Madison Stumbo, Wartburg College
Madison Stumbo, a third year student at Wartburg College, is majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Spanish and Social Entrepreneurship. During her time at Wartburg, Madison has served as the Campus Director for Net Impact’s Small Steps, Big Wins Campus Challenge. The global challenge is focused on having students be more sustainable and civically engaged. In Fall of 2012, more than 30 schools participated in the challenge. As a campus, Wartburg won the competition by almost double the amount of actions of other schools. Over 3,700 actions were completed in the inaugural semester. Approximately 20 percent of Wartburg’s student body participated. Out of the 1,300 nationwide competitors, Madison finished in first place at the individual level. Madison also serves as co-Director for the Midwest Service Leaders Conference (MSLC) to be hosted by Wartburg College in October 2014. MSLC is a regional, service and social justice conference organized and led by students for students. The conference is aimed at helping students develop skills, passion, and knowledge to inspire meaningful service projects on their own campuses. The MSLC Committee hopes to use profits from the conference to give away grants to students in the Midwest to fund their own service project ideas.