Emotional and Social Issues of Health
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to explore the major factors that comprise and affect the emotionaland social dimensions of health. It focus on two aspects ofhealth that most people tend to relegate to minor aspects ofhealth, but yet actually affect larger aspect of health than allothers. Regional Volunteer Service is required. Three credits.
Prerequisites: HED 120, PSY 200 and junior status.
Objectives: By the end. of the class, the student will he ableto:
1. integrate into their personal and professional liveseffective behaviors regarding comprehensive emotional andsocial health in the areas of wellness, disease preventionand health promotion;
2. evaluate their own attitudes, values, behaviors andknowledge related to emotional and social health, and theirprofessional careers;
3. differentiate between the six dimensions of human health, the multiple sub-elements of each health dimension and be able to discuss these differences with young community members;
4. differentiate between at least five different theories of emotional and social health statues;
5. discuss the general content of issues affecting emotionaland social health;
6. analyze how a realistic understanding of health and health promotion can contribute to the healthy development of youth into effective adults;
7. integrate age-appropriate health activities into their formal and informal professional activities;
8. employ currently available, high quality resources, materials, and techniques in planning health, educational, social, and other professional activities;
9. translate health education content into dynamic strategies to assist others reach the highest levels of health;
10. begin the development of an effective emotional and social health-related referral network;
11. participate in effective and comprehensive emotional and social health program activities;
12. effectively evaluate health education materials, resources,and educational techniques;
13. develop and utilize an effective philosophical basis forhuman health and health education;
14. understand the concept of comprehensive health education aspart of a comprehensive community health services program;
15. develop and organize appropriate secondary level lessonplans including content, concepts, behavioral objectives,learning activities and evaluation techniques;
16. identify, select, develop and evaluate effective, dynamicand innovative secondary health teaching techniques andmethods related to the 10 content areas of the CaliforniaHealth Instruction Framework;
17. analyze how comprehensive community emotional and socialhealth education can promote the intellectual and learningabilities of community members;
Introduction: This course will focus on ways individuals often transfer their social and emotional experiences into responses and behaviors which impact on other dimensions of their health, or the health of those around them. There are certain conditions within the environment that may have a effect on some individuals, and certain individuals who may have effects on the human environment. Therefore when considering the realm of psycho-social issues in health, it becomes apparent that we are dealing with the reciprocal interaction of the person and his/her environment. Students will critically examine these issues through a variety of academic experiences including regional academic service in the community, personal reflections on that experience, and by more fully identifying their own attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors with respect to these issues. In addition the implications and the critical importance of the emotional and social health dimensions as they apply to total health status, and the field of health education will be examined.
1. Introduction; requirements; community academic learning; reflection methods for academic service; group- and trust- building activities;
2. Relating academic service to course goals; purpose of academic service related to course learning; social and emotional factors (rejection, honesty, commonality, communication difficulties);
3. Defining health; health dimensions; health sub-elements;
4. Psycho-social health; psychoneuroimmunology;
5. Self-realization and purposefulness; human responses based on social values; interaction of heredity and environment;
6. Nature of social and emotional experiences and their impact on responses (thoughts, feelings and behavior);
7. Variables effecting human response (past conditioning, circumstances of the moment, future goals); Health as the quality of human response; health/life cycle (stimulus, perception, interpretation, response (adaptation, adjustment, cope);
8. Purposeful and functional responses; fitness;
9. Appropriate and inappropriate responses;
10. Academic service-learning site reports; Students must have a confirmed site; individuality of responses; “Cipher in the Snow” (labeling, self-fulfilling prophecy);
11. Deviance, self-esteem; evaluating responses for quality of life as it effects health; relationship between health and disease;
12. Distinction between disease and its causative agents; use of disease as part of the adaptational effort;
13. Initial oral reports on the academic service sites due; purpose of the agency; student role at the agency; relation of the service to HED 370 course objectives; additional readings student will engage in to learn more regarding the agency and his/her service;
14. Psychosomatic disease; fight or flight response;
15. Incorrect interpretation of physical symptoms; contemporary fears as emotional and social factors and human adaptation (artificial escape);
16. Role of spirituality in human wellness (health continuum, despair-hope);
17. First Examination;
18. Are Americans healthy (Maslow vs. Skinner, roles vs. options);
19. Contemporary social values and the impact on the individual;
20. Value conditioning; institutions that impact on values;
21. value conflicts and health issues (clarifying values);
22. Normality; conformity (behavior, personality); Health warning signals;
23. Prejudging (Aristotelian logic); Trust (risks, loneliness, withholding), interpersonal relationships (knowing, love);
24. Written reaction reports on regional academic servicedue: Freedom vs. despotism (despotic laws vs. individual decision making for health); authority (code ethics vs. situation ethics).
25. True self-disclosure vs. role-playing (stress); gender identity (implications for health).
26. Aging; definitions of old, youth stereotypes of elderly;double standard.
27. Thanatology; grief, bereavement and mourning; grief graph; reactions to loss;
28. Helping others cope healthfully; children and death;
29. Last Exam;
30. Final class; final oral report on academic service experience.
1. Readings:
Supplemental articles
Required Text: Hafen, BQ. et al, Mind/Body Health.Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 1980 (or latest edition).
- Required text readings by session:
- 1. Epilogue
- 2. Behavioral medicine treatment: 600-606
- 3. Effects on medical outcomes and costs: 563-569
- 4. Psychoneuroimmunology: 21-29
- 5. Disease resistant personality: 241255
- 6. Locus of control and health: 473-474
- 7. Disease-prone personality: 97-107
- 8. Self-esteem and health: 485-488
- 9. Social support: 242-270
- 10. Relationships and health: 261-264
- 11. Families and health: 342-346
- 12. Mind/body connection: 1-18
13. Initial Oral Reports Due
14. Impact of stress on health: 41-59
15. Coronary artery: 100-125
16. Disease prone personality: 125-151
17. Anger and health: 169 – 174
18. First Examination
19. Hostility and health: 183-190
20. Worry, anxiety, fear and health: 205-206
21. First Oral Reports
- 22. Depression, despair and health: 215-216
- 23. Loneliness and health: 291-298
- 24. Protecting health with a fighting spirit: 523-532
25. Written Reactions Papers Due
- Healing power of faith: 419-422
- 26. Healing power of hope: 443-448
- 27. Healing power of spirituality: 377-384
- 28. Grief, bereavement and health: 357-362
- 29. Healthy Coping with Grief and Bereavement: 362-400
30. Last Exam
31. Oral Reaction reports on academic learning presented.
2. Written Reaction Paper on Regional Academic Volunteer Service: Each student must volunteer (can be paid) for at least four hours a week (60 hours total) in an agency that provides some emotional or social service to the regional community. The level of student involvement must be directly related to the specific objectives of this course AND the mission, goals, and objectives of the agency.
Reaction Papers must contain all of the following:
- 1. Description of the agency; Mission, goals, objectives, services offered, relation of the agency purpose to the objectives of HED 370;
- 2 Description of your desired outcomes related to HED 370 and your efforts at the agency;
- 3. Description of your actual efforts at the agency;
- 4. Description of the ten most important things you learned and, for each, your reactions as to how these learning specifically relate to the specific objectives of HED 370
- 5. Describe the high point of your experience in the agency;
- 6. Description of the low point of your experience in the agency;
- 7. Description of the three most important learning you will take with you in your future professional efforts;
- 8. Discussion of your advice for future students who may engage in Academic Learning at this agency.
- 9. Your overall summary reactions to the entire experience.
3. Examinations: There will be the first and last written examinations. These examinations will last one class period and will cover all course materials, readings, assignments for the class. The midterm will cover the first seven chapters of Hafen and the first half of the course material covered in class. The last examination will cover the second half of the Hafen text and the last part of the course content.
4. Attendance and participation: Attendance and contributions to class discussions and activities are required. This involves being an integral part of the classroom community and sharing your knowledge, thoughts, reactions, reflections, and opinions. You are expected to attend all class sessions and to be on time. Each absence beyond one (1) will result in a 3-point deduction from the final average
Late assignments and papers will lose one grade (10 points/session).
Please see me if there is ever a problem. If you know you will be absent submit a paper early. If your absence is unanticipated you should mail your paper to my office, postmarked no later than the due-date.
Papers will be evaluated based on three criteria: originality and significance of the content to the class topic, organization and clarity (vocabulary), thoughtfulness, and mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, structure, etc.).
It is important that your paper is proofread by at least one person with good writing skills, The campus learning center offers assistance with written work.
If a problem arises concerning any part of this syllabus, contact me, preferably in advance of the problem.
Grading: A total of 100 points will be available.
Requirement Points
Readings 0
Initial Oral Report 10
First Examination 20
Last Examination 20
Written Reaction Paper 20
Final Oral Report 20
Attendance and Participation 10
Total Points 100
Grading Scale:
Points Grade Points Grade
97-100 97 A+ 77-79 77 C+
93-96 93 A 73-76 73 C
90-92 90 A- 70-72 70 C
87-89 87 B+ 67-69 67 D+
83-86 83 D 63-66 63 D
80-82 80 B- 60-62 60 D
Less than 60 F
Understanding the Grading Process: Grading performanceconstitutes a complex and difficult process. While humans cannotbe pigeonholed, they can he judges on the basis of theirachievements. Grades reflect both effort and achievement, noteffort alone. These following descriptions attempt to explainwhy different students obtain different results with grades.
The A student is Outstanding . They have virtually perfect attendance. Their commitment to the class resembles that of the professor. They are prepared for every class. They always read the assignments and give much attention to details. They show interest in the class and the subject. They dig out what they do not understand and often ask interesting questions or make thoughtful remarks. They have retentive minds and connect past learning with the present and bring their background into the class. They have a winning attitude and are determined and self-disciplined. They show initiative and do things without having to be told. They have special talent, intelligence, insight, creativity, organizational skills, commitment, etc.. These gifts are easily apparent to the professor and other students.
The “C” student is “Average”. They miss class frequently, putother priorities ahead of academic work. Their health orconstant fatigue renders them unable to keep up. They prepareassignments consistently but in a perfunctory manner. Their workis often sloppy, careless, incomplete or late. They are notvisibly committed to the class, participate without enthusiasm,their body language often expresses boredom. They varyenormously in talent. Some may have exceptional ability, butshow undeniable signs of poor self-management or bad attitudes.They may be diligent but simply average in academic ability.They obtain mediocre, inconsistent results on work and clearlyhave not mastered the material.
The point values of grades: The grade symbols used at the university are:
A Excellent 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B Good 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C Satisfactory 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D Passing 1.0
D- 0.7
F Failing 0.0
CR Credit
NC No Credit
Antonovsky, A. Health, Stress and Coping. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1979.New York: Bantam, 1981.
Dyer, W.. Your Erroneous Zones. New York: Avon. 1976.
Fredenberger, H. Burn Out. New York: Anchor Press. 1980.
Goldberg, P. Executive Health. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1978.
Kubler-Ross, E. Death: The Final Stage of Growth. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1975.
Lewis, H. and Lewis, M. Psychosomatics: How Your Emotions Can Damage Your Health. New York: The Viking Press. 1972.
Nolen, W. Healing. New York: Random House. 1974.
Powell, J. Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am. Niles, IL: Argus Communications. 1969.
Rams, Swami. Holistic Health. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan Press. 1979.
Simeons, A.T.W. Man’s Presumptuous Brain. New York: E.P. Dutton and Co. Inc.. 1960.
Spencer, M.G. and Dorr, C. Understanding Aging: A Multi Disciplinary Approach. New York: Appleton Century Crofts. 1975.
- Engaged Curriculum
- Health , Health and Wellness , Sociology
- Syllabi Archive
- Adelphi University
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Health issue area
- Placement, Direct service, Required activity, Individual
- Upper Division course
- 4-year, Private, Carnegie Classified
Professor: Richard M. Eberst, Ph.D., FASHA, CHES
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