Educational Psychology
Course Description:
The goal of this course is to develop a working knowledge of various principles and theories based in the discipline of psychology and the practical application of these formulations to the teaching/learning process. The content includes theories of learning, motivation and intelligence; theories of cognitive, social, and emotional development; influences of social and cultural background on development and learning; assessment and evaluation; theoretical basis for instructional models; theoretical basis of strategies for managing the learning environment.
None. Concurrent enrollment in EDU 3150 is required for education minors.
Required Texts:
Woolfolk, Anita (2009). Educational Psychology, Active Learning-11th edition, Allyn and Bacon. Recommended readings, articles, etc. will be handed out in class.
The Undergraduate Education Program at Hamline University is committed to developing teachers-leaders who:
I. Promote Equity in Schools and Society
- Understand the role education has played and plays in shaping society
- Value all children and youth regardless of race, class, gender, exceptionality, home language, or other social, physical, or cultural characteristics
- Utilize social and cultural backgrounds and the variety of ways individuals learn to enhance teaching and learning
- Act as agents of change in their classrooms, schools, and communities
II. Build Communities of Teachers and Learners
- Construct supportive communities with learners and colleagues
- Recognize that teaching and learning are social and cultural processes
- Create physically and psychologically welcoming environments that foster self worth
III. Construct Knowledge
- Understand that bodies of knowledge are constructed and interpreted
- Transfer theoretical, foundational and pedagogical knowledge to practice intentionally
- Use best practice, including technology, in the construction of learning
IV. Practice Thoughtful Inquiry and Reflection
- Reflect on practice to improve teaching and learning
- Research issues related to educational practice and theory
- Use practice as a basis for more in-depth study
The pre-teacher:
1A. understands the major concepts, assumptions, debates, processes of inquiry, and ways of knowing that are central to disciplines taught.
2A. understands how students internalize knowledge, acquire skills, and develop thinking behaviors, and know how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning.
2B. understands that students’ physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive development influence learning and knows how to address these factors when making instructional decisions.
2C. understands expected developmental progressions of learners and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive) is able to identify levels of readiness in learning and understands how development in one domain may affect performance in others.
3A. understands and identifies differences in approaches to learning and performance, including varied learning styles, multiple intelligences, and performance modes; and knows how to design instruction that uses student’s strengths as the basis for continued learning.
3C. understands the process of second language acquisition and strategies to support the learning of students whose first language is not English.
3D. understands how to recognize and deal with dehumanizing biases, discrimination prejudices and institutional racism and sexism.
3E. understands how a student’s learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family and community values.
4B. understands the cognitive processes associated with various kinds of learning and how these processes are stimulated.
5A. understands human motivation and behavior and draws from the foundational sciences of psychology, anthropology, and sociology, to develop strategies for organizing and supporting individual and group work.
5D. knows how to help people work productively and cooperatively with each other in complex social settings.
5F. knows factors/situations that promote/diminish motivation and knows how to help students become self-motivated.
5G. understands how participation supports commitment.
5J. recognizes the relationship of intrinsic motivation to student lifelong growth and learning
6A. understands communication theory, language development, and the role of language in learning.
8B. understands the characteristics, uses, advantages and limitations of different types of assessments including criterion-referenced and norm-referenced instruments, traditional standardized and performance-based tests, observation systems, and assessments of student work.
8C. understands the purpose of and differences between assessment and evaluation.
8D. understands measurement theory and assessment-related issues, including validity, reliability, and bias and scoring concerns.
9B. understands methods of inquiry, self-assessment, and problem-solving strategies for use in professional assessment.
9C. understands the influences of teachers’ behavior on student growth and learning.
9E. understands the role of reflection and self-assessment on continual learning.
10D. understands the concept of addressing the needs of the whole learner.
In addition to meeting the Social Science Requirement (S) this course meets the following:
Writing Intensive Outcomes (“t”)
Students will:
t1) write clearly, concisely, coherently and engagingly
t2) review and evaluate own work for rewriting and revising
t3) coordinate arrangement of introduction, paragraphs and conclusions
t4) use spell checkers with the appropriate cautions
t5) proofread own writing consistently and carefully
t6) read a peer’s draft carefully and critically
t7) generate appropriate global and local feedback for peers
t8) document, attribute and cite sources and paraphrase accurately and honestly
Individual Ability in Learning Outcomes (“Q”)
Students will:
Q1) use service-learning to explore, investigate, and reflect on theory to practice.
Q2) identify for themselves question(s) for independent investigation that will incorporate readings and class discussions on development.
Q3) select inquiry methods best suited to their subject, including Piagetian tasks, clinical interviews, and focused observations (observation project).
Q4) write a formal research proposal that clearly describes specific hypotheses and methods.
Q5) present their research as an oral research report, a written research report, or as a poster presentation
Computer Intensive (“c”)
c1) Students will word process their papers and projects
c2) Students will use e-mail for communication with peers and with instructor
c3) Students will use e-mail attachments to review/edit group products
c4) Students will use CLICNET to locate sources for papers
c5) Students will add entries to a portfolio
c6) Students will use blackboard on-line course format to communicate to class members and gain additional information for the class (this includes grades).
Grading Procedure:
There are several components to your final grade for this course. Each assignment will be discussed further in class. These assignments include:
1. Clinical placement (education minors) Service-learning (everyone)—this course coincides with the school and society clinical. Various activities for educational psychology can be completed in the same 30 hour clinical requirement. However, students registered for this course only are required to complete a 20 hour service-learning placement. A community service diary (20 points) and completion of your clinical/service hours (30 points) will be completed as you do your work and turned in at the end of the semester to receive credit. (50 points),
2. Reflection papers: These two-page papers are reflections that will tie textbook class instruction with prior knowledge. A total of five reflection papers are due and are worth 20 points each. (100 points total),
3. Observation Project: This project involves a systematic observation of three children of different chronological ages. You will observe children at the age which you intend to teach. A packet of information will be handed out in class which explains this project in detail. (100 points), (20 pts first two student drafts—20+20, and 60 for total project)
4. Jung typology: This project gives each student a chance to see how they perceive themselves and how students will perceive them. This is a good method to identify teaching styles. We will complete this in the first few classes. It is placed on a website for our use. (P/F),
5. Practice teaching exercise: Each student will prepare and deliver a developmentally-appropriate learning experience to his or her classmates. This consists of a lesson plan and an 8 minute presentation of the lesson. A packet of information will be handed out in class which explains this project in detail (50 points)
6. Peer Reviews of practice teaching, class participation/study guides/on-line work: For class participation, study guides and written work will be done in class. On-line work also is part of participate as is attendance at your service-learning placement. Because contact hours are so important to course content, work done in class cannot be made up. Study guides will be completed in and out of class and will be discussed in class. Incomplete study guides will receive a “0” for that class. If you attend only half the class, only half credit will be possible. Failure to do the on-line assignments or missing face-to-face service-learning will also result in a “0” for that assignment. Service-learning can only be made up if quarantined for Flu. (250 points),
7. Quizzes: three quizzes will be given in class throughout the semester on readings, in class information. Please see the syllabus outline for scheduled dates. Each is worth 50 points. (150 points),
8. Final test: Each student will complete a take home final exam to be presented in class at the final scheduled date (50 points).
What is service learning? Simply put, service learning is a teaching methodology that combines community service with classroom instruction in a mutually beneficial collaboration. We can clarify this definition by looking at three essential aspects of service learning: it is reciprocal, it involves reflection, and it aims to cultivate a sense civic responsibility.
Service learning must be reciprocal in that the “agency” (where the service is done by students), and the students themselves, both gain from the experience. In part, this is what makes service learning different from volunteering, because students are not just providing a service to the community. Rather, they are participating in a substantive activity that fulfills a community need, AND the students are using skills, applying theories, and integrating course content while they serve. They are engaged in “learning by doing,” extending the walls of the classroom to the community at large. Students benefit from the opportunity to practice skills and gain experience, while the agency benefits from the service the students provide.
Service learning must involve reflection in order to be an effective teaching technique. Students must engage in the process of thinking critically about connections between their service and the academic content. They must apply the subject matter from the classroom to the service they are performing. This can be done through writing journals, participating in classroom discussion or on- line “chats,” preparing research papers, conducting self evaluations, etc. There are unlimited ways instructors can engage students in thinking about and connecting the course content to the service they provide. These reflection activities are where the “learning” of service learning takes place.
Service learning aims to cultivate civic responsibility by helping students experience and understand their community, and to fulfill community needs. One of the goals of educational institutions is to help students become responsible citizens: to see themselves as a part of the community, and to recognize their roles in making society a better place. Through service learning, we can provide opportunities for students to develop into a responsible citizenry.
Andrew Furco describes service learning as falling midway on a continuum between volunteerism and internships. Volunteerism engages students in activities emphasizing the service that is provided, with the agency being the primary beneficiary. Internship programs engage students in activities providing hands-on experience that enhance particular areas of study or career planning, with the student being the primary beneficiary. Service learning lands squarely in the middle, with the agency and the student benefiting equally.
Assessment Expectations:
A combination of projects, papers, presentations, role play, text and portfolio will be used to assess students’ attainment of the SEPBT standards, the Hamline plan outcomes, and the undergraduate curriculum framework aligned with this course. The focus will be on performance-based assessment strategies, as indicated by the assessment descriptions that follow.
Standards Assessed: t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 ; c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6 ; 2B,2C, 3D, 3E, 9C ; Q4; IV
Assessment Items and Point Values: Observation Project, 100; Community Service Diary, 20; clinical service, 30
Standards Assessed: c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6; t6, t7; 5A5D,5G, 9E, 10D; II, III, IV
Assessment Items and Point Values: Jung typology (P/F); practice teaching (50); study guides, participation, peer reviews (250)
Standards Assessed: t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t8; Q1, Q2, Q3,Q4; c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6; 1A, 2B, 2C, 3E, 4B, 6A, 8C, 8D, 9B
Assessment Items and Point Values: Reflection papers (5@20=100)
Standards Assessed: t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t8; c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6; 1A, 2A, 3A, 3C, 4B, 5D, 5G, 6A, 8B, 8C, 9C, 9E, 10D; I, II, III, IV
Assessment Items and Point Values: practice teaching and packet (previously mentioned); Clinical/Service-Learning (previously mentioned)
Standards Assessed: 1A, 3C, 3E, 5A, 5D, 5F, 5J, 8B, 8C, 8D; c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6
Assessment Items and Point Values: Quizzes (3@50=150); Final Test (50)
Total Points: 750
Course Schedule:
This schedule may change because of unforeseen circumstances.
2/2/Introduction; Syllabus/Student expectations
2/4/Read electronic articles on line; Discussion of reflection papers/What is a good teacher?
2/7/Chapter 1; Read Ch. 4
2/9/Begin Ch. 4 Individual differences; Reflection paper #1 due; Complete Jung Typology profile
2/11/Chapter 4 part II; Read Ch. 2
2/14/ Jung Typology discussion; Oral lang. Handout; Begin Ch. 2 cognitive dev
2/16/ Finish Ch. 2; How does all this impact learning language?; How does this impact teaching? 2/18/Quiz #1 (Ch. 1, 2, 4)
2/21/ Introduction to observation project; Begin Ch. 3 Personal, social, and moral dev. Read Ch. 3
2/23/ Developmental risks; Ref. #2 due
2/25/ Begin Ch.5 Culture and Community; Read Ch. 5
2/28/ Ch. 6 Behavioral Views of learning; Read Ch. 6
3/2/ Finish Ch. 6
3/4/Quiz#2 on-line (ch. 3/5); Read Ch. 7
3/7/Start on Ch. 7 Cognitive Views of learning; Reflection paper #3 due
3/9/ Finish Ch. 7; Begin Ch. 8—Complex Cog. Processes; Read Ch. 8
3/11/ Quiz #3 (ch. 6 and 7)
3/14/ Study skills what are they and how do they promote thinking?; Reflection #4 due
3/16/ CH. 9 Social Constructivist; Read Ch. 9; Views of learning
3/18/ Ch.11. Creating Learning Environments/ Read Ch. 11; Ch. 12 Teaching for Learning; Reflection #5 due
3/21-3/27/SPRING BREAK
3/28/ Practice teaching directions; begin the plans; Ch. 10 Motivation; Four ways to understand motivation; Part I Obs. Due
3/30/ Ch. 13–Classroom Management; Read Ch. 11; Creating our own management plan
4/1/ On-line discussion—Ch. 10, 11, 12, 13)
4/4/ How do you handle conflict?; Complete and score
4/6/ Ch. 14 Classroom Assessment; Read Ch. 14
4/8/ Ch. 15 Assessment and Evaluation; Read Ch. 15
4/11/In class work-time with Jean on Observation project
4/13/In class work-time on portfolios
4/15/Discussion of Final test and working on practice teaching; Samples shown here and learn podium technology.
4/18/ Practice teaching presentations 1-4; Peer evals. due each day
4/20/ Practice teaching presentations 5-9; Peer evals due each
4/22/ Earth day at Hamline
4/25/ Practice teaching presentations 10-13; Peer evals. Due each day
4/27/ Practice teaching presentations 14-17; Peer evals. Due each day
4/29/ Practice teaching presentations 18-21; Peer evals. Due each day
5/2/ Practice teaching presentations 22-25; Peer evals. Due each day
5/4/ Final Practice teachings (25-?); Peer evals. Due each day
5/6/ Make up day
5/10-14/ TBA— we will work on portfolios and use time as needed to finish content and clinical
- Engaged Curriculum
- Education , Education , Social Sciences and Humanities
- Syllabi Archive
- Hamline University
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Arts & Culture issue area
- Placement, Required activity
- Add-On to Another Course, Upper Division course
- 4-year, Private, Faith-Based
Professor: Dr. Jean Strait
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