Laura Pappas
Georgia College and State University
Laura Pappas, a third year student at Georgia College, is a leader who has been active in Kudzu and HouServe. Through these campus organizations, she has planned and organized numerous community service activities that have engaged our students in the greater Milledgeville and Baldwin County community. Laura is a public health major who intends to pursue a career in epidemiology - specifically using social structures to prevent the spread of disease. Laura has shown great aptitude toward work in her chosen field of public health through her recent project that will seek to reduce the rates of cardiovascular disease within the Harrisburg Community in Milledgeville. Laura's project will specifically target community safety and cardiovascular disease - two issues that are critical to the public health of the community.
Personal Statement
Volunteering is my passion. I am currently serving on two different community service leadership teams: HouSERVE and the Kudzu Community Outreach Team. On both teams, I help identify issues within the community that align with our group values and create service opportunities to address these needs. We are currently offering community service opportunities that address the environment, education, those with disabilities, hunger, and homelessness. One of the projects I have undertaken is reaching out to donors and sponsors for the World Vision 6K we will be hosting in April.
My Health Promotion Program class has also opened a new door for community service opportunities. I am currently working with the Neighborhood Safety team to develop a program that will make the community safer and reduce the rates of cardiovascular disease within the Harrisburg community. One issue we want to address is the need for street lighting, bike lanes, and more sidewalks. Another project idea I have is revamping one of the run-down buildings into a Graffiti Art Park that is within walking and biking distance. This will eliminate the hazard the building poses and transform it into an outlet that encourages exercise and creativity.