Engaged Faculty Development Knowledge Hub

November 4, 2021

Curated by: Clayton Hurd, Campus Compact

This knowledge hub includes reading and resources designed to encourage and support faculty development related to civically- and community-engaged learning, teaching, and research. To add a resource to the collection, please email: clayton.hurd@compact.org. 

Faculty Development Readings and Resources

Featured Resource:

Welch, M &, Plaxton-Moore, S. (2019). The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning: A Guide for Faculty Development. Boston, MA: Campus Compact (includes online interactive workbook for individual or group use)

Additional Key Readings and Resources: 

Armer, T.; McCoy, K.; Verrett, B.; Williams, A.; Menson, K.; and Lima, M. (2020) “Telling Our Stories Together: How Universities and Community Partners Co-create Engaged Scholarship.Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship: 13(1).  

Berkey, B., Meixner, C., Green, P. M., & Eddins, E. A. (Eds.). (2018). Reconceptualizing faculty development in service-learning/community engagement: Exploring intersections, frameworks, and models of practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus. 348 pp.

Blanchard, L.W., Hanssmann, C., Strauss, R.P., Belliard, J., Krichbaum, C., Waters E., and Seifer, S. (2009). Models for Faculty Development: What Does It Take to be a Community-Engaged Scholar? Metropolitan Universities 20 (August 2009): 47-65

Bringle, R.C., Clayton, P. & Price, M. (2009). Partnerships in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 1(1).

Campus Compact

Community-based Global Learning Collaborative

Changfoot, Nadine. (2020). Engaged Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion: Autoethnographic Insights from the Fault Lines of a Shifting Landscape. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 26(1). 26.10.3998/mjcsloa.3239521.0026.114.

Clayton, Patti & Ash, Sarah. (2005). Reflection as a key component in faculty development. On the Horizon 13. 161-169.

Cress, C.M., Donahue, D., & Associates, eds. (2011). Democratic dilemmas of teaching service-learning: Curricular strategies for success. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Doberneck, D.M., & Carmichael, C. E. (2020). The Unfurling Tool: Unpacking your community-engaged work into multiple scholarly products. Journal of Higher Education and Community Engagement 12(3), 5-19.

Duke Service-Learning. Critical Service-Learning Conversations Tool: A self-assessment and resource tool to help faculty implement critical, justice-oriented service-learning. Accessed December 1, 2019

Ellison, J., and T. K. Eatman. 2008. Scholarship in Public: Knowledge Creation and Tenure Policy in the Engaged University. Syracuse, NY: Imagining America.

*Franco, R. (2010). Faculty Engagement in the Community Colleges. In Handbook of Engaged Scholarship (Fitzgerald, H.E., Burack, C., & Deifer, S.D., eds). Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

Heffernan, K. (2001). Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction. Boston, MA: Campus Compact.

Hou, S-I &  Wilder, S. (2015). Changing Pedagogy: Faculty Adoption of Service-Learning: Motivations, Barriers, and Strategies among Service-Learning Faculty at a Public Research Institution. Sage Open, January-March 2015, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244015572283

Jordan, C. M., Doherty, W. J., Jones-Webb, R. J., Cook, N., Dubrow, G. L., & Mendenhall, T. J. (2012). Competency-based faculty development in community-engaged scholarship: A diffusion of innovation approach. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(1), 65-95.

Kleinhesselink, K., Schooley, S., Cashman, S., Richmond, A., Ikeda, E., & McGinley, P., Editors (2015). Engaged faculty institute curriculum. Seattle, WA: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.

* Latta, M. & Kruger, T.M., Payne, L., Weaver, L., & VanSickle, J.L.. (2018). Approaching critical service-learning: A model for reflection on positionality and possibility. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. 22. 31-56.

*Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (2021). Principles for Anti-Racist Community-Engaged Pedagogy.

*McTighe Musil, C. (2015). Civic Prompts: Making Civic Learning Routine Across Disciplines. AAC&U.

*Mitchell, T. D. (2008). Traditional vs. critical service-learning: Engaging the literature to differentiate two models. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 14(2).

Mitchell, T. D., Donahue, D. M., & Young-Law, C. (2012). Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(4), 612-629.

O’meara, K. (2008). Motivation for Faculty Community Engagement: Learning from Exemplars. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 12(1), 7-29.

*Schnee, E., Better, A., Clark Cummings, M., Eds. (2016).Civic Engagement Pedagogy in the Community College: Theory and Practice. Switzerland: Springer International. DOI

Welch, M. & Plaxton-Moore, S. (2017). Faculty Development for Advancing Community Engagement in Higher Education: Current Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 21(2), 131-166.



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