Community Health Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Annette Gibson, RN, MEd, MSN Office: Room 2341
(Course Co Coordinator) Phone: (305) 237 4466
Dr. Susan Fairchild, EdD, RN, APN Office: Room 2335
(Course Co Coordinator) Phone: (305) 237 4168
Helen Bhagwandin, MSN, RN Office: Room 2318
Phone: (305) 237 4192
Marie Etienne, MSN, ARNP Office: Room 2347
Phone: (305) 237 4288
Figuly, Violeta, MSN, ARNP Office: Room 2337
Phone: (305) 237 4219
Liffrock, Diane, BSN, RN Email:
Angela, Russell, RN, MPH Office: Room 2322
Phone: (305) 237 4453
E mail: arussell(
Gale Woolley, EdD, ARNP Office: Room 2348
Phone: (305) 237 4467
Corbett, J.V. (2000). Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures with Nursing Diagnosis. Prentice Hall Health: Saddle River, NJ.
Tappen, R. Weiss, Whitehead, D., (2001). Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, F. A. Davis, Philadelphia.
Deglin, J.H. (1999). Davis’ Drug Guide for Nurses. 6 1h ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Doenges, M. (1999). Nurses Pocket Guide: Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions. 5th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Iyer, P. Taptich, B. Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis. W.B. Saunders Co.: Philadelphia.
L., Engebretson, J., (2001). Maternal, Neonatal, and Women’s Health Nursing. Delmar, Albany, NY.
Wong, D.L. & Hockenberry Eaton M. (2001). Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing (6th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.
Aucker, R., Albanese, J. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process. Mosby Year Book: St. Louis, MO.
Lutz, C. and Przytulski, K. (1997). Nutrition and Diet Therapy. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
This laboratory course assists the student to apply knowledge of community resources to the care of childbearing/child rearing families. There is special
emphasis on the understanding of cultural influences on health practices and beliefs within the family. 1 Credit
Corequisites: Pediatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing Clinical Lab, Psychiatric Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing Clinical Lab, Obstetrical Nursing, Obstetrical Nursing Clinical Lab, Medical/Surgical Nursing, Medical/Surgical Nursing Clinical Lab, Nursing Math and Pharmacology, Medical/Surgical Nursing Skills Lab C, MCB 2013
Competency 1: Discuss necessary components for assessment of maternal/infant,
children and adolescent populations in community based settings:
a. Perform a community assessment.
b. Assess community resources for patients and their families.
c. Incorporate transcultural nursing concepts in community settings.
d. Develop priorities when planning care for families.
Competency 2: The student will provide health education to childbearing/ childrearing families in the community by:
a. Identifying families who would benefit from health education.
b. Planning and implementing teaching, based on assessed needs.
c. Evaluating the success of the teaching plan with the family and faculty.
Competency 3: The student will describe the function of individual community agencies that support women and children by:
a. Communicating with other health professionals in community settings.
b. Using the resources of community agencies when planning and delivering services.
c. Comparing alternative/complementary health practices found in various cultures.
Competency 4: The student will apply principles of growth and development to childbearing/child rearing families when planning
community based interventions by:
a. Assessing levels of development of the children and family.
b. Analyzing relationships among family members.
c. Seeking community services to meet clients’ needs.
d. Assisting families in health promotion/wellness activities.
HEALTH / CPR REQUIREMENTS: Please refer to School of Nursing Orientation Manual. Students must present documentation of health/CPR requirements on the first clinical day.
A large part of being a registered professional nurse involves the education of the public and the community you serve. Throughout your clinical experiences, you have had the opportunity to see nursing practiced in acute care and/or extended long term care settings. But this is only one area in which the practice of nursing is performed each day. NUR 261 OL, Introduction to Community Health Nursing is designed to help you explore the many ways nurses practice “outside the walls” in the Community and how this practice influences the health of the community as a whole.
This exploratory course requires a minimum of 48 hours of community health nursing, education, and teaching in a directed/self directed format. The course spans 16 weeks and consists of three segments: (1) Community Service Hours, (2) Formal Seminars (classes) and (3) Reflection Hours. Additionally, a Personal Journal will be kept by each student which serves as a record of the student’s experiences along with a detailed Activity Log that is maintained throughout the course. The following information is a breakdown of the activities required to successfully complete this course.
CSH focuses on student generated projects/activities that directly or indirectly relate to the care and/or teaching of obstetric and/or pediatric patients within the community. Requirements for this segment include 27-31 hours.
Professional Street Attire (Community Service Projects):
1. No jeans or dungarees.
2. Women may either wear dress slacks, skirts, or dresses. Whatever the choice, hose stockings, knee highs, or socks must be worn.
3. Men must wear dress slacks and a shirt with a collar, either a sport shirt or dress shirt. As in the case for women, socks must be worn.
4. Service Learning or School of Nursing shirt may be worn.
5. No students may wear tennis shoes or sneakers (unless given permission by the instructor).
6. All students must wear their student name badges.
7. Jewelry may be worn with discretion. Avoid hoops or dangling earrings.
Please remember you are a representative of MDCC SON when you are out in the community.
The Community Service Projects/assignments must be approved by the Faculty member. Students may suggest project/sites for this segment, but it must be approved by the Faculty member and/or Course Coordinator. Students can only receive a maximum of 8 hours for any one site or any one project unless approved, in advance, by the Faculty member and/or Course Coordinator.
Each student must also participate in at least one Health Fair. Health Fair dates and times will be announced by the Faculty and will, be posted on the Community Health Nursing Calendar. Hours of participation at the Health Fair will be counted as part of the total Community Service Hours required for this course. Failure to attend a health fair can place the student in jeopardy for successfully completing this course.
The lectures include topics such as: Course/Specialty Orientation classes; Guest Lecturers; Formal Classes conducted by Faculty members that relate to the practice of Community Health Nursing.
Each student enrolled in NUR 261 OL must attend the 2 hour Course Orientation at the designated time and location. Failure to attend this orientation will exclude the student from completing the course. Dates/Time and Location may be found on the Course Calendar. Students may, with approval of the Faculty member, attend the required orientation class at a different location, should seating permit.
Two formal Lectures (2 hours each) are required for NUR 261 OL. Failure to attend these lectures could jeopardize success in this course. Dates/time and location will be found on the Course Calendar and discussed during the Course Orientation. Students may, with approval of the Faculty member, attend the required seminars at a different time than originally scheduled for their group, should seating permit.
The topics for these lectures are:
Forum on Civic Responsibility
This presentation is hosted by staff members from the MDCC Center for Community Involvement. The program focuses on the needs of our society as a whole; who we are and what part we play in striving to meet our society’s needs and desires. The presentation discusses topics such as “What does democracy mean?”, and “What are our responsibilities as citizens in this democratic society?”
Community Health Nursing: Concepts, Trends & Issues
This seminar, presented by Professor Etienne, ARNP, focuses on the definition of health, community health and health promotion in our community. Topics include: “Concepts of Community Health: Promotion, Protection and Prevention”; and “How can nurse make a difference in health in today’s changing society?”
Additional Training and Education lectures related to Community Health nursing will be offered throughout the course. It is the responsibility if each student to arrange for their times accordingly to meet the required lecture hours for this course.
Reflection hours are designed to provide students with an opportunity to share their community nursing experiences/projects/progress with other classmates and Faculty members.
These one or two hour segments, conducted by the Faculty member throughout the course, will be documented on the Activities Log according to date, time and faculty member conducting the Reflection segment. Reflection hours cannot be substituted by any other activity conducted within the program. A minimum of twelve (12) hours or a maximum of sixteen (16) hours of Reflection is required for the successful completion of this course.
Faculty will announce dates/times of Reflection Hours in advance. Should a conflict arise that would prevent the student from attending the designated Reflection Hours, the students may attend another “Reflection” time offered at another location, with advanced approval from the Faculty and enough seating is available to accommodate the change in location.
In addition to the designated activities conducted during this course, each student is required to keep a Personal Journal of Community Health Experiences that will be submitted at the assigned date announced by the Faculty member.
There is no minimum or maximum length to your entries, but each entry must include the following information (1) Date and time of your activity, (2) Contact Person for the activity and should answer the following questions:
1. What did I do? (brief description of activity)
2. What did I teach the Community? (topic or concept discussed)
3. What did I learn from this activity? (personal reflection)
4. How can I use this experience in the future? (personal reflection)
In addition, each entry must include a Community Assessment consisting of:
1. Identification of population you were speaking to
2. Explanation of why the population needed this educational program
3. Risk factors facing this particular population
4. Specific needs of the population as a community
The Journal may be hand written (in a spiral bound book) or typed and presented in a binder, along with the Activity Log. Use your imagination; be creative; that too is an important part of professional nursing.
This list is only a partial list of things you can do. Use your imagination!!
Prenatal Care in Women’s Clinics
Sports Safety to Children and Parents
Nutrition and Safety for Kids at Health Fairs
Proper Diets; Personal Hygiene
Health Promotion & Disease Prevention for Kids & Parents
Planning Activities for a Group of Students and/or Activities
Be the contact person (coordinator) for volunteering in places with which you are familiar
Create new teaching opportunities
Organize teaching/learning sessions including teaching/learning materials
Coordinate a Health Fair with faculty member
Creating Learning Activities
Make posters or display boards to be used at Health Fairs (multiple language)
Design educational posters for Miami Children’s Hospital Bulletin Boards and other facilities
Teach safety through bulletin board/poster creations for area youths and community centers
Create Health Education Pamphlets/Flyers in several languages (Spanish, Creole, English,
Russian, Portuguese, etc) to meet the diverse community needs
Develop health based coloring books (in several languages)
Learning Activities
Attend on campus sessions to learn Amblyopia Screening Techniques; Car Safety, etc
Community wide educational opportunities related to Children & Women (Lamaze Classes; Prenatal Classes; etc)
Remember!! A maximum of 8 hours can be assigned to only one activity and that activity cannot be repeated throughout the course.
(Exceptions may be pre approved by a Faculty member).
1. Contact your Faculty member or Course Coordinator
2. Check the calendar for the latest activities (Community Health Nursing Web Site)
3. Attend scheduled reflections / seminars for updates
- Community Health Nursing Faculty can be reached via email or telephone. Refer to the information listed in the Syllabus.
- An E-List will be created at the beginning of the course to allow Faculty members to contact students and students to contact Faculty and other members of the group.
- If you do not have access to a computer, please inform the Faculty member so that an alternative method of communication may be set up throughout the course.
NUR 2610L Introduction to Community Health Nursing is designed to provide you with an exploration of how you can best serve your community to Promote Health and Prevent Illness.
It is your opportunity to be creative while learning the needs of today’s multicultural/multidimensional society.
- Engaged Curriculum
- Health and Wellness , Nursing
- Syllabi Archive
- Miami-Dade Community College
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Health issue area
- Placement, Direct service, Indirect service, Required activity, Individual, Small Group
- 2-year
Professor: Annette Gibson
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