Sara Boyd
Lehigh University
Sara Boyd is a sophomore political science major and Eckardt Scholar at Lehigh University. Originally from Chattanooga, TN, she is co-founder and COO of the Student Political Action Coalition (SPAC), Vice-President of the Lehigh Debate Society, a Residence Assistant for first-year students, and the photographer for Humans of Bethlehem, a self-started project dedicated to reconnecting the local university students to the Bethlehem community. She is passionate about the youth's voice in politics, and dedicates her time to empowering her peers to speak up and act on the issues that matter to them.
Personal Statement
The youth voice demands to be heard, and we can no longer afford to remain silent. With this in mind, I continuously fight to restore my generation's faith in the very function of government, to impart the necessity of speaking truth to power, and to champion the value of civic participation and dissent.
I co-founded the Student Political Action Coalition (SPAC), a collegiate-chapter organized nonprofit whose mission is to "empower youth to reclaim their civic agency". I have had the privilege of engaging some of our country's most controversial issues as a panelist on PBS39's "Reporters Roundtable", where I sought weekly to broaden the political discourse of people my age by making such controversial issues easily accessible. I have helped my fellow Lehigh students to participate in effective and informed protesting for the March for Our Lives and in response to Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the United States Supreme Court. As a servant leader, I see my role as a creator of spaces for marginalized voices to be heard, facilitator of civic and civil dialogue to be had, and to be a bystander no more on issues of inequality.
At the end of the day, I believe in a better world. My greatest passion is giving my generation the confidence, energy, and power to make that world a reality.