Community Service Learning I
This course involves students in community service learning theory and practice. Through Project Horizon, the University of Hartford’s community outreach program, students partner with non-profit agencies and programs serving primarily vulnerable populations. Engagement, reflection, reciprocity and public dissemination are the vehicles through which service learning is implemented. This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the social determinants of illness, community public health nursing and civic engagement. Co/Prerequisites: NUR 443
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
- Collaborate with key players in the service learning setting to promote health and prevent disease.
- Employ professional values and ethics in the practice of community public health nursing.
- Apply principles of epidemiology when analyzing health problems with the aggregate.
- Apply ethical principals in your role as community/public health nurse in the service-learning setting.
- Recognize two values and beliefs that form the basis of community practice.
- Design culturally competent, professional communication when interacting with groups and aggregates.
The pedagogy of the BSN program is based on the principles of adult learning. Everyone is expected to attend and actively participate. This course uses the principles of service learning to promote student civic engagement and creativity in learning and is organized as a field-based methodology requiring 90 hours per semester of service learning. Students are expected to be present in the service learning sites when committed.
The University of Hartford’s College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions Department of Nursing’s Project Horizon is a vehicle by which students participate in service learning experiences, primarily in, but not limited to, the urban Hartford community. Through NUR 434 Community Service Learning I and NUR 444 Community Service Learning II faculty create the milieu for the student experiences and maintain relationships with 22 partner sites in Greater Hartford. The sites include transitional living centers, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, neighborhood centers, senior centers, boys and girls clubs and urban schools. Project Horizon aims to create a democratic forum for community exchange and partnerships, to foster understanding among groups with different racial, ethnic, cultural and class backgrounds and to create community-driven health care initiatives that seek to reduce ethnic and racial health disparities. Members of the university community outside of nursing are welcome to participate in Project Horizon and to grow in understanding of critical health issues. Students in art, music, sociology and technology have partnered with nursing to implement programs together.
The baccalaureate program in the Department of Nursing for registered nurses completing the bachelors of science degree in nursing is designed to challenge students to explore new ideas and to consider new beliefs and behavior. The curriculum is planned to take the student in small increments to a place where they can: 1. become advocates for health care change and civic engagement, 2. grow in their understanding of the negative effects of racial and ethnic health disparities and, 3. create together with the community innovative health and wellness advocacy programs. The curriculum supports the transformation of ideas. Faculty background in nursing and the social sciences helps provide the conceptual tools to develop a curriculum where students are asked to challenge themselves to address complex health and social issues.
1. Sweitzer, H.F. & King, M.A. (2009). The successful internship: Personal, professional, and civic development. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
2. Delaney, S. & Delaney, A. E. (1993) Having our say: The Delaney sisters’ first 100 years. N.Y: Dell Books. (Random House)
3. Kozol, J. (1988) Rachel and her children: Homeless families in America. NY: Ballantine
1. Nies, M. & McEwen, M. (2007). Community health nursing: Promoting the health of populations. 4th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
2. Chin, J. E. ed (2000). Control of communicable diseases manual, 17th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association.
3. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington: APA
4. Forni, P.M. (2002) Choosing civility: The twenty-five rules of considerate conduct. New York: Saint Martin’s Press.
Reflective Diaries (due every week for 1st half semester, then every other week) 10%
Monthly Statistical Logs with Monthly tallies & analysis 20%
Letter to the Site Directors (include monthly tallies & health promotion write ups with letter) 15%
Service Learning Setting & Post Conference Contribution 20%
Weekly Health Promotion (2 Health Promotion Campaign write-ups required) 20%
Self Evaluation Green Sheets 5%
End of Semester Analytical Essay 10%
Total 100%
Orientation to course format and objectives (held on UHA campus)
Discuss: Engagement, reflection, reciprocity and public dissemination
Field Experience: Hartford Scavenger Hunt, Getting to know Hartford
Field Experience: Participate in Riverfront Adventure Teambuilding Workshop. This experience is held outdoors in Hartford. Please dress for the weather.
Final setting assignments given out at Park. No classroom Conference
Field Experience: Introduction & Orientation to Service Learning setting
Complete: Project Horizon: Getting Started Check List
Conference: reflection, Discuss scavenger hunt and how to develop rapport
Field Experience Developing rapport and Service Learning Site Assessment
Conference: Discuss scavenger hunt, “Getting Started Check List” and how to develop a Service Learning Plan and pages 4-7 Service Learning Packet
Field Experience Assessment of Population Wellness Needs
Conference: Discuss Population Wellness Needs & Service Learning Plan
Field Experience Wellness Promotion Teaching (population focused)
Conference: Discuss “Having Our Say”
Field Experience Wellness promotion teaching
Conference: Discuss “Having Our Say”
Field Experience Wellness promotion teaching
Conference: Discuss 9th Street Notebook, reflection
No Field Experience this week. May use for make up hours.
Field Experience: Wellness Promotion teaching
Conference: Student Present Wellness Promotion topics to peers.
Conference: Discussion of Self Reflection tool “green sheets”
Field Experience Site Evaluation and draft plan for Spring semester. If possible, make visits to other settings.
Conference: Students present Wellness Promotion topics to peers.
Field Experience: Preclosure with sites and if possible make visits to other settings
Conference: Students present Wellness Promotion topics to peers.
Field Experience Course closure & Wrap-Up. Hand deliver “Letter to the Director” Include Monthly tallies and health promotion write-ups with letter
Assignment Guidelines and Evaluation Rubrics
Project Horizon: Hartford Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt to be completed during Weeks 1 & 2 of Service Learning I.
Assignment Objective: to help familiarize yourself with the streets and landmarks of Hartford. May be done in groups.
Fill out table: Location Found, Who I Met, My First Impressions
Project Horizon: Getting Started Check List
To be completed during Weeks 3 & 4 of NUR 434. May be completed in groups
Assignment Objective:
This is a tool to help you navigate through the service learning setting. It will guide you to the key players in the setting and help you learn about the population. The checklist may not be all inclusive. Answer the following questions:
Who are the key people at my setting? (ie) managers, principals?
How would I get in touch with the key people? Contact info:
What is the mission statement and the goals at my setting?
Ask for an organizational flow chart. Is it lateral or horizontal?
Ask for a tour of the facility.
What kind of facility is my setting? Transitional, homeless
What type of funding is provided to the facility?
What populations are served? (ie) elderly, children, teens?
Is the population static or dynamic?
What is the most common issue at your setting?
What type of insurance, if any, does your population have?
What type of income does the population have?
Where does the population seek medical care?
What is the primary mode of transportation for the population?
Name of Setting(s)
Student (s) Name (print)
Student (s) Signature, Date
NUR 434 Analytical Essay
Description of Assignment: This assignment will help you to analyze the service learning experience in a meaningful way. You will make conscious use of the course readings by incorporating them into the essays and by linking them to your experiences in the setting.
The purpose of the analytical essays is to have you demonstrate your ability to critically think about the service learning experience. This is an opportunity to synthesize experiences with the literature, class work and your personal and professional experiences. While this is a formal essay using APA format, it is not a research paper that requires a lot of additional sources. Try to use the existing course readings from NUR 434 and NUR 433 to substantiate your points. This is an individual assignment.
Grading Rubric Criteria
Analytical Essay (Suggested length-5 text pages)
Possible Points: 100
Intro: tells reader what paper is about (identify thesis, purpose, audience) (10 pts)
Logical progression of thought; relates to first paragraph, readability (20 pts)
Content, use of course readings, triangulation of personal, professional (35 pts)
Use of proper grammar, mechanics, APA, (use subheadings, 1st person, active voice) (15 pts)
Summary & Conclusions: Summarize points discussed in paper (return to the thesis, purpose & audience). Conclude with your expanded viewpoint on topic. (20 pts)
Here is a list of things to think about as you write your analytical essay.
(the format is from NUR 333)
Does it get the reader’s attention? Is my topic clear?
Did I state the importance of the topic?
Have I stated my thesis (what I think about the topic)?
Did I state the purpose of the paper (This paper will…)
Did I say who I am writing the paper for (audience)?
Did I include an overall statement about the literature review?
Organization of thoughts around your thesis
Do the ideas connect to my thesis?
Are the paragraphs in a coherent sequence towards the conclusion? Are my references related to what I am talking about?
Have I tried hard enough to get the reader to understand what I am saying?
Does my literature review help support my thesis?
Have I given some consideration to opposing viewpoints?
Can the reader tell that I care about what I am writing about?
Have I written to a specific audience & have I tried to be concise & clear?
Grammar, sentence structure & fluency, spelling, word choice, punctuation?
Neatness in presentation? Careful parenthetical citation (APA)?
Did I reemphasize the purpose & thesis of this paper?
Did I summarize the main points?
Did I reflect on what I learned from writing this piece?
Have I posed any possibilities on what to do with this new information?
NUR 434 Weekly Wellness Promotion Activities
2 write-ups due over course of semester
Assignment Objective: Complete these activities in collaboration with your setting. These activities are usually informal and done in a group setting. They will help you identify the needs of the population and to design setting-specific initiatives.
Student(s) Name(s)
Community Service Learning Site
Who was your intended audience for the activity?
Why did you design the activity and how did you develop it with the population?
What did you do during the activity? Important: Attach any worksheets, activity sheets or handouts you used with the group.
How did the group respond to the activity?
Why was it successful? Add suggestions or tips for the future.
Why was it successful? Add suggestions for future groups.
Attachments: Attach your culturally sensitive bilingual health promotion materials here:
You are expected to be an active participant in the service learning setting and in post conference. This includes staying at the service learning setting for the required number of hours, doing the readings and being able to participate in discussions in post conference.
Collaborative Work Skills : Ways to Earn Your Grade in Your Setting
Faculty Name:
Student Name:
CATEGORY: Working with Others
4 Almost always listens to, shares with & supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working together.
3 Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause “waves” in the group.
2 Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member.
1 Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.
4 Work reflects this student’s best efforts.
3 Work reflects a strong effort from this student.
2 Work reflects some effort from this student.
1 Work reflects little effort on the part of this student.
CATEGORY: Contributions
4 Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in discussion. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort.
3 Usually provides useful ideas when participating in discussion. A strong group member who tries hard!
2 Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required.
1 Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in discussion. May refuse to participate.
CATEGORY: Problem-solving
4 Actively seeks & suggests solutions to problems. Works collaboratively with staff & guests
3 Refines solutions suggested by others.
2 Does not suggest or refine solutions, but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others.
1 Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Lets others do the work.
CATEGORY: Monitors Group Effectiveness
4 Routinely monitors the effectiveness of the group, makes suggestions to make it more effective.
3 Routinely monitors the effectiveness of the group, works to make the group more effective.
2 Occasionally monitors the effectiveness of the group, works to make the group more effective.
1 Rarely monitors the effectiveness of the group, does not work to make it more effective.
CATEGORY: Focus on the task
4 Consistently stays focused on the task &what needs to be done. Very self-directed.
3 Focuses on the task & what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person.
2 Focuses on the task & what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must nag, prod & remind to keep person on-task.
1 Rarely focuses on the task & what needs to be done. Lets others do the work.
CATEGORY: Preparedness
4 Brings needed materials to class and is always ready to work.
3 Almost always brings needed materials to class and is ready to work.
2 Almost always brings needed materials but sometimes needs to settle down and get to work
1 Often forgets needed materials or is rarely ready to get to work.
CATEGORY: Attitude
4 Never is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about the task(s).
3 Rarely is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s).
2 Occasionally is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Usually has a positive attitude about task(s).
1 Often is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Often has a negative attitude about the task(s).
CATEGORY: Time-management
4 Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s procrastination.
3 Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s procrastination.
2 Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s procrastination.
1 Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person’s inadequate time management.
CATEGORY: Quality of Work
4 Provides work of the highest quality. Often goes beyond expectations of instructor
3 Provides high quality work.
2 Provides work that occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality.
1 Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality.
The diaries are a way for the nurse to reflect thoughtfully on the service learning experience. It is the place to write about your activities, set goals for the week, and write about actions and reactions and evaluations.
Guidelines for length and content
500 words is a good length for your weekly diary entry. This is the one assignment where APA format is not requires. However, you must use proper grammar, syntax and punctuation and quote from sources if you use them. Be cognizant of the objective for the course as well as your own learning objectives for the course Use the 1st person.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Quality of reflection
2. Relevance to course and student learning objectives
3. Ability to link experience with concepts
The monthly logs are records of individuals and groups you assess in the settings and what interventions were carried out. The logs are collated so that you may use the information gathered in the settings and report your findings to the agency staff. When you complete the collation, pay attention to patterns and trends as well as health concerns within the service learning population.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Clarity and accuracy of data
2. Legibility
3. Completeness
This is a letter that you write and give to the agency director at the end of the semester. The letter is intended to inform the director of activities done, health concerns expressed by the aggregate and your evaluation of the activities. This is a narrative based on your collation of the “monthly logs”.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Clarity, accuracy and completeness of information
2. Readability
3. Quality of synopsis and evaluation
Analytical and Conceptual Guides to Writing and Thinking for Service Learning Implementation
Concepts from Peace and Power by Peggy Chinn
Praxis: Thoughtful reflection and actions that occur together; “values made visible through deliberate action.”
Empowerment: growth, personal strength and power; respect of other, actively listening to self and others
Awareness: being in touch with the moment; acknowledging self and others
Cooperation: commitment to group. Each viewpoint and abilities are of equal value. Ideas are encourage; energy generated will contribute to group solidarity and cohesiveness.
This is the glue that holds the group together
Evolvement: The group will change over the semester. Change is deliberate; change happens because the group is growing together over the semester.
Power of Process: fluid learning environment designed to give a fresh perspective of nursing
Power of Sharing: passing of knowledge and skills that may develop. Some of the group may find that they have a passion for educating; others may have a voice advocating for others.
Power of Distribution: material resources available benefiting others according to need. This may challenge your biases, think about the “haves vs. have nots.”
Power of Consciousness: ethical dilemmas; involves alternate views, flexibility. Expansion of thoughts and give meaning to service learning experience
Critical Reflection: this is the best you have to offer and is the intent of helping the group understand your challenges and learning experiences.
Concepts from Service Learning Literature
“Service learning is the pedagogy that links academic study with the practical experience of community service. It has become an international movement that offers new approaches to teaching and learning and to civic engagement of institutions of higher education. It provides students with an education that meets the highest academic standards and delivers meaningful service that makes a difference to the well-being of society.
Service learning aims to develop in students a lifelong commitment to service and leadership. It promotes understanding of local issues as well as recognition of the interrelatedness of communities and societies across the world (IPSL, 2003).”
From: The International partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership,
Helpful Links to Info on Service Learning
Study Questions for Having our say: The Delaney Sisters’ First 100 Year
Pages 1-145
1. Bessie says “if it is going on in my neighborhood, it’s my business.” Do you think this stems from concern or nosiness? Does this apply to neighborhoods today, why or why not?
2. Papa discusses freedom, what do you think he means? What ways are there to be free? How do we take away freedom?
3. Papa says “your mission is to help somebody.” What image does this evoke? What ways can you carry out this mission in your setting?
Pages 146-299
4. Sadie gets a letter from her college after graduation demanding $25 and states that the assumption is that she is a “deadbeat.” Is this a common bias? Do we unknowingly perpetuate this viewpoint? How can this perception be changed?
5. Do you think that being “entirely honest, clean and brilliant” is enough to get ahead? Why or why not? What other qualities are needed?
6. “Am I going to change the world or am I going to change me?” What are some examples of this in your setting? What are some examples in our daily lives?
7. Do you think this book portrays life the way it is today? Have your personal thoughts or prejudices changed since reading this book?
NUR 434 Student Mid-Course Evaluation
1. The three top things I have learned so far in the course are …………
2. More than anything this is what I like about the course…………
3. Between now and the end of the semester I would like to change this about the course.
NUR 434 Self-Evaluation “GREEN SHEETS”
Community service learning I (NUR 434) require the careful completion of the “green sheets” which is a self-appraisal achievement tool attached here. Please document all of the behaviors you demonstrate in the service learning field sites as well as the rationale for your behavior. This form is available electronically for ease of completion.
GREEN SHEETS: The purpose of the green sheets is for you to document how you have achieved the learning objectives over the course of the semester. The green sheets provide documentation for accreditation of the program and are completed individually.
Nurse Intern:
Community Service Learning Site(s):
Rate each behavior by the following code:
2 – Satisfactory, meets requirements
1 – Showing improvement
0 – Inadequate
and provide documentation.
Behaviors to be achieved by end of semester:
1. Collaborate with key players in the service learning setting to promote health and prevent disease.
1.1 Demonstrate how you apply public health theory to your community service learning activities.
2 2. Employ professional values and ethics in the practice of community public health nursing.
2.1 Identify one conflict between the individual and the public good.
2.2 Identify two of your own values & beliefs that form the basis of your community practice.
3. Apply principles of epidemiology when analyzing health problems with the aggregate.
3.1 Provide one example of your use of epidemiology when analyzing a health concern with a population group.
3.2 Give one example of your use of incidence and prevalence measurements with a population group.
4. Apply ethical principals in your role as community public health nurse in the service-learning setting.
4.1 Illustrate two competing ethical principles in your role as community public health nurse.
5. Recognize two values and beliefs that form the basis of Community practice.
5.1 Define your role as a public health advocate.
Mid Semester Student Summary of Progress
End of Semester Student Summary of Progress
Faculty Signature, Date
Student Intern Signature, Date
- Engaged Curriculum
- Health and Wellness , Nursing , Service Learning , Service-Learning
- Syllabi Archive
- University of Hartford
- Health issue area
- Placement, Direct service, Required activity
- 4-year, Private
Professor: Karen Lucas Breda
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