Sarah Buxton
Ozarks Technical Community College
Sarah Buxton, a second year student at Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC), is a campus and community leader active in addressing issues related to engagement and public need. With a heart for political and non-profit work, Sarah is seeking a transfer degree so that she can ultimately obtain a Bachelor's in Public Relations and work in the non-profit sector. She has worked on political issues at the campus, community, and state-wide level and sees politics as a mechanism for social improvement and the catalyst for solving the greatest social needs. Through her work on and off campus, Sarah has promoted the welfare of others and engaged those around her to collaborate and innovate to improve and alleviate public problems.
Personal Statement
I am currently finishing my second year at Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, Missouri. Upon my graduation at the end of this spring, I plan to attend a Missouri university to study Public Relations, with the intent to pursue a position in the nonprofit or political field.
While others may prefer to avoid the hard work of non-profits and the uncertainty of politics, I view both of these as opportunities to actively engage in the issues I am most passionate about. This is evident in the positions and volunteer opportunities I have been involved with over the past few years.
I was raised to follow my dreams and never to let anything hinder me from doing so. My parents also taught me that caring for those who are in need is one of the most important things a person can do.
If I have learned anything through the service-type positions I have held and the volunteering I have done, it is that no matter what direction life takes me, I will always choose the path that allows me to help people, to bring positive change to Missouri, and to make a difference in my country.