Maya Kreczmer
Hendrix College
Maya Kreczmer believes the keys to building bridges of awareness and understanding between people in an increasingly polarized world are communication and collaboration. Both in and out of the classroom, she “walks the talk” in how she shares her opinions and knowledge and in how she makes space for others to do so. A Politics major with an emphasis in International Relations, displays her dedication to this field not only in her academic pursuits but also in her co-curricular and professional development activities. Maya is committed to making the world a better place for all and spends her time in ways that make positive contributions to her community, on and off campus.
Personal Statement
I believe social issues derive from lack of understanding about different people and their experiences. Communication and collaboration remedy the disconnect. I attempt to utilize these techniques in my daily life, whether it be assisting a peer I mentor, discussing opinions in class, or speaking with a family member about the social injustices of our time. My previous experiences, including my internships at Heifer International, Arkansas PBS, and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, demonstrated to me the wide range of possibilities for civic engagement. Any interest or skillset can be applied to benefit the community. I aim to continue addressing public concerns throughout my life by having meaningful conversations with many types of audiences. I am excited to utilize the resources of the Newman Civic Fellowship to improve my networking, interpersonal, collaborative, cultural, and self-awareness skills to work for social change in our future.