Curriculum Models and Assessment in Art
Kennesaw State University
School of the Arts/Bagwell College of Education
ARED 4410 Curriculum Models and Assessment in Art
I. INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Sandra Bird
Office in VA: 232
Office phone: 770-423-6435
Office hours: MW 10 to 11, or by appointment
Dunn, P. (1995). Creating Curriculum in Art. Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association.
Some readings/research will be available via internet.
Additional readings will be copied and distributed to students.
This course is designed to prepare prospective art teachers to be able to plan and organize effective art programs and curricula, to explore innovative and exemplary art programs and materials, to assess art learning, and to develop a rational and strategy for articulating and promoting a quality art program. In addition, this course is designed to identify and understand art instruction, which meets the required Visual Arts Quality Core Curriculum for the State of Georgia. Students also participate in a clinical practice activity in a partner school, involving the cooperative creation and delivery of an original art curriculum unit. (Proof of liability insurance required prior to school placement).
The purpose of this course is to prepare prospective art educators to deliver written, sequential, cumulative, and well articulated curriculum with the P 12 framework. Driven by a Comprehensive Art Education theoretical ground, students will examine the basic elements of curriculum design and actualize thematic units through cooperative and individualized projects. The content and pedagogy of this course is specifically keyed to the National Standards in Art Education, the Quality Core Curriculum of the State of Georgia, as well as the National Art Education Association’s Standards for Art Teacher Preparation.
The Kennesaw State University teacher education faculty is committed to preparing teachers who demonstrate expertise in facilitating learning in all students. Toward that end, the KSU teacher education community strongly upholds the concept of collaborative preparation requiring guidance from professionals inside and outside the university. In tandem with this belief is the understanding that teacher expertise develops along a continuum which includes the stages of pre-service, induction, in service, and renewal; further, as candidates develop a strong research based knowledge of content and pedagogy, they develop their professional expertise in recognizing, facilitating, assessing, and evaluating student learning.
The following objectives are specific, outcome based expectations derived from the course goals and the Conceptual Framework of the Bagwell College of Education, the National Standards for Art Education, The National Art Education Association Standards for Art Teacher Preparation, the Discipline Based Model for Art Education, and the State of Georgia Quality Core Curriculum.
The student will be able to…
1. make curriculum decisions using national and state standards in art education.
2. understand and develop methods and executive routines for producing art for target populations, within the context of a learning community and individually.
3. understand and develop lessons and units involving cultural and historical exemplars for target populations, within the context of a learning community and individually.
4. understand and develop critical and aesthetic analyses of works of art for target populations, within the context of a learning community and individually.
5. understand and develop curriculum which provides opportunities for students to learn to work cooperatively as well as individually.
6. create and facilitate interdisciplinary curriculum as a teaching team for a target population.
7. become more familiar with art curriculum produced by museum education departments and art education publishers, and will be able to make selections appropriate to their own curricular goals.
8. understand and incorporate the essential inter relatedness of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
9. devise authentic assessment strategies for mass produced curriculum and original units of instruction.
10. facilitate authentic assessment strategies in the learning communities’ unit for a target population
11. observe students and student work to understand developmental and individual differences that exist in the classroom.
12. become more sensitive to differences in artistic and aesthetic values of different cultures.
13. become more observant of all students’ individual needs.
14. adapts curriculum to meet all students’ needs.
15. develop habit of self evaluation for teaching practice.
16. create organizing documentation for year long, unit and lesson planning.
17. makes reasoned and insightful selections of technology, resources and materials to support teaching goals of their original unit of instruction.
Class participation/Attendance 10%
Curriculum reflections/worksheets 20%
Original unit assignments 10%
Completed thematic unit 20%
Presentations of original unit work 10%
Clinical practice activities 30%
a. Class Participation/Attendance Students are expected to attend class and to actively engage in classroom activities. A major portion of the course grade will depend upon active participation. For every class missed, 5 points will be deducted from the final grade in this category.
b. Curriculum reflections/worksheets Students will be required to conduct internet research on topics in curriculum development and assessment, as well as to collect information for the learning community project. In class, students will examine a wide variety of curriculum and assessment tools that are currently being used or have been used in the past. Students will collect their research in a notebook, along with graded worksheets, handouts, and reflections from classroom activities.
c. Original unit assignments Students will complete various organizing assignments during the semester. These assignments are designed to structure the writing of the unit plans, including the identification of a theme and its accompanying visual exemplar, a curriculum web, unit description worksheets, and a lesson example from the unit integrating assessment and diverse teaching strategies.
d. Completed thematic unit Students will develop unit plans (comprised of at least 5 lessons) to teach art for a targeted group in the P 12 system, with emphasis on the appropriate content and instruction, the needs of diverse learners, multicultural connections and authentic assessment of student learning. All supporting audio visual materials will be prepared for use in the classroom and turned in with the lesson for evaluation.
e. Presentations of original unit work Students will present the developed units, using visual/technical aides that communicate the uniting themes, provide visual reference of the exemplars, and briefly elucidate the various lessons (including a concept, process or product visual).
f. Clinical practices This semester we will be participating in a partnership at Big Shanty Elementary. Our goal is to aid students in their exposure to Momotaro (The Peach Boy) in a Japanese Bunraku style. Our partnership project includes the Department of Theatre as well. The schedule below outlines placement dates for this activity.
WEEK 1 (Aug. 26-28)
(M) The World of Wayang Documentary clips
(M) Tearing Down the Ivory Tower Documentary clips
(M) Intro, to Momotaro Bunraku project
(M) Taiko Drumming video clips
(W) Banter with thematic statement
(W) Begin planning Big Shanty project
(Saturday drum cleaning party at Sue Moore’s for those who can)
WEEK 2 (Sept 2-4)
Historical/Philosophical Survey of Curriculum Development for Art
(M) Reading: Dunn pp. 4-14
(M) Begin team unit planning after collecting research
(M) Identify themes, exemplars, and create a curriculum web
(W) Reading: Dunn pp. 21-25
(W) Continue planning for Big Shanty project
(Saturday drum cleaning party at Sue Moore’s for those who can)
WEEK 3 (Sept 9-11)
Elements of Art Curriculum
(M) Reading: Dunn pp. 15-20
(M) Examine National Standards and Georgia’s Quality Core Curriculum
(M) Continue planning for Big Shanty project
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Bates
(W) Continue planning for Big Shanty project
(Saturday drum making party at Sue Moore’s for those who can)
WEEK 4 (Sept. 16-18)
Evaluation of Past and Current Approaches
(M) Begin Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Dunn pp. 28-40
Examine Bate’s outline
WEEK 5 (Sept. 23-25)
Evaluation of Current Programs
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Dunn pp. 44-56
Comprehensive Arts Education Getty video
Community Based Art Education
Visual Culture Arts Education
WEEK 6 (Sept 30-Oct 2)
Exploration of Commercial Curricula and Materials
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Dunn pp. 57-60
Art Connections & Portfolios
WEEK 7 (Oct 7-9)
Development of Units of Instruction
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Dunn pp. 61-70
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Reiser & Dick
WEEK 8 (Oct. 14-16)
Development of units of instruction, including
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Chalmers
WEEK 9 (Oct 21-23)
Planning and development of the curriculum to meet the needs of exceptional students
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Nyman & Jenkins
WEEK 10 (Oct. 28-30)
Presentations of Individual Units preliminary organizing documents and exemplars
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Individual Presentations
WEEK 11 (Nov 5-7)
Current Assessment/Evaluation Practices
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Bates
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Oosterhof
WEEK 12 (Nov 4-6)
Exploration of Technological Developments in Art Education
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Bates
WEEK 13 (Nov. 11-13)
Performance Assessment
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Bates
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from Ellsey
WEEK 14 (Nov. 18-20)
Handling Site specific Paperwork
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(W) Reading: Selection distributed from local county offices/schools
WEEK 15 (Nov 25)
(Thanksgiving holiday from 11/27-12/01)
(M) Big Shanty project on site
WEEK 16 (Dec. 2-4)
(M) Big Shanty project on site
(Tuesday night performance for the PTO)
(W) Performance for Big Shanty School on site
WEEK 17 (Dec. 9-11) Unit Presentations
(No class during finals week)
- Engaged Curriculum
- Art , Arts , Education
- Syllabi Archive
- Kennesaw State University
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Arts & Culture issue area
- Placement, Required activity, Small Group
- Upper Division course
- 4-year, Public
Professor: Sandra Bird
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