Rebecca Czajkowski
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Rebecca Czajkowski, a junior at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, has dedicated a tremendous amount of time to youth attending the Geneva Boys and Girls Club. Her curricular interests align with her civic commitments, and many local youth, parents, and community leaders appreciate Rebecca as an insightful ally and a valuable resource.
Personal Statement
I am indebted to my K-12 academic experience and the growth it afforded me. Beginning in middle school I had engaged teachers that acted as mentors to me, and I began my experience with service under their wings. Years later I have decided to use my higher education, future career and the time in between to buy back into education and future generations. I firmly believe that change starts with children and their education should focus on challenging and developing the whole person. In addition to completing the Teacher Education certification program, I have devoted my time while in school to programs such as America Reads, the Boys and Girls Club and Tools for Social Change, a grassroots social justice group in the local community. It is through these groups that I am creating and implementing change in Geneva and hope to contribute to education initiatives in the area such as increasing graduation rates and getting our students on grade level. I hope that the programs I have been a part of and developed will increase accessibility to academic achievement in Geneva and provide models for future change on a larger scale.