Thiago Zakaitis
Quinsigamond Community College
Thiago Zakaitis is a second year student at Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) and has a 3.79 Cumulative Grade Point Average. Thiago has the utmost enthusiasm and commitment to volunteering in our community. Whether it is on our campus or in the Worcester Community. Thiago took membership into Phi Theta Kappa in 2020 and it was there he found his love of volunteering. During the pandemic Thiago helped elderly neighbors shovel their driveways and has helped other students stay connected. Thiago also participates in the Commonwealth Honor Program Student at Quinsigamond Community College. Thiago has demonstrated during the pandemic, how important community engagement is, especially at a time like this. Thiago is well-liked by our faculty, staff and respected by our students. He is determined, and committed to make a difference in our community. Thiago plans to transfer to Framingham State University and receive a Bachelor’s degree in History and a minor in secondary education and would love to teach history classes in middle or high school. Thiago’s poise, dedication, and maturity makes him the well-respected student leader QCC is proud of.
Personal Statement
When others came to my assistance when I was going through a difficult time, it was one of the things that encouraged me to help those in need. Since then, I've been devoting time to aiding others, especially the poor, by participating in large events or even simple gestures like shoveling snow for my neighbors in the winter and participating in the organization of community events. I felt relieved and joyful when I received support as I needed the most, and now I try my hardest to convey that same joy to individuals who meet themselves in similar circumstances as I used to be. I also participate in church-sponsored activities, such as the St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk and neighborhood gatherings that provide meals to those who are hungry. I also assist people in school, where, despite the fact that I am not a tutor, I cannot refuse to help someone who is puzzled about a topic and needs a hand. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that good deeds, no matter how tiny, may make the world a better place.