Business Spanish
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
M/W/F 10:00-10:50, I-114
Spring 2003
Office: Room 351, Group I
Office phone: 910-6469
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-5 p.m. or by appointment
–Saldo a Favor and accompanying Workbook (Manual de Actividades e Investigaciones)
-A bilingual dictionary is strongly recommended.
Course Description:
Spanish for correspondence, banking, administration, personnel, and publicity. Practice in business-related vocabulary and writing. Readings and selections on business-related and cultural topics for comprehension. Service learning project, in collaboration with the Community Economic Development Center (CEDC) of Southeastern Massachusetts.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Use a variety of communicative strategies while engaging in conversations within the Hispanic cultural and business environment.
Understand the culture and values of the Hispanic world of business within the context of the U.S., Latin American and global economies.
Understand the similarities and contrasts between Hispanic culture and their own.
Use critical thinking and problem solving skills while reading authentic business-related materials in Spanish.
Understand the key elements of writing, including grammar and writing formulas, and apply that knowledge to create business-related documents in Spanish such as resumes, letters, reports and advertisements.
Understand basic public speaking techniques and apply them in oral presentations.
Assessment and Evaluation: The scores for all graded work are distributed as follows.
% | Points | ||
Participation: | 15% | 150 | |
Oral Presentation (1): | 6% | 60 | |
Assignments (5): | 25% | 250 | 50 pts. each |
Workbook (4): | 20% | 200 | 50 pts. each |
Service Learning Project (1): | 20% | 200 | |
Tests (2): | 14% | 140 | 70 pts. each |
Total: | 100% | 1000 |
Service Learning Project
The class will participate in a project in collaboration with the Community Economic Development Center (CEDC) of Southeastern Massachusetts, whose central goal is to create a more just local economy by building bridges to resources, networks and cooperative action for low-income members of the community. The CEDC fulfills this mission by providing support in the following key areas:
1. Microenterprise development
2. Computer literacy and access for low-income residents
3. Grassroots community organization training and capacity building
4. Central American immigrant workers support services and advocacy
5. Affordable Housing Development feasibility and strategic planning
Through a business survey developed by the CEDC, the class will develop a project that, by gathering important information, will help fulfill the main goal as well as the functions of the CEDC, particularly (1) above, but also (2). The goals of this course will also be fulfilled by this project, especially the first three goals, all having to do with understanding the Hispanic business environment and culture (see page 1). For this project the class will be organized in six groups of five/six students each. The project involves the following components (The schedule for the project is incorporated in the syllabus below):
I. New Bedford Business Community Survey
1. Translation of survey by students, in groups.
2. Interviews of local business owners (or managers) of Hispanic or Hispanic-oriented businesses (using survey) by students. Each group will interview two businesses, for a total of twelve businesses surveyed (the businesses are located in New Bedford, MA).
3. Group report (minimum of three typed pages, in Spanish) based on business survey (summary of results and conclusions).
These reports will be shared with the CEDC. They should include the following:
a. A comparison of the two businesses interviewed based on the surveys. In what key points are the businesses similar and different?
b. Recommendations on how the CEDC can provide (further) assistance to these businesses
c. Suggestions for the businesses
d. Suggestions for the improvement of the business surveys
4. Peer evaluation of performance in group work throughout the project. Evaluation forms will be provided.
II. Individual report of lessons learned, reflection, and impressions (minimum of three typed pages, in Spanish). In these reports you should answer the following questions:
a. What did I learn through this project?
b. How has my understanding of Hispanic culture and business practices been affected or improved?
c. Will the lessons learned in this project be useful to me in the future (for example, academically, professionally)? How?
This project is worth 200 points (20% of the grade), distributed as follows:
Translation of business survey (40 pts.)
Peer evaluations (60 pts.)
Group Report (50 pts.)
Individual Report (50 pts.)
(See attachment with the Summary of Student Reports (Group and Individual))
Class Schedule: The tests and oral presentation will take place on the dates indicated on the class schedule. Likewise, all assignments need to be turned in on the dates indicated on the schedule. As far as chapters, class topics and activities go, their coverage in class will be flexible, depending on progress. At times we may jump ahead of schedule, at times we may fall behind schedule, and other times we may need to skip some material.
Material to be covered: | Saldo a Favor: Chapters 1-4 |
Week 1 M Jan 27 W Jan 29 F Jan 31 |
Introduction Getting to know each other; Discussion of the Syllabus Introduction and general discussion of the Service Learning Project Introduction to the textbook |
Week 2 M Feb 3 W Feb 5 F Feb 7 |
Chapter 1: Personas, personajes y personalidades Trasfondo cultural Punto de embarque Inventario y Práctica |
Week 3 M Feb 10 W Feb 12 F Feb 14 |
Turn in Mis cosas favoritas assignment; Planilla y Práctica Papeleo cotidiano Turn in Workbook #1: Chapter 1; Papeleo cotidiano |
Week 4 M Feb 17 W Feb 19 F Feb 21 |
Presidents’ Day, no classes Review Turn in Assignment #1: Chapter 1; Review |
Week 5 M Feb 24 W Feb 26 F Feb 28 |
Chapter 2: La sociedad hispana y la empresa Turn in translation of business survey; Trasfondo cultural Trasfondo cultural; Punto de embarque |
Week 6 M Mar 3 W Mar 5 F Mar 7 |
Punto de embarque Begin interviews of local business owners; Inventario y Práctica Planilla y Práctica |
Week 7 M Mar 10 W Mar 12 F Mar 14 |
Planilla y Práctica Turn in Workbook #2: Chapter 2; Papeleo cotidiano Papeleo cotidiano |
Week 8 M Mar 24 W Mar 26 F Mar 28 |
Papeleo cotidiano Turn in Assignment #2: Chapter 2; Review Test #1: Chapters 1, 2 |
Week 9 M Mar 31 W Apr 2 F Apr 4 |
Chapter 3: La economía y las finanzas Trasfondo cultural Trasfondo cultural Punto de embarque |
Week 10 M Apr 7 W Apr 9 F Apr 11 |
Grades; Punto de embarque Inventario y Práctica Last day to Withdraw; Planilla y Práctica |
Week 11 M Apr 14 W Apr 16 F Apr 18 |
Planilla y Práctica Turn in Workbook #3: Chapter 3; Papeleo cotidiano Last day to complete the business surveys; Papeleo cotidiano |
Week 12 M Apr 21 W Apr 23 F Apr 25 |
Patriots’ Day, no classes Review Turn in Assignment #3: Chapter 3; Review |
Week 13 M Apr 28 W Apr 30 F May 2 |
Chapter 4: El mercadeo y la publicidad Trasfondo cultural; Punto de embarque Inventario y Práctica; Planilla y Práctica Papeleo cotidiano |
Week 14 M May 5 W May 7 F May 9 |
Turn in Workbook #4: Chapter 4; Oral Presentation Turn in group report based on business survey; Oral Present. Peer evaluation of performance in group work, Service Learning Project Turn in Assignment #4: Chapter 4 |
Week 15 M May 12 W May 14 |
Turn in individual report of lessons learned and impressions, Service Learning Project; Review Test #2: Chapters 3, 4; Spring classes end |
- Engaged Curriculum
- Business , Business/ Management , Foreign Language , Social Sciences and Humanities
- Syllabi Archive
- University of Massachussetts Dartmouth
- Poverty, Food Security, Housing issue area, Arts & Culture issue area, Economic & Community Development issue area
- Direct service, Required activity, Small Group
- 4-year, Public, Carnegie Classified
Professor: Carlos Benavides
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