Sarah Parker
Rocky Mountain CollegeSarah Parker is a committed student leader at Rocky Mountain College. Through her involvement in student government, community non-profit agencies, and the state legislature, she is seeking to break cycles of poverty and bring change. Sarah currently serves as both the Minority Representative and Financial Administrator for ASRMC, and uses her role in student government to highlight the diversity that exists in the Rocky Mountain College community. She has also served as a Campus Election Engagement Project Fellow, helping to engage the Rocky community in nonpartisan voter education and engagement. Sarah began her commitment to community engagement in high school. She maintains this commitment through her work with a local non-profit that serves the families and children in south Billings, an area underserved in many ways. She also volunteers to mentor local youth through Big Brothers Big Sisters. Sarah’s goal is to affect changes well beyond the boundaries of her neighborhood.
Personal Statement
I first became interested in the issue of less solid resources for low-income families after being considered part of that bracket when younger. My family lived off of food stamps and it was tough for my single mother to ever get ahead. As I entered high school I saw the opportunity to start volunteering and to learn more about why people from low-income backgrounds seem to be stuck in a cycle. I became more interested in politics and began to work with a local nonprofit. My new goal is to offer aid and services to as many low-income families as possible and show them that they can succeed. I have worked at our state capital twice alongside legislators and have done a fellowship that aimed to register and inform new voters. Alongside my goals to inform I also enjoy being a mentor to local youth. I work closely with the teen program at the non-profit I work with and I am also a BIG for the Big Brother Big Sister Program. On campus, I am currently working as the minority senator and Financial Administrator and hope to highlight the diversity we have on campus and properly represent its minority students.