Building capacity for community-engaged scholarship: Evaluation of the faculty development component of the Faculty for the Engaged Campus Initiative
This paper reports the results of the faculty development program of the Faculty for Engaged Campus Initiative of Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH). The authors provide background on the objectives of the Initiative and outline various components of their Community-Engaged Scholarship Faculty Development charrette: selection process, self-assessment tools, curriculum, and strategies for faculty development, and development of team action plans. The evaluation findings are then examined, suggesting that “external funding, ongoing support beyond a one-time charrette, and a set of standard curricular tools can help institutions implement community-engaged scholarship faculty development programs on their campuses” (Gelmon et al, 2012, p. 21).
Gelmon, S., Ryan, K., Blanchard, L. & Seifer, S.D. (2012). Building capacity for community-engaged scholarship: Evaluation of the faculty development component of the Faculty for the Engaged Campus Initiative. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(1), 21-45. Full Text.
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