Campus Compact/AACC Campus Engagement Survey
This joint Campus Compact/AACC survey seeks to document exemplary service-learning and civic engagement practices at community colleges around the country. It consists of a list of 13 ‘indicators of engagement’–signs that a campus has a strong commitment to engagement.
For the purposes of this survey, exemplary practices include any or all of the following characteristics: innovative, sustained, sustainable, replicable, transforming, institutionalized, accepted, widespread, in practice, publicized/ acknowledged/ recognized, significant, deliberate, planned, intentional, and unique or special.
The Indicators of Engagement, developed by Campus Compact over the past few years, are the basis for the survey. This survey asks you to review each indictor, consider the core characteristics described, then respond if you believe there is an exemplary practice on your campuses that embodies this indicator. We expect that a given campus may have one or more indicators but would not expect every indicator to be present on any given campus.
See also The Community’s College: Indicators of Engagement at Two-Year Institutions
This project is funded through the Corporation for National and Community Service, Learn and Serve America — Higher Education.
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