Empowering promotores de salud to engage in community-based participatory research
This article describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a community-based training program that empowers promotores (community health workers) to identify the health needs of recent Latino immigrants. The training program was a total of 30-hours, and included fieldwork accompanied by skills development in leadership, organization, interpersonal communication and survey implementation. The evaluation of the program demonstrated the feasibility of recruiting and engaging promotores to identify health priorities within their community.
Cupertino, A. P., Suarez, N., Cox, L. S., Fernandez, C., Jaramillo, M. L., Morgan, A.,…Ellerbeck, E. F. (2013). Empowering promotores de salud to engage in community-based participatory research. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 11(1), 24-43. Full Text.
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