Honors 390 Prof. James McKusick ADULT LITERACY TUTORING: ISSUES AND METHODS Course Description: This service learning course explores the principles and techniques pertaining to...
Institution: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Discipline: English Title: College Writing and Research Instructor: Kathleen Dale COLLEGE WRITING AND RESEARCH Student Syllabus, Spring 2003...
Institution: Discipline: English Title: College Writing Instructor: College Writing Textbooks The Ready Reference Handbook: Writing, Revising, Editing, Jack Dodds, Allyn and Bacon, 2000, ISBN...
California State University, Los Angeles ART 400 Development of Literacy in the Visual Arts (with service learning) Instructor: Dr. Carol Jeffers, Professor of Art...
Fall 2002, ECE 107: Human Development TTH 11:40 12:55pm Pueblo D 118 CRN#11956 Instructor: Bethann Monier Johnson Office: Pueblo B 109 Phone: 206 5107...
HLTH 3400: COMMUNITY HEALTH Fall 2002 Co Instructors: Dr. Barbara Funke || Karen Ebey Tessendorf Office telephone: 478-445-1780 || 478-445-1781 Office location: 110...
Office: 208 Rockwell Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs. 1-4 PM or by appt. Text: Accounting Information Systems: Essential Concepts and Applications by Wilkinson and...
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to explore the major factors that comprise and affect the emotionaland social dimensions of health. It...
Office: Boyer Hall 362 Office Phone: 7142 Email: jeby@messiah.edu Congressman Gary Franks tells the following story about his first test at Yale. "I remember...
Dr. Neathery-Castro (jneathery@mail.unomaha.edu) ASH 378 5:30-7:10 M/W My Office Hours: M/W 4:30-5:30pm, or by appointment University of Nebraska at Omaha ASH 275, 554-3611 Spring...
Instructors: Richard Schramm CDAE Department, UVM 103A Morrill Hall 656-0292, rschramm@zoo.uvm.edu office hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs 2:00-3:00 pm or by appointment Nancy Brooks Economics...
COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIS 250 FALL 2002 Ohio Dominican University 1216 Sunbury Road Columbus, OH 43219 Instructor: Mrs. Krista Taracuk, B.S., M.L.S. E-mail: TaracukK@ohiodominican.edu 614-436-3702...