing parents and children the pleasures and techniques of looking at books with children
Pediatricians are trained to counsel parents about the importance of reading with young children, offering age appropriate tips and encouragement
The doctor gives the child a new developmentally and culturally appropriate children’s book to take home and keep at every check up from six months to five years of age
Reach Out and Read was developed at Boston City Hospital in 1989 by a collaboration of pediatricians and early childhood educators
In collaboration with the Association of American Publishers, ROR has developed a Program Manual, handouts for doctors and parents, prescription pads to help doctors “prescribe” reading aloud, and many other unique materials to encourage literacy in pediatric practice
With generous support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the program has been replicated in sites around the country; with further support from the William T. Grant Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Boston Company, there are now over 180 Reach Out and Read sites in clinics and pediatric practices in 39 states
Please contact the Reach Out and Read office by phone (617)534 5701 or write to the Reach Out and Read National Center, Boston Medical Center, One BNIC Place, 5th Floor High Rise, Boston, MA 02118.
- Engaged Curriculum
- Education , Health , Health and Wellness , Physical Education
- Syllabi Archive
- Cleveland State University
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Health issue area
- Placement, Direct service, Required activity, Individual
- 4-year, Public, Carnegie Classified
Professor: Judith Ausherman and Rosemary Lassiter
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