Kristen Bailey, Stonehill College
Kristen Bailey, a Sociology major at Stonehill College, has been involved in a variety of projects including leading the Moore Center for Gender Equity and organizing the New England Womens Center Conference at the college, as well as setting a new standard of excellence as a MACC*AmeriCorps summer associate working with both the Community Connections of Brockton and the Cape Verdean Association’s summer youth program. Kristen brings a deep social commitment, keen intellectual insight and a dogged pursuit of fairness and justice to bear on all of her work. She has also been a teaching assistant for Sociology and Gender Studies courses and worked tirelessly to organize events in the community such as the South Shore Parent Leadership Conference as well as the Annual Women’s Leadership Summit on campus. Integrating an intellectual curiosity and social awareness with a deeply held spiritual commitment and moral guide, Kristen is the very model of what we hope a Stonehill graduate will be.