Shelbi Gambrell
Oklahoma State University
Shelbi Gambrell embraces her role as a student at Oklahoma State University with spirit and determination. She desires to make every class, every organization and every situation in which she is involved better and more productive. She is a leader among her peers and which is evidenced by the many positions and awards she has been elected to or received.
Her appointment by the Dean of her college to serve on the Professional Education Council as a representative of Oklahoma State University is a great example of the high esteem in which she is held by faculty and administrators.
She states that her life goal is to bring importance to education and the benefits it has on an individual's life.
Personal Statement
Gratitude is a word that often gets overlooked by money, gifts, and services. Teacher is a profession that often gets overlooked by money, gifts, and services. I am currently working with my Educational Technology Professor, Travis Hartfield, and Associate Director of Professional Education, Dr. Susan Stansberry, to create a project that honors teachers around the world. Teachers are going through a time that many consider disheartening: lack of resources and respect for their profession. I want to ensure that teachers know that the job that they do is making an impact on the next generation. My project, Letters of Gratitude, begins with current Educational Technology students sending an email to teachers that have made an impact on their life. In the email the student will encourage their teachers to forward on the message of gratitude to a teacher that made an impact on them. Current seniors in high schools and individuals with majors other than education will be encouraged to participate as well, because everyone has had a teacher that made a difference in their life. Due to the state budget situation I know teachers will not be receiving a pay raise or the assistance of a teacher's aid this year. My goal is to show respect and honor them if a way that I can with personalized letters from former students and colleagues that have been impacted from their service. The emails will be recorded, and I will be able to track which schools are impacted. The goal will be to have a pin dropped in every county in Oklahoma, as well as each state. Teachers are often thought of as replaceable, but my goal through this project is that each teacher will realize their impact on the lives of others.