Stephanie Jackson
Denison University
Stephanie Jackson is a sophomore at Denison who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to civic engagement. She has proven herself to be an invaluable asset to the Denison Community Association (DCA) through her effective management of a number of service events. DCA is a 500-member student run organization dedicated to community service and humanitarian outreach. Stephanie's dedication is also evident through her innovations as Chair of the Saturday Service Program, a weekly walk-in service opportunity for students and campus groups. Stephanie Jackson is a strong campus leader of exceptional merit.
Personal Statement
I have always had an urge to do what I can to help conserve our planet and re-build what we can. I have been involved in park clean-ups around Columbus for most of my childhood and had the opportunity to take my passion across the country last year. I went to Saluda, North Carolina last winter to complete environmental conservation in the mountains and bogs. The conservation me and my peers completed included planting new trees, removing invasive species, and picking up lots and lots of trash. I am a member of the service associations cabinet and plan to bring some of this environmental action to my campus through a university wide clean-up action to help make the world a cleaner place. Holding a huge campus clean-up day in the spring will help build involvement and get the ball rolling. I am excited to share my love for service and the conservation of the planet to my university.