Collection Development
Ohio Dominican University
1216 Sunbury Road
Columbus, OH 43219
Instructor: Mrs. Krista Taracuk, B.S., M.L.S.
Collection development is one of the most challenging aspects of providing information services and one of the most important professional activities in which the information professional regularly engages. Astute selection of materials, combined with efficient acquisition procedures, enables the librarian/media specialist to provide the patron with access to needed information–the raison d’etre of every librarian. Embedded within the technical processes of collection development and maintenance are some of the key issues facing librarianship today–censorship, copyright compliance, and preservation/conservation of materials. This course is intended to be thought provoking as well as informative and, therefore, requires active participation both in class and outside of the classroom by each and every student.
Evans, G. Edward, Developing Library and Information Center Collections, (fourth edition), Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 2000.
Nasdijj, The Blood Runs Like A River Through My Dreams.
Additional reading assignments may be made from materials on closed reserve as well as articles presented in class.
Blue notebook containing a variety of collection development policies.
Student samples of collection development policies and defense projects.
Ohio Media Spectrum, Winter 1999, Special Issue on Quality Library Media Programs.
The student will:
1. recognize that knowledge of the service community and community engagement is the keystone to effective collection development.
2. gain an awareness of the multitude of ways in which the library is connected with the community.
3. identify various selection tools, their scope, subject specialties, strengths and weaknesses.
4. understand the function of jobbers and vendors in the collection development process.
5. examine the legal and ethical issues of copyright and censorship and their implications in collection development.
6. compare traditional acquisition methods with automated acquisitions systems.
The student will:
1. develop a selection policy for a specified library/media center that encourages open access to information and ideas in a diverse society.
2. utilize various selection tools in building a collection or adding to a collection.
3. locate reviews of various types of materials and use those reviews in making selection decisions.
4. construct, analyze and solve complex problems by developing a sound argument in defense of materials under attack by those who would deny their access to others.
5. communicate ideas effectively in both verbal format in class discussions/oral presentations and in written format (yes, punctuation and spelling count!!) Engage with other learners because a healthy exchange of different ideas and viewpoints encourages rethinking of accepted perspectives. Therefore, diversity among learners, a supportive atmosphere of group work and opportunities to critique results encourages learning through shared efforts, i.e. expression without domination.
6. integrate theory and practice by developing and utilizing collection development skills and techniques in a hands-on collection development project.
7. develop/enhance collaborative skills and apply them to the collection development project by working in collaboration with LIS classmates, LIS instructor, and the Mifflin High School librarian.
The student will:
1. appreciate the complexity of the collection development process and understand that collection development is a continuous working process.
2. realize the importance of interlibrary cooperation in providing information and resources to patrons.
3. formulate a personal, ethical stance regarding the defense of intellectual freedom and the copyright law.
4. reflect upon and develop an appreciation for the role of the community in library services and collection development.
You are entering a profession in which your ability to articulate your ideas and building collaborative skills will be important in determining your success. Active class participation (speaking, considerate listening, respectful inclusion, open-minded discussion, and note taking) can help you gain experience in formulating your ideas. Class sessions, especially the discussion sessions, also provide the opportunity for you to ask questions. You have an obligation to prepare for class and for discussion by completing outside readings and by being prepared to comment on the readings.
You must dress appropriately on site visitations and you must be scrupulously confidential about any information you learn at or about the site.
Tutors are available in the Academic Center, which is on the middle floor of Spangler Library.
Students who have documented their disabilities with the Director of the Academic Center are encouraged to meet privately with the instructor to discuss arrangements for their approved accommodations.
Students are expected to be punctual to class, to be prompt with their assignments, and to attend every class session. All assignments are due by the end of class on the date assigned. One late arrival or excused absence (i.e., illness, NTE) can usually be accommodated by consultation with the instructor prior to class. Late assignments or two or more late arrivals/absences will result in the final grade being reduced by one letter grade per late assignment/late arrival/absence. Any assignment turned in after the due date will lose a letter grade for every day that it is late. Extenuating circumstances should ALWAYS be discussed with the instructor.
All written assignments will be evaluated upon content as well as the quality of the writing. A well-written paper is organized, uses precise terminology, reflects correct word usage, grammar and spelling, includes an introductory statement or paragraph and a concluding summary paragraph. All assignments must be machine-printed and double-spaced unless otherwise specified. Please proofread all work (or have someone proofread it for you) to minimize technical errors which detract from the quality of the final product. A late assignment will lose a letter grade for every day that it is late.
If any assignment descriptions seem unclear, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor for clarification. Please feel free to call me at the numbers provided to ask a question or set up an appointment.
96-100% (384-400 pts) = A
77-80% (308-323) = C93-95% (372-383) = A-
74-76% (296-307) = C-90-92% (360-371) = B+
72-73% (288-295) = D+87-89% (348-359) = B
70-71% (280-287) = D84-86% (336-347) = B-
68-69% (272-279) = D- 81-83% (324-335) = C+
Below 68% (272) = E
Interview of practicing librarian (written) – 9/7 – 20
Oral presentation of interview – 9/7 – 20
Emailed evaluation of presentation – 9/14 – 5
Web site evaluations – 9/21 – 20
Book reviews – written – 9/21 – 20
Oral presentation of reviews – 9/21 – 20
Emailed evaluation of presentation – 9/28 – 5
Collection Development Policy – 10/5 – 20
Mid-term Exam – 10/5 – 30
Defense of Nasdijj book. – 10/19 – 40
Copyright worksheet – 11/2 – 30
Collection Development Project Part I – 11/16 – 50
Collection Development Project Part II – 11/25 – 50
Class participation – 30
Final Exam – 12/7 – 40
TOTAL – 400 pts
Syllabus may be amended at instructor’s discretion.
August 24:
Introduction to course
Discussion of textbook Chapters 2, 3.
Presentation on collection development policies.
***Assignments for September 7:
1. Read text chapters 4 & 5.
2. Interview a practicing library/media specialist in Ohio using the questions provided as a basis for your interview. See attached assignment sheet.
3. Bring a blank videotape to class for use in taping your presentation.
September 7:
Students share the highlights of their interviews in a 5 minute presentation, which will be videotaped.
Presentation on selection aids/review sources.
***Assignment for September 14:
View videotape and email self-evaluation to KT.
***Assignments for September 21:
1. Read text Chapters 6, 7, 9, 11 & 12.
2. Book review assignment. See attached assignment sheet.
3. Read To Link, or Not to Link from NETCONNECT, (included in your packet.)
4. Web site evaluations. Use the Internet to locate three sites dealing with censorship issues and three sites dealing with copyright. Rate the depth and breadth of the information as well as the quality/accuracy of information using the web site evaluations attached.
5. Bring a blank videotape to class for use in taping your presentation.
September 21:
Students share their individually selected books/reviews in a 5 minute oral presentation which will be videotaped.
Guest speaker: Lewis Vanlandingham, representative from Follett on multi-media collection development.
Introduction to intellectual freedom/censorship/historical perspective.
***Assignment for September 28:
1. View videotape and email self-evaluation to KT.
1. Study for mid-term exam. (Study guide will be provided.)
2. Read chapters 8 & 10 in your text.
3. Complete collection development policy.
October 5:
Introduce collection development project.
Presentation on Service-Learning by Dr. Tina Butler.
***Assignments for October 19:
1. Read article entitled Resource Alignment from Knowledge Quest (included in your packet).
2. Defense project. See attached assignment sheet.
3. Read chapters 13, 14, 16.
October 19:
Discuss budgeting, weeding, preservation and interlibrary cooperation issues.
Share web sites/defense projects.
Site visitation.
***Assignments for November 2:
1. Continue work on collection development project.
2. Read chapter 18 in textbook.
3. Complete copyright worksheet.
November 2:
Cover copyright.
Work session on collection development project.
***Assignments for November 16:
1. Part I of the collection development project is due at the beginning of class.
2. Continue work on collection development project.
November 16:
View videotape on preservation.
Speaker: Miriam Kahn from MBK Consulting on preservation.
Work session on collection development project.
***Assignments for November 25:
1. Part II of the collection development project is due by 3 PM.
Notice three week break between last full class and final exam!
***Assignments for December 7:
1. Study for final exam/Complete reflection questions. (Study guide provided.)
December 7:
Discussion of/sharing of collection development projects.
Final exam.
Course evaluation
Project worth 100 points
The culminating project for LIS 250 is to develop a collection of materials on a topic or theme of your choice, designed to fill a “gap” in the collection of a real library, St. Thomas the Apostle School. This assignment will give you a chance to contribute to a worthy organization and to learn about students’ lives and the life of a librarian from a view different from that which you might get from a regular classroom experience. Reading levels range from third grade to adult; interest levels also cover a broad spectrum.
Although collection development is an ongoing activity overlapping with many other activities, you will be focusing on just one topic for this assignment.
You will be building and expanding the ODU competencies for future librarians who include but are not limited to: flexibility/ability to change, critical thinking skills, communication skills and people skills.
1. Choose a topic from the list provided that will lend itself to the inclusion of materials published within the last five years. Choose a topic that is of particular interest to you because you will have to live with this subject matter for several months!!
Examples of real life collection development projects that I have had to compile recently:
unit on endangered species for a new ninth grade science curriculumcareer materials for seniors doing an “I Search” project in English class
a cooperative learning experience between math/English on a mathematician
materials on the Ohio & Worthington bicentennials.
2. Clear the topic with me.
3. Begin searching for items for your project from such places as review journals, the Spangler Library shelves, CML branch, other libraries, Govt. Printing Office Bookstore, bookstores, vendors’ catalogs, etc.). The project should include a minimum selection of 40 items.
4. Include as many different sources as possible (e.g. review journals, bookstores, vendors’ catalogs, libraries, web sites, etc.) A minimum of 5 different sources is required. No more than two items of the 40 can be from vendors’ catalogs and no more than two items of the 40 can be from web sites.
5. For each item in the project, list all the information that is provided by the source. This will probably include many of the following: title, media type, author/editor/producer, copyright date, length, cost, annotation, special equipment required for use, etc. ITEM MUST CURRENTLY BE AVAILABLE, I.E. NO OUT-OF-PRINT ITEMS ARE ACCEPTABLE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.
6. Attach a copy of the review of any item you have not personally handled. If there is no review, write a one paragraph review.
7. Write a 3-5 sentence reason as to why this item needs to be included in the collection.
8. Double-check the current collection at St. Thomas to make sure that you are not duplicating a title already on the shelves. Carbon copy to me all emails sent to the St. Thomas librarian.
9. Assignment will be graded on the following areas:
Work sessions/communication with St. Thomas(10)
Neatness/organization (10) Number your pages. Include a title page which shows your name and email address, and a table of contents listing the items and the sources.
Grammar/punctuation/spelling (10)
# and variety of selections (10)
# and variety of sources (10)
Appropriateness of topic/materials for intended audience (10)
Thoroughness of project (10)
Reflection questions due 11/16 (10)
Overall project (20)
10. Complete a title page that will include the topic of your collection development project, your name and email address. Place assignment in the envelope given.
Part I of the assignment (20 items and reflection questions) is due on November 16th at the beginning of class.
Part II of the assignment (20 items) is due by 3 PM on Monday, November 25th. Place Part II in my ODU mailbox by 3 PM or hand deliver it to me by 3 PM. Do NOT mail it or email it to me.
12. You will be receiving the completed grade sheet but once graded, your project will be given to the staff at St. Thomas and will not be returned to you.
In NARRATIVE form (in other words, don t list the question and then the answer. Weave the answers into paragraph form.) BE DESCRIPTIVE. Each question requires approximately a paragraph so use DETAILS, DETAILS AND MORE DETAILS. If you find that you have little to write, you need to do some more critical thinking to get more out of the experience.
1. What were your pre-conceived notions of:
A) a school in the city of Columbus?
B) students in the city of Columbus?
C) a library in the city of Columbus?
2. What was your overall perception of the St. Thomas library collection?
3. How do you think staff and especially students react to the building upon first entering the school and then the library?
4. What was your reaction to the physical environment of the site?
5. What nonverbal clues did you get from the environment?
6. What problems does the facility pose? What difference does this make in providing services?
7. If you could wave a magic wand, how would you redesign the library facility?
8. What was the biggest surprise in your first visit to this library and school?
9. What have you learned about this school, the students and this community that you did not know before you began this project?
10. Do you feel your actions will have any impact on students, staff, or school?
11. What problems have you run into that you did not foresee when you started this project?
12. How does this experience compare (so far) to previous classroom assignments/experiences?
FINAL REFLECTION QUESTIONS: I will be looking for evidence that you connected your classroom activities/experience with your project experience. BE DESCRIPTIVE. Each question requires approximately a paragraph so use DETAILS, DETAILS AND MORE DETAILS. If you find that you have little to write, you need to do some more critical thinking to get more out of the experience.
Answers to the following questions are due at the end of the exam period on December 7th. You may have the answers already typed out and ready to hand in or you may answer them during the exam period.
1. Reflect upon your sense of growth throughout this project. What have you learned about yourself through this experience?
2. How have you benefited from your experience: personally, academically, and occupationally?
3. Do you feel your actions had any impact on students, staff, or school?
4. From your perspective, what more needs to be done in this library?
5. How does this experience compliment or contrast with what you learned in class?
6. Has learning through experience taught you more, less or the same as the classroom experience? In what ways?
7. Besides a major influx of cash, what could be done to change the situation at our service-learning site?
8. What do you think the future holds for this school?
9. Was there a moment of failure, success, indecision, doubt, humor, frustration, happiness, sadness during this project? Describe in detail.
10. What were the high points and the low points of your project?
11. Reflect upon the difficulties of locating information and specific items for your project.
12. What was the most challenging thing that happened?
13. What was your most rewarding part of the service-learning experience during the semester? Why?
14. Explain one thing you did during this activity that you would approach differently if you had to do it again?
15. Do you have more or less understanding/empathy for librarians and libraries than you did before working on this project?
16. How were the values of the community reflected in your choices?
17. How has this experience challenged stereotypes or prejudices you have or had?
18. Name three things that stuck in your mind about this experience.
19. What advice would you give to future LIS 250 students working on this project?
Item Form
ITEM #_______
PRICEANY SPECIAL FEATURES OF THIS ITEM: (What makes this item unique: bibliographies, illustrations, maps, etc.? Will it require special equipment?)
SOURCE (Where did you first locate the item?)
REVIEW SOURCE: a review must be attached or you must include your own one paragraph personal review.
YOUR RATIONALE FOR INCLUSION IN COLLECTION: (3-5 sentence reason as to why this item should be purchased. Do NOT repeat the exact information from the review.)
DETAILS. DETAILS. DETAILS. If you find that you have little to write, you need to do some critical thinking to expand your descriptions of this item.
- Engaged Curriculum
- Library Science , Social Sciences and Humanities
- Syllabi Archive
- Ohio Dominican University
- Education & Youth Development issue area, Economic & Community Development issue area
- Placement, Indirect service, Required activity, Individual
- Lower Division course
- 4-year, Private, Faith-Based
Professor: Mrs. Krista Taracuk
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