Cole Lautermilch, Georgetown University
Cole Lautermilch, a junior at Georgetown University, is an exceptional student leader engaged in many social justice programs at Georgetown and in Washington, DC. He has excelled in leadership roles in Georgetown’s tutoring programs, as a classroom teacher in DC Public Schools, and engaged citizen in Washington, DC. Cole has contributed significantly to the development of programs that serve the Washington community, and thoughtfully connects his social justice work with his intellectual and academic pursuits. Cole is a program coordinator in the DC Reads Program, a literacy initiative established to improve reading proficiency for all elementary students. Cole is a guiding force on the DC Reads leadership team. He provides vision for our program, demands excellence in approach and outcomes, and challenges other to address community engagement with a critical lens. Cole also participated in Georgetown University’s Summer Institute on Teaching and Learning as a lead teacher where he led a team of three other Georgetown students tasked with teaching summer school to 25 elementary school students in Washington, DC’s Ward 7. Cole has also interned with the DC Public Defender Service. Cole’s academic interests and studies along with his intellectual curiosity and critical analysis strengthen his impact in the community, and will contribute to his future work as a change agent.