Megan DeArmit
Robert Morris University
Megan DeArmit is a junior at Robert Morris University, where she is pursuing a major in communication and a minor in political science. She is active on campus, including holding leadership roles in student government, the university's Women's Leadership and Mentorship Program and the university's First Year Seminar Program, among others.
She commits herself to making the world a better place through her volunteer efforts with multiple Pittsburgh-area organizations, including through the Light of Life Rescue Mission, and through her social activism work, including voter registration efforts and engaging with the Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics.
Immersing herself in grassroots efforts now, Ms. DeArmit is building a resume that suggests a commitment to empowering people to stand proudly and to publicly advocate for themselves.
Personal Statement
I first became interested in politics during the 2008 presidential election. As I matured and our country changed under Barack Obama's presidency, I became more aware of the issues that plagued our nation. While I quickly realized there was no possible way to advocate fully for every cause I cared about, I decided to pursue empowering women, their engagement in politics, and voter registration. I participated in the 2016 Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics summer leadership institute, attended the 2016 Democratic National Convention through The Washington Center, and registered voters on campus and in the community. I am also involved in community efforts to advocate for minorities and equality. I know the importance of political activism and a single vote. Complaints about our government cannot be taken seriously if we are not working to find a solution.