Corporate and Nonprofit Media Projects
MCJ 118S Corporate and Nonprofit Media Projects
Spring 2010 SYLLABUS
Prerequisites: MCJ 30 and 115. Advanced study of the planning, organization, and execution of media production techniques for informational and educational communications projects for corporations and nonprofits; a service learning approach provides practical experience working in production teams with clients. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours, 3 Units.)
The purpose of this course is to explore the production of media for use in the corporate and non-profit organizational environment. Through a combination of lecture and service learning activities you will gain experience in planning and creating a media project for a nonprofit organization. An emphasis is placed on the service-learning component of this class which provides you with hands-on, real world professional experience working closely with your client, a local nonprofit organization. Examples of agencies served by the class in the past include: Stone Soup, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, University Hope, Bulldog Pantry, EOC Sanctuary, Reading and Beyond and I CAN – Jr. Triathlon Club.
The goals of the course are to:
introduce you to the production responsibilities and processes involved in corporate/nonprofit media production.
prepare you to work effectively with clients.
provide you with practical service learning experience in creating corporate/nonprofit media.
expand your knowledge and skills in producing media.
Student Learning Outcomes
To understand production roles and responsibilities for producing corporate/nonprofit media.
To understand production steps used to produce a corporate/nonprofit media project.
To understand script approaches and their application to corporate/nonprofit media projects.
To prepare written proposals, scripts, reports, budgets and relevant documentation.
To communicate effectively with clients, crew and talent.
To produce a project that meets the client’s objectives.
To tailor a project to the target audience.
To capture quality images, video and sound using digital field production equipment.
To use images, video, sound and graphics to effectively convey the meaning of the script.
To use production techniques that produce an effective and professional quality finished project.
To provide a finished media project with professional packaging, ready for distribution.
Access to Blackboard course site
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If you have problems contact the help desk (daily until 10p) at 278-7000
Campus e-mail is required. Get a FREE account at
Corporate Media Production. By Ray DiZazzo.
Optional reference books (For serious editors).
The Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Pro 5. By Rick Young.
Final Cut Pro 6 for Mac OS X : Visual QuickPro Guide. By Lisa Brenneis. Peachpit Press. Available Barnes & Noble and
Assignments and Handouts
Provided in the Blackboard course Website.
DVD-R blank disks
Access to-
Internet Browser
Microsoft Word 2000+
External firewire hard drive or flash drive or computer equipped with editing software. Minimum external firewire drive specs – 7200 RPM and 8 MB cache.
Every student is required to have his/her own computer or have other personal access to a workstation (including a modem and a printer) with all the recommended software. The minimum and recommended standards for the workstations and software are available from Information Technology Services ( or the University Bookstore. Students are presumed to have 24-hour access to a computer workstation and the necessary communication links to the University’s information resources.
MCJ will provide cameras, audio recorders, microphones, accessory equipment, and computer systems; however, with instructor’s permission you may use your own media equipment and/or computer system. Your own equipment must be of sufficient quality to produce professional work for clients to be approved by the professor.
Field equipment is to be checked out and returned during posted times in SA 150. Access to computer systems is available when the edit lab (SA150) student assistants are on duty. After hours access to the Speech Arts edit booths will be available by contacting campus police at 278-2132. Your name will be on their access list and you will need to show them your campus ID card.
You are responsible for the condition of field equipment and its timely return. Anyone failing to return equipment checked out to them at the stipulated time or returning it in damaged condition is subject to a reduction in points or final grade. Note: You are responsible for repairs or replacement costs of damaged or lost equipment.
There are no additional fees associated with this course.
Student Responsibilities
1. Read assigned readings prior to class.
2. Read campus email messages related to class a minimum of twice a week.
3. Check the Blackboard course Web site for updates and assignments at least twice per week.
4. Review assignments on the Blackboard course Web site by the dates they are given, as noted in the syllabus.
5. Complete assignments on time.
6. Contribute to class and group discussions.
7. Be prompt.
8. Participate and complete your fair share of work for the group project.
9. Communicate any problems in completing work or your responsibilities to the group ASAP. Work with group to resolve problems quickly.
10. Be respectful to clients and their staff and patrons. This includes abiding by nonprofit client guidelines such as confidentiality.
Detailed assignment information, grading criteria, and deadlines are posted in the Blackboard course site.
Client Service-learning Project: 650 points max.
In a production team, produce a promotional video package for a client. Each team member is to contribute an equivalent share of work for the project which will require 50 to 70 hours of work per team member outside the classroom, possibly more, depending on the quality and professionalism employed. (An assignment sheet with due dates will be provided.)
At each stage of the project there will be in-class discussion and feedback on the work you have turned in and your experiences working on a service learning project.
The project consists of the following components to be completed jointly by the team:
1. Project Proposal (up to 50 points) – includes: project overview and description of videos, project purpose and goals, description of target audience, production and distribution formats, targeted length, project deliverables, production team responsibilities, client responsibilities, budget estimate, production timeline.
2. Script (up to 90 points) – includes: content outline (20 points) and shooting script (70 points).
3. Production Plan (up to 50 points) – includes: team assignments, production schedule (project research, client meetings, scriptwriting, planning and preparation, shooting, post-production, client review, duplication, packaging and distribution, etc.), production equipment list, talent information (name, contact info., role, schedule), location information (address, directions, contact info., permission letter, description and usage, dates.), additional production assistance (crew, makeup, costumes, sets, etc.), supplies and materials (source, cost, purpose, acquisition date).
4. Status Reports (up to 20 points each) – two written and orals reports providing an overview of work completed, in-progress and still to be done.
5. Video Package (up to 300 points) – includes: two videos; one at 1:30 to 2 minutes compressed for the Web (100 points) and one a minimum 5 minutes or longer on DVD (200 points) with appropriate labeling and packaging suitable for use by the client.
6. Project Final Budget (up to 30 points) – Itemized budget showing proposed and actual time and expenses.
7. Project Notebook (up to 30 points) – includes: project proposal, production plan, shooting and editing scripts, status reports, project budget, appearance releases, location permission, music releases, and any other project documents.
8. Audience Survey (up to 30 points) – includes survey of sample audience members and summary of responses.
9. Client Evaluation (up to 30 points) – completion of evaluation forms by client.
10. Individual Journal 50 points max.
Each student will write a journal that reflects on their experiences participating in the project. The journal should discuss your reactions to what you experience, the connection between classroom learning and service-learning in the field (i.e working with a real client), and tips and things to improve in the future. A minimum of 15 entries (one for each week starting with the second week of class) with a length of 200 words, or more, each will be required. The journal may be a word processed document or a blog. Due on the final exam day, May 20.
Mid-term: 200 points
Take-home exam covering topics covered prior to the exam.
Students are expected to be present and actively participate at class meetings and to spend 50 hours or more working on the service-learning project outside of the classroom.
Class Attendance = Maximum 50 points – Three (3) points will be awarded for attendance on specified class days (See course schedule).
Roll will be taken at the beginning of class. Tardiness will result in the loss of your attendance points for that day.
Service-learning Hours = 50 points – One point per hour served up to 50 hours, . point per hour up to 70 hours.
A time sheet will be used throughout the course where you will log the time you sign-in and out, the date, length of time spent, and task completed. The time sheet will be turned in with your journal on the final exam day, May 20.
Extra credit points will be given for completion of the assignments below. Detailed assignment information is posted in the Blackboard course site.
Project DVD Package (up to 25 points) – An enhanced DVD that includes: custom menus, both videos, additional content (i.e photo gallery, etc.), printed disk label, graphically designed and printed jewel case insert.
900 – 1000 |
= A |
Course Assignment |
= 700 |
800 – 899 |
= B |
Exam |
= 200 |
700 – 799 |
= C |
Attendance |
= 100 |
600 – 699 |
= D |
599 and below |
= F |
Location |
1/21 – [1] |
Topic: Intro to course Assignment given: 10) Individual Journal (Due 5/20) |
SA154 |
Week 2 |
1/26– [2] |
Topic: Corporate/Nonprofit Media: Uses, Players, Media Groups/Guest Speaker: Corporate Video Production – Todd Bowen Reading for today: Ch. 1, 2, 3, pp. 1-16. Attendance taken |
SA154 |
1/28 – [3] |
Activity: Service-learning Guest Speaker: Chris Fiorentino – The benefits of Service-learning, the Richter Service-Learning Center & Client Project Overview/Team Formation/Team Meeting Reading for today: What is service-learning? By the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse. Jan and Bud Richter Center…, About Us. Assignment given: Client preferences survey (Due 2/2) Attendance taken |
SA154 |
Week 3 |
2/2 – [4] |
Topic: Production Process, Program Needs Analysis, Client Relations, Project Proposal Assignment due: Client preferences survey Attendance taken |
SA154 |
2/4 – [5] |
Topic: Planning and preproduction, Client Meeting Simulation. Reading for today: Ch. 4 & 5, pp. 17-26, Ch. 6, pp. 29-33, Attendance taken |
SA154 |
Week 4 |
2/9 – [6] |
Activity: Client meetings: Teams meet with client in class (Guest: Chris Fiorentino) Assignment given: 1) Project Proposal (Draft Due 2/18, Final Due 2/23) Reading for today: Ch. 15, pp. 87-108. Attendance taken |
SA154 |
2/11 – [7] |
Topic: Creating the script Assignment given: 2) Script (Content outline draft due 2/25, final due 3/2; Script draft due 3/9, final due 3/16) Reading for today: Ch. 10, 11, 13, pp. 56-67 and 74-78. Attendance taken |
SA154 |
Week 5 |
2/16 – [8] |
Faculty Furlough Day – No Class |
2/18 – [9] |
Topic: Proposal review Assignment due: 1) Proposal – Draft |
SA154 |
Attendance taken |
Week 6 |
2/23 – [10] |
Activity: Client proposal meeting at client’s office Assignment due: 1) Proposal – Final (To client, copy to professor) Reading for today: Ch. 6, 7, 8, pp. 27-51. |
Client’s Office |
2/25 – [11] |
Activity: Content outline draft review Assignment given: 3) Production Plan (Due 3/4) Assignment due: 2) Content outline draft Attendance taken |
S A154 |
Week 7 |
3/2 – [12] |
Activity: Content outline meeting with client at Client’s Office Assignment due: 2) Content Outline (To client, copy to professor) Reading for today: Ch. 12, 14, pp. 68-73 and 79-86. |
Client’s Office |
3/4 – [13] |
Activity: Production plan review Assignment due: 3) Production Plan Reading for today: Ch. 20, 21, 22, 23. Attendance taken |
SA154 |
Week 8 |
3/9 – [14] |
Activity: Draft script review Assignment due: 2) Script – draft Attendance taken |
SA154 |
3/11 – [15] |
Team Production Day (Faculty Furlough Day) |
Week 9 |
3/16 – [16] |
Activity: Script review meeting with client at Client’s Office Assignment due: 2) Script – Final (To client, copy to professor) |
Client’s Office |
3/18 – [17] |
Topic: Directing Corporate Video Reading for today: Ch. 19, Ch. 24, Ch. 25. Attendance taken |
SA154 |
Week 10 |
3/23 – [18] |
Activity: Shooting and Editing Refresher Reading for today: Ch 17, 18, pp. 125-138, Ch. 26, 27, 28, pp. 213-230. Attendance taken |
SA154 |
3/25 – [19] |
Turn in Take-Home MID TERM EXAM Activity: Project Q & A/Production Day (You may leave after Q & A at approx. 2:15 pm.) Attendance taken |
SA 154 |
3/29-4/2 |
Week 11 |
4/6 – [20] |
Activity: 4) Status Report #1 – Production progress and class discussion Assignment due: 4) Status Report #1 Attendance taken |
SA154 |
4/8 – [21] |
Activity: Production Day |
Week 12 |
4/13 – [22] |
Activity: Production Day |
4/15 – [23] |
Activity: Production Day |
Week 13 |
4/20 – [24] |
Activity: Production Day |
4/222 – [25] |
Activity: Production Day |
Week 14 |
4/27 – [26] |
Topic: Project evaluation and audience feedback/ Status Report #2 – Post-production progress and service-learning discussion/Sign-up for 5/4 review session/ Reading for today: Ch. 30, pp. 236-240. Assignment given: 6) Project Budget (turned in within project notebook), 7) Project Notebook, 8) Audience Survey and 9) Client Evaluation Assignment due: 4) Status Report #2 Attendance taken |
SA154 |
4/29 – [27] |
Activity: Production Day |
Week 15 |
5/3 – 5/7 |
Activity: Client review meeting – show and discuss changes for both videos |
5/4 – [28] |
Topic: Video package review with professor Assignment due: 5) Video Package – draft version Attendance taken |
SA150 |
5/6 – [29] |
Activity: Production Day |
Week 16 |
5/10 – 5/14 |
Activity: Audience showing and survey administration |
5/11 – [30] |
Assignments due: 5) Video Package – final version, 6) Project Budget (turned in within project notebook), 7) Project Notebook Attendance taken |
SA154 |
Finals Week |
5/20 |
Final Period (3:30p-5:30p): Project Showcase Assignments due: 8) Audience Survey and 9) Client Evaluation, 10) Individual Journal and Time Sheet Attendance taken |
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