Yash Goyal
Raritan Valley Community College
Leadership Profile Yash Goyal Yash Goyal, a second-year business student at Raritan Valley Community College and a member of the Honors College, is a true student leader. He is active in the College’s Service Learning Program, Environmental Club, Rotaract, Sanofi Corporate Mentorship Program, and the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. During the challenging times of the pandemic, he has tried to help and guide fellow students and create positive change in the local community. Some of his efforts have included volunteering at statewide beach clean-ups; removing invasive plant species in rain gardens; repairing deer enclosures; working to restore gardens for future planting; and writing articles on climate change, through the College's Center for Environmental Studies. He also serves as the student representative on the advisory board for the Morris and Dorothy Hirsch Research Library of The Holocaust, Genocide, and Racism at RVCC and volunteers at Rutgers University packing COVID-19 testing kits to be sent to neighboring communities. Through his RVCC education and service, Yash strives to gain a greater understanding of the skills necessary to achieve professional success and make an impact on the world around him. Dr. Michael J. McDonough, President Raritan Valley Community College
Personal Statement
Personal Statement Yash Goyal While a student at Raritan Valley Community College, my education has been enhanced through my leadership and volunteer experiences. My participation in the College’s Service Learning program has intensified my curiosity about the world, especially in finding answers to the environmental challenges we all face. With that objective in mind, as a field volunteer I have tackled the issue of local forest degradation and have written newsletter articles on the international activism efforts for climate change. As a member of RVCC’s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, I have presented to College administrators and staff about implementing initiatives to assist international, ESL, and other diverse groups of students with the obstacles they face on campus. Volunteering has not only provided me with the interpersonal and leadership skills essential in my future career, it also has encouraged me to support my community and positively impact the lives of others. The opportunities I pursue to serve the collective good have allowed me to grow as an individual, student, and global citizen. Yash Goyal Class of May 2022