Family and Community Health Nursing
Family and Community Health Nursing 1
Course Facilitator
Joycelyn Montney MS, RN
Assistant Professor, Community Health Nursing
Office Room D 121
Office Room D 112
Phone (734) 432 5459
3 semester hours
Theory: 2 semester hours
Practicum: 1 semester hour as assigned
Theory: 30 clock hours
Practicum: 45 hours
All prerequisite and supporting courses (ENG, PSY, MTH, BIO, CHM, IS, SOC, HUM, LANG, ART/MUS, FCR, CIS, PHIL/HIS, COL 101);
NUR 303
NUR 306
NUR 322
NUR 327
NUR 330
NUR 332
NUR 337
This course focuses on the application of fundamental nursing practices with families within the context of communities. It includes a supervised Practicum.
By the completion of this course the student will:
1. Use a variety of assessment models to organize theoretical knowledge related to groups, families, and communities (Critical Thinking, Communication).
Indicators: Exams, Family assessment, Community Agency Report
2. Analyze nursing care using a variety of models of family and community (Critical Thinking).
Indicators: Family Assessment and Community Agency Report
3. Recognize the role of the nurse in caring for aggregates such as groups, families, communities, public and community service.
Indicators: Plan of care, Exams, Service Learning & Community Agency Report
4. Discriminate among political, socioeconomic, and historical perspectives that impact family and community practice. (Public and Community Service, Critical
Indicators: Case studies, Service Learning & Community Agency Report
5. Evaluate the usefulness of selected models and research findings in regard to applicability and relevance in a diverse society (Public and Community Service,
Critical Thinking).
Indicators: Family assessment, Service Learning & Community Agency Report
Students will be expected to spend 15 Hours in academic/service learning in a community based agency in their community. This project meets the criteria of service learning and has 2 goals:
1. to assist the student in understanding the nature and structure of a community agency and
2. to provide service to that agency using this service as a vehicle to reach the student’s academic goals and objectives.
Community Agency/Service Learning Experience
Service learning is defined by Madonna University as an academic teaching methodology that utilizes community services as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of course objectives. Service is a key component of the Madonna University’s Mission Statement. Service learning increases the students’ awareness of civic and human responsibility with the intent to foster a sense of volunteerism for the future.
In keeping with the mission of the university, students are expected to actively engage in service learning while at Madonna University. Nursing 331 has been designed to incorporate the concept of service learning into the practicum experience. Each student will be expected to contact a service agency, with the assistance of the clinical instructor, and arrange a meeting to interview a key contact person. Information about the agency’s mission and aggregate served will be gathered. (See Community Agency Report grading criteria p 28-29). Your role in the agency will be mutually agreed upon based on the needs of the agency. The student will then schedule 137 hours of time with the agency over 3-4 weeks. The student will write at least 3 personal goals they wish to accomplish during this activity. Choose 3 of the five course outcomes and relate one personal goal to each of the course outcomes. A short paragraph after each session reflecting on that day’s activities and progress toward the goal is expected. These reflection activities help identify in advance, and track, the specific learning of the student. While this activity fulfills a need in the community it also provides a foundation to examine, yourself, society and the future. This structured clinical opportunity allows the student to reflect critically on their experiences through a mix of writing, reading, speaking, listening, creating and small and large group discussions. At the conclusion a summary will be written to…
…show how this participation has helped the student learn more about the aggregate served and how it has empowered the clientele to help themselves become stronger and better able to meet their own needs…
…and explain the meaning of service in one’s personal goals for life…
As a group, students will learn about three or four community agencies that are resources to the people served in your community. In collaboration with the faculty, appropriate agencies will be identified and visited using the criteria on p.31 32.
Pairs of students will be assigned to do a formal presentation. Each pair will give a 5 minute overview of the client population; then each agency will be described. The agency descriptions should be about 10 minutes including time for questions. Include visual aids such as slide presentations handout, overheads, videos, posters, etc. to make this an interesting event. Grading criteria is on page 28 29. This will be a group grade.
Compose a thank you note to the agency with your instructor’s approval and send it to the agency when you have finished your activities with the agency.
For Students
Service learning benefits, as outlined below, connect with several of Madonna University’s academic goals and competencies, specifically:
- The development of effective communication skills.
- An understanding of religious and moral dimensions of human experience.
- An understanding of the ways in which individuals perceive, experience, and behave in their personal and social environment.
- The development of a facility for international and national citizenship skills.
- An achievement of individual educational goals for personal enrichment and/or career development.
Cairn and Kielsmeier (1991) identified outcomes for students involved in service learning
Personal growth
Increased self esteem and confidence
Increased personal responsibility
Increased sense of personal efficacy
Career development
Active exploration of career interests
Specific job skills
Hiring advantage over others
Greater confidence in career choice
Social development
Increased interpersonal skills
Increased tolerance/support for diversity
Engagement in other volunteer activities
Indication of future community participation
Academic/cognitive development
Belief that service is a positive learning experience
Better grades
Persistence to graduation
Problem solving and critical thinking skills
- 3 personal goals related to 3 course outcomes selected
- Reflection after each session
- progress toward goals
- conclusion/summary
- How participation helped to learn more about aggregate served
- How empowered the client to help themselves become stronger
and better able to meet their own needs - Explain meaning of service in one’s personal goals for life
- Engaged Curriculum
- Health and Wellness , Nursing
- Syllabi Archive
- Madonna University
- Health issue area
- Required activity, Individual
- Upper Division course
- 4-year, Private, Faith-Based, Carnegie Classified
Professor: Joycelyn Montney
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